Southern Baptists Explained in 2 Minutes

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The Southern Baptist Convention is huge! Let's briefly discuss what they believe.
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I have been a Southern Baptist Pastor and Associational Mission Strategist for nearly 40 years and you absolutely nailed this. Blessings!


I grew up mostly in Pentecostal churches, and now attend a Baptist Church in a large city. What's incredible to me is how they structure theology compared to the little Baptist Church my family would go to once in awhile when family friends were singing, or some other special event was taking place.

In the little local Baptist Church they were very much 5-point Calvinists, very minimal instrumentation and worship, and singing from a red back hymnal, and die hard cessionists.

Fast forward to the Baptist Church my family attends attend now, they are essentially opposite on those previous views. It's very interesting to me the variety inside the Southern Baptist convention. Very much love where I'm at now.


Baptist churches are definitely the prevalent denomination here in the south, and my wife and I were in the heart of Atlanta at "Country Inn & Suites" visiting the Atlanta Aquarium a few weekends ago, and, for fun, I typed in "Baptist churches near me."  

Within a 2 mile radius google had more than 100 results, I just stopped counting at 100.


The SBC 2 minute I’ve been waiting for. I grew up going to a Southern Baptist church in Northern California. Currently in RCIA 🇻🇦😊 I’m sure many from my baptist church would be disappointed 😂


Thank you Joshua. I love hearing about the different Baptist denominations.


Grew up in the SBC, but it always struck me that I could go two blocks to another SBC down the road and hear something completely different preached. The fact that the Pastors essentially had no authority, could be voted out due to Church politics always struck me as odd. Also never bought into once saved always saved despite it being pummeled into my mind growing up. Nevertheless I'm grateful to have been baptized, despite them believing Baptism doesn't do anything. The focus of my Pastor growing up on a lot of the old testament being fulfilled in the new was a great help for understanding and gives me a great appreciation and interest in typology today. I'll never return to my Baptist roots, but I value many of the things I was taught growing up within the Church I did.


You should do a video on the Corporative Program in the SBC. It's truly an awesome way to do ministry.


I hope to devour your channel's content lol. Thank you so much for all this hard work and I hope you continue to stay blessed!


@1:50 Pretty sure I know exactly what the outside looks like. There must have been a Baptist architecture catalog like the old Sears house catalog.

One thing missing: literal six day creation. I was under the impression that they used to be far more strict on this.


I grew up in the Dallas suburbs and always heard that Dallas was the buckle on the Bible Belt. I guess this sinches it.


I went to my fiorst (and only) SBC Convention Annual Meeting/Conference in San Antonio 20 years ago. I was a student at Southwestern Baptist Seminary. Guess what? NO ONE at the convention would talk to me. Everyone was soooo busy being in their own little worlds and their own conversations. I went outside and talked to people who were outside the annual conference.


One correction (from a SBC Pastor): Southern Baptists, historically, do not believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. This belief came in in the early 1900s and gained popularity about 50 years ago. Today there is no set rule as to what one must believe about the timing of the rapture, just the belief in the Second Coming in God's time.


Hm, I thought I made a post but it seems to have disappeared. I will try again.

As a Southern Baptist this is my favorite 2 minute video! Thank you!

I am saddened by the fact that the full SBC is no longer Pre-Tribulation and Premillennial. I do believe that this view is the Biblical view.

Also, I am saddened by our Calvinist side as I believe it is very clear that Jesus Christ died for ALL who will believe.

Thank you for this video! I loved it!


I live in DFW and your opening graphic almost caused a panic attack.


2.41x as many SBC churches as towns, and they're almost all in the South. And that doesn't even include a lot of stuff, like Northern Virginia, West Virginia, the Cincinnati, St. Louis, and El Paso areas, most of Florida and Southern Louisiana. That astounds me. Look at the intensity of the church's distribution in places like North Mississippi, North Texas, or North Louisiana.

Also, as somebody from Colorado, if anybody's wondering why that one county in Colorado is so intensely SBC, it's because this map is based on %, and that county has legitimately less than 1, 000 people in it. Compare that to the city of Denver, which has 711, 000 people in it. The SBC may very well be the only church in that entire county.


What about the National Baptist Convention? Can you do a 2 minute video on them? I would greatly appreciate it.


Please discuss the BMA, the Baptist missionary association, in a future segment. Rarely here about this group of Baptists


Many years ago the SBC 'standards' were much more relaxed than now.
So much so that by their own paperwork any local LDS congregation qualified for membership.


The split over slavery in 1845 that created the SBC would have been a good thing to mention as well.


I am a Southern Baptist born and raised in Georgia. One thing I so enjoyed about Atlanta was there is a Southern Baptist Church and a Waffle House on every corner!
