Singing Lessons - Gifted vs Non-Gifted Singers

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Singing Lessons - Gifted vs Non-Gifted Singers
Date: 10.06.10
Coach: Jesse Nemitz of Brett Manning Studios

Jesse discusses the different approaches gifted and non-gifted singers have when singing.

Approximate Length: 21 minutes 40 seconds

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I think that truly talented singers are those who just really love singing. You can't really be a good singer when all your thoughts are about determinating yourself into one of these categories.
Only when you truly love doing something without any second thoughts, you can be creative enough to find your unique way. And i'm not talking about love of being successful.


This guy isn't describing gifted vs non-gifted singers. He's describing people who can sing and people who cannot sing. Being able to imitate pitch isn't a sign that someone is an excellent singer. It's a skill you're expected to have.


I'm definitely a gifted singer but my vocal range is only like 2 octaves and it's too low to sing 99% percent of songs because I can't hit the higher notes and I also can't remember lyrics :C


I seriously feel like i'm watching Nickelodeon when I watch these videos. I don't know why 😂


I've been singing since I was small. My mom is incredibly talented, and I finally started taking lessons from her teacher about five years ago. I plan to major in vocal music performance when I start college next year.
In my mind, anybody can sing if they truly put their mind to it and TRY TO LEARN. It won't come as naturally to some as to others, but while I'm talented in the arts (singing, flute, piccolo, photography) I've been TAUGHT a lot of what I know.


Gifted or non-gifted, everyone can sing beautifully. Cheers!


I didn't start singing until college when I became a music major, and I say I've definitely improved after a year of lessons


Can I just say, that you were ahead of your time when it came to painting. I just LOVED the way you made the landscapes seem so alive. There's this one scene in particular and I can't recall the name, not sure if it was titled but, it's a boat in the middle of this lake and you can see the clouds in the background rolling off the hills. The colors are muted but it's just enough for the golden tones to really make it shine. Good luck with your singing, you are truly talented.


he's basically referring more to musicality than the real "gift of singing" here, in my opinion the gifted singer is the one who's born with the right vocal anatomy that allows him to sing easily most of the music out there with no sign of fatigue, therefore the ones who already start with a beautiful voice and wide range without taking a single class, the gift of singing is all about body anatomy unlike musicality which is a sheer mental parameter


That "LA LA laaa!" in the beginning of your videos kills me every time.


I believe all singing students have some kind of "gift" that makes him or her unique. The myth of singer being born with a one of a kind voice sometimes creates an unnecessary debate that nobody will win. Yes some people are born with bigger ranges or good control, but that does not make them better. The real gift is the result of all your hard work as you finally reach a level that you would've never thought possible to achieve.


wait why was this video so short?? I WANNA KNOW MORE lol


"... That dont have that natural flow, you guys know who you are cause thats probably why you signed up for a site like this.." Savage haha


Wow. He would stop the video right when I was getting my hopes up listening to what can I do to become a singer .-.


I think some people are born with "nicer" voices than others- that sound better when they sing.


I thoughtmy voice would never be good. Then I sang along to a lot of my favorite songs. I found out that some of them I can sing good with. Practice helped me find my range.


gifted people according to you are people with good relative pitch perception.


I feel like he described me perfectly (in a non-arrogant way) because whenever I sing something, I feel really off if it's not the same pitch and everything.


i always record myself when singing. It helped me inprove


You can tell someone is a gifted singer if they sing beautifully even before they have much training (or even if they never have it.)
