$100 vs $3,000 RC Airplane

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We test a $3000 RC Stunt plane and compare it to a $100 RC Stunt plane

This is my fun channel, you'll find everything hobby related, rc cars, monster trucks, supercars, destruction and a bit of business stuff :) Most videos are RC Cars, business, Amazon FBA, eBay, Monster truck, Cars, insurance, cryptocurrency and other topics.


#Kevintalbot #rccars #rc
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A couple of hints for you to add to your 1 - add a washer to the top of the bolt that holds on the ball links.. that way if the link pops off the ball it will stay in 2 - add a straight piece of brass fuel line in between the clunk and the top.... so the clunk doesn't fold over 3 If you dead stick a plane keep it level and use only the rudder and do not pull up on the elevator (which is a natural instinct)... as the plane is falling due to no power keeping the wings level and turning using rudder will allow the plane to land safely... pulling up on the elevator stalls the plane and it runs out of air speed then its game over with a pile of this technique is worth practicing at low idle as dead sticks are common.... Love the beast.... I have 1 in the box new and 1 I fly but mine are the next size


Ah man sorry Kev I feel even worse now after watching it lol. Will get it fixed for ya


Kev, what you really need is some sim time. lol...


Planes are the ultimate RC. Especially balsa builds. 40 hours of work broken in 10 minutes or less if you are unlucky.
When it comes to RC models I dont think Kevin is the luckiest. Easy to fix though just time consuming.


Seeing The Beast randomly pop up is crazy. Here is my story about the real aircraft.

My father’s band played an air show every year in Kansas City in the USA. In 2011 we were watching the show before the annual 50s sock-hop style car show and dance. My dad’s band played 50s-60s rock and roll music like Chuck Berry and Elvis kind of music. Bryan Jensen was an aerobatic performer with over 23, 000 flight hours and was performing his aerobatic routine where he seemed to lose all power and crashed. The Beast caught on fire immediately and he perished in the wreck. After witnessing that crash the weekend was canceled and my father and I as well as his band mates just packed up in silence. The whole place was silent until the hangar area and the whole stage was cleared. It was surreal to see that plane crash a second time in your channel.


Andy done a remarkable job to save as much of the plane as he did. Well done 👏


I had one of those UMX Pitts, it was a fantastic little plane.


4:50 That is tail-heavy. You need to bring the CG forward, lol.


This is the first time i've seen something break on Kevin's channel and he looked upset/heartbroken.

Guessing this plane/series isn't going to the moon!


Got to meet Bryan Jensen who flew the real beast a couple years before the airshow crash. Really nice guy, we just road up to the hangar on bikes and he gave us the full tour. RIP.


Id love to see an airplane build series


andy is defiently one of the better people kev talks to along with claire and ian


You might want to try a simulator before trying to fly another RC plane. 😆👍


The whole time Kev is flying I just hear "Snoopy vs The Red Baron"
playing in my head😏
In todays day and age with this out of control market, 3 grand actually seems quite reasonable...😁


11:55 .... what happend ??? What happend to the infamous "Its gettin it now!".. 🤣🤣


Gotta give it to you Kev.. Can't half tell you're a stick banging heli pilot.. your reaction time is right up there.

The big Bi-plane is an easy repair... Done far worse on mine. Balsa and ply can be better than new with a little thought.
Can't wait to see it flying again. Something about big models and the way they fly is simply awesome.


Well as someone who owns all of those three planes and just spent so much savings on the beast, my heart ist
At least you took the old UMX Pitts and an elapor ultimate instead of the UMX Beast and the wooden 60e Beast.

....and I crasht my Beast 111cc too because of an engine failure far away. It was really a pain to fix it, because ther is not much wood connected to the gear. Fix it (or let it be fixed) pretty good and a little bit more sturdy. If your Gear is bend you might actually buy a new one made of CFK. Works good for me ;)

It really really is a great plane. Please just dont crash it ;) Maybe fly it in trainer / Student mode :D


Kev tries to appease those worried about him learning to fly a real stunt plane, by showing off his RC stunt plane flying skills 😮😂😂


Kevis got more wrecked RCs than he has working RCs.


Haha Kev wasn’t lying when he said there would be a lot of videos released all at once 😂
