How to Sing Harmonies for Beginners

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Singing harmonies can elevate singing to a breathtakingly beautiful sound. But singing harmonies doesn't come naturally to all singers. Which is nothing to be concerned about... the great news is that with dedicated practice and some guidance, you'll be well on your way to singing harmonies!

Harmony is singing two or more different notes together in a way that sounds pleasing. And it's one of the harder things to do as a singer - but it's certainly possible with practice. There are some simple ways to pick out harmonies that Singeo coaches, Lisa Witt and Julia Ziegler will break down for you in this video.

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0:00 - Intro
1:05 - What is a harmony?
2:00 - Simple music theory lesson
3:49 - Singing a 3rd
4:00 - Harmony practice exercise
4:55 - Apply harmony to a song
6:10 - Lisa and Julia perform Free Fallin'

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Lisa is arguably the happiest music teacher on the planet. We can’t prove it, but we’d be willing to bet on it. With a background in classical and contemporary vocal training and a love for popular music, Lisa Witt focuses on helping her students uncover their own, unique sound and develop their voice with simple routines and tips for faster results. Her personal singing journey started filled with intimidation and fear about “singing out loud”. Lisa’s desire to find confidence led her to discover HOW her voice works (physically) and gained newfound confidence and passion to perform in her discoveries that she now shares in her lessons. Lisa is a singer-songwriter who values singing as a therapeutic release for communicating harder emotions.

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Рекомендации по теме

I’m so in awe of folks who can hop over into harmonies without a second thought! Thank you for this tutorial!


i practiced this for a while already and became addicted, i now harmonise randomly in most songs i listen to, and my family might be a little annoyed sometimes but it's just so good to be able to do that!!


Thanks ladies, I've been asking so many "musicians" to teach me this, but to no avail..I'm blessed at the age of 73 to have met with you! What a joyful blessing 🙌 💖 ✨️


I remember me and my cousin when we were kids just singing whatever tune comes out trying to harmonize till we learned to do it at the drop of a hat 😅😅


You can hear the harmonies in the music if you're struggling to find the note. Years ago, there was a pastor who visited the church I attended whose daughter could sing harmony naturally as if she was singing the melody. It was amazing. Simon and Garfunkel are a good listening reference for harmonizing.


I sing in choir so I technically already knew this but I didn't really understand how to apply it to other non choir songs, Thank you for explaining!!


As a lady who has been trying to harmonise her whole life, I want to thank these two gorgeous ladies for making this very informational AND enjoyable video. Great energies. Inspiring women. I’d love to grow further into adulthood and become more like them! ❤


Y'know how sometimes you've missed something obvious for, like, ever, and one day something clicks it into place? I learned to sing harmony (any part of standard 4 part harmony) from listening to my parents and extended family who all played instruments and sang. Once I started writing songs 15 years ago I nailed down basic music theory, the old 1-4-5 pop song, etc. As a bass player, knowing the Nashville numbering system for notes and chords was the Holy Grail.

Then, friends started asking me how to sing harmony. And I couldn't tell them.

Now I can. Because, while it's not easy, it IS simple. Listen to scale intervals, then twist and shout your way to a harmony.

Thank you :)


So harmonizing can be either above or below the primary singer. I never knew anything about harmonizing.
Good lesson


I don't know what's cuter: Lisa's grey pixie cut, or her little lisp. Anywho –– SUPER helpful video.


Two other groups are great for studying harmony. They are: the Andrews Sisters (3 voices) and the Lennon Sisters (4 voices).


I have never seen harmonies taught before!! ive been singing them all my life- funny, you guys did the free falling and I automatically found the 2nd harmony hahah. ya'll are great!


Thanks for the video! I'm a worship leader and I'm trying to teach a couple of our new vocalists how to hear harmonies. It would be awesome to see a video on 3 part harmonies. Sometimes those get a little more complex. There are times when one of the parts needs to stay place while the others move in the same direction. Also, harmonies can be more difficult when you have a song with accidentals. But this is great! Thanks again!


I always tried to figure out the harmony. Singing to Beatle's songs for forty years helped me. This is a great tip!


My mother organized a youth choir for my dad's church house and we all learned harmonies and runs and so much music, hymns, anthems, gospel tunes, you name it. I was a member of octet and madrigal ensambles in high school and college and participated in quite a few choral contests. Followed up with minor gigs singing in studios.
Writing tunes, playing chords on keyboards and playing clarinet in school as well. I regret never being signed to a contract nor did I ever record an album. Never knew major players in the industry. I never wanted to pay the price of damaging my reputation or becoming a statistic
or being FORCED into an undesirable position. My lovely voice has never soared. My dream was never realized.


Enjoyed the practice at 4:00 was a joy hearing myself harmonizing with you on the first note. Been practicing harmonies for the past years and yeah it's a long journey. Thank you for this tutorial.


Thank you! I’m a 63 year old musician and learned a lot in 10 minutes with this video! I’m freefalling!


I've never understand harmony better. Thanks for this 🙏🙏


Grew up singing.. Love music and singing. We sing a capella in church every Sunday. 4 part harmony. Our kids learn to sing it at very young ages. I sometimes take for granted. I don't think about it that it probably actually a privilege not many have.


Wonderful lesson. Some of my fondest memories of my mother were her memories of her singing. She had such a rich, full voice and had a talent for harmonizing that I suppose she inherited from my grandfather Phil. Her voice was similar to Bette Middler and she could sing The Rose so sweetly it still brings tears to my eyes as I remember. :-) Mom had a beautiful voice and hearing this lesson reminded me of one of those connections that we share. My love of music and harmonies is very much the fruit of my mother's love of music. I grew up listening to Queen, Doobie Brothers, Eagles, ELO, BeeGees, Elton John and BIlly Joel. I also grew up listening to the hits of the 50s and 60s and the many harmonies of those classic gems. While I understand and can sing harmony, this lesson was a blessing to me and I am glad to have watched it.
