Teacher finding out Mary is gifted GIFTED Movie Scene | HD Video | 2017

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Teacher finding out Mary is gifted GIFTED Movie Scene | HD Video | 2017

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One of the most funniest scenes, reminds me of the Roald Dahl book and movie called Matilda, when Miss Honey found out how fast she learned too.


Plot Twist: she didn't take all that time to give an answer coz she was calculating. She was in fact unsure whether to show her skills or not.


Anyone who's seen the movie will quickly understand that the teacher wasn't belittling her or being snarky. She was shocked at first and kept increasing the difficulty, and realized she was in fact, gifted. In the movie she actually pushes for her to be placed in a special school.


I had a teacher like this in 6th grade math. There was 3 or 4 of us in the class who would fall asleep or get in trouble for talking and she finally had enough and kept us after class one day (recess was after her class). She gave us each a worksheet to do, but had grabbed the wrong copies from the machine and ended up giving us 8th grade papers. We were all done with plenty of time to spare.

Instead of getting upset, she put us in the corner of the room (too late in the year to move us to a different class), and would give us honors worksheets to do while she taught the rest of the class. Then when they were doing their worksheet, she'd teach us what she was teaching her honors class. We were all put in the correct level math the next year; two of us were put in other honors courses as well, like English. Not all kids that "act out" do it because they intend to disrespect; some do it because they're in the absolute wrong class and are bored.


I’ll never forget when I was 10 years old myself and another boy were being shown around our new school. The teacher asked us our hobbies or interests. I replied I play chess: the other boy replied “I do maths”. He’s now a professor of pure maths at Cambridge University:))


I didn’t interpret a mean teacher. I think the teacher recognized she had a student in her class who was a more advanced than her other students and was bored so as a good teacher would, she challenged her. And I think the nod and smirk she gave was more of an encouragement and “it’s ok if you don’t know” and maybe an internal acknowledgment of having pushed the student too far.. until she answers the question.


Teacher: "I would like to return this child"

Principal: "What's wrong with her?"

Teacher: "She's become the teacher"

Child: "I would like to return this teacher"


This girl really is Shes a gift to the world!


I knew a man who was this gifted once, made me feel like a child and I'm sometimes extremely intuitively intelligent. What a human though, maths like this girl, spoke in 7 languages, could understand 7 more, brilliant artist and the best kind of friend. He also liked coffee, I miss him since he succumbed to his mental illness, very few know what I am talking about when I am unwell with my own mental health issues until they research, he knew and encouraged me to not hold back with a warm smile!


The realization when she goes from, "Okay, she's better than everybody here." to "OMG I've got a genius on my hands!" is priceless. She has to check her results with a calculator. (I could do that in my head but it would take a while and I'd have to write down partial answers to add them up. Square root? Forget it.)


nd its me who even checks 5+5 in the exam....just coz I got trust issues wid myself


I love this scene. It reminds me of Matilda. 😄


Hate how adults need to feel better by talking down to children.


I like how she throws in the Square root just in case giving the answer didn't already floor the teacher.


i watched this movie and this little actress aka Mckenna Grace is so damn talented!A future Oscar and Grammy winner!She sings as well...So moving that she makes me cry..I have watched all of her movies since...


McKenna Grace is really gifted to act like this at her age on that time


She’s a Calculator yall- I could bring her to my school one day-


How you know it's a hollywood portrayal of giftedness:
1. Savant like abilities and/or profoundly gifted characters (which, btw, are so rare that it's less than .01% of the population)
2. Teacher who identifies the child as gifted
3. The child solves formulas and works with the best of the best

Realistic portrayals of giftedness:
1. The child is ahead in math and reading, but has gaps in knowledge.
2. Teachers don't identify the child as gifted because they don't do their work on time or forget their homework
3. The child might have autism, adhd, ocd, anxiety or learning disabilities that could interfere with and mask their giftedness
4. They have a higher risk of dropping out of school completely or failing
5. If the child is appropriately identified, the gifted program may not be adequate for their learning needs.


FUN FACTS ABOUT ‘GIFTED’ (2017) (1) In the film, there is an assortment of complex math equations to be solved, for Mckenna to remember them for her scenes, Mckenna and her mother put together a song for her to remember them. (2) Chris Evans and the entire cast and crew for the film adopted a pet from the animal shelter they filmed at. Chris named his dog ‘Dodger’ after the dog who stars in the animated film ‘Oliver and Company.’ (3) Mckenna Grace packed a stuffed seal with her for her travels that’s been in her family for over three decades, the stuffed seal even makes an appearance in the film. The seal’s name is Dee Dee. (4) On set, the cast and crew all had a swear jar that they were required to pay $5 per curse word and $10 per ‘F’ word used. According to Mckenna, Chris still owes money to the jar. According to Chris, he’s ‘In deep.’


Reminds me of my late Dad, who could do similar calculations in his head as fast as a calculator. He said that during WWII, when he was in school, there weren't enough paper/pencils for each kid, so he learned to do it all in his head, but I always thought there was something special about his ability to just snap out the answer to some complicated calculation, without even a pause.
