“Mojang Sucks”

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Oh wow this video is popping again!

If you have ANY idea/things you want to see me talk about next, I’d love to hear em! Just recently went into the new $70 price tag for games!


The bit about Mojang's commitment to environmental awareness is especially hilarious when you consider how the game has from the beginning practically forced the player to be environmentally unfriendly.

Need resources? Dig out massive stripmines, displacing local ecosystems entirely in your quest for materials.
Make the forest safe from creepers by cutting down every tree and spamming the area with light sources.
Food? Just cram a bunch of cows into a confined space that's on par with some of the worst factory farms in the real world!
Wool? Put a sheep into a small containment chamber, it will be sheared automatically every time it regrows its wool!
Villagers? Best, most efficient way to use them (and least frustrating too!) is to cram them into a small space where they must stand forever, never able to sleep, always waiting to restock their trades, and always in danger of being turned into zombies, and you'll Stockholm Syndrome (ironic) them into giving you massive discounts by curing them.
Mob farms? Lots run off of inhumane methods - iron farms rely on villager torture and gold farms rely on zombie pigmen trying to trample and crush turtle eggs, which btw can never hatch because they're not on sand - congratulations you have condemned innocent baby turtles to purgatory for a valuable resource.

List aside, it's absolutely asinine that Mojang doesn't want to add real life animals because "muh environmentalism" when the game has from its very inception, all the way up to the present day, *encouraged* environmental exploitation.


It's pretty refreshing to see someone that isn't strictly a minecraft youtuber talk about this


I find it funny how basically copper's only feature is that it oxidizes....
When copper in real life is one of the only metals together with gold that doesn't oxidize easily (unlike iron who oxidizes easily)


"minecraft run really well on all devices" the funniest thing i've heard in weeks


Ever since they refused to add sharks because they think that it will teach kids to attack sharks irl (which is like the whole videos game cause violence argument) I knew that they Mojang was changing for the worse.


I've been thinking about this for so long but so many fans claim that if we want cool stuff in Minecraft then we should just go buy a pack or download a mod. Which completely misses the point of me wanting the base game to be more interesting. Great job on this dude 🔥


This is probably one of the most fair and agreeable videos about the current state of Mojang and Minecraft. Very well done.


Sharks could be implemented so well into the game. Have them work like wolves and be passive until you hit them and they hunt mobs. What if you could take them and they’d fight for you underwater!? That’d be so cool bro


They also have a full development team, and can only come out with a single new mob every summer. Making a blocky entity with new features should take a few days for the development team.


MAJOR hot take: The game really did lose it's touch when Notch left.

Say what you will about the guy, but he had a vision and a creative mind that fit well with Minecraft. The dude may have been experimenting here and there, but you could tell he wanted to go places, and going through older versions and their updates really made that clear. He was willing to try things and create fun, unique creatures and mobs that even minecraft today can't recreate. The current updates might have one or two things that make me go, 'oh, that's kinda cool I guess', (allay being a perfect example), but that's it. there's nothing that's been in the game that's made me really go 'wow' like back then. (kinda makes it a stab in the chest to see them not even invite the guy who built the game to the 20th anniversary party they had)

There's no drive, all the additions in the current updates have been focusing on trying to recreate 'real life' by adding in bamboo forests with pandas, goats in mountains, accurate bee simulation, frogs in swamps and... it's all just bland now. You look at the creeper and immediately think 'woah, that's weird and unique, I like it', but when was the last time Minecraft gave you that that same feeling? the creativity isn't there, Minecraft isn't the innovative, driving game it used to be when Notch was behind the lead, it's just a sandbox with an 'adventure' mode that really is just the basis for creating structures and redstone contraptions to show off to your friends, hell why even play vanilla when modded offers so much more than that?

the soul of minecraft is just completely gone, man.


the downfall for me was when mob votes were introduced. went to even more crap when it went from "get mobs not added to minecraft added to spin offs!" to "delete the idea of the other mobs that were even suggested and make the votes easy to rig"


Man I remember when the Iron Golem was added. I was so excited to see it.
But with the current Minecraft updates, I haven't been that excited. And that is depressing.


Why don’t they update old stuff either, like the dolphins with saddles, new mode of transport, boom new feature. Goats don’t do anything except horns, make a block that uses a horn so people can use it in tandem with the not block and bell for music, boom new feature. The bat, make it destroy skulk or something or give it a drop which can combat the skull or warden or to just detect skulk, boom new feature. Update pigs, sheep’s and cows textures abit for instance horns for cows, snots and tails for pigs and more fluffy coats for sheep, also muddy variants like for Minecraft earth, boom new feature. Better foliage and biomes, Birch forest, add mushrooms that grow on the sides of them, hollowed birch which act like hoppers but only move down not to the side, more grass textures that are randomises for better foliage, more variety in trees so they are bushier, boom new features. Allays spawn randomly not just in dark oak mansions, allow them to be used to move stacks of item’s between two chests/ inventory’s, boom new feature. There are so many things they add which just end up being useless and with little updates and additions it would make the game so much better. Also they need to sort out the inventory


Damn this reminds me of how disappointed I was when they added copper; and people on Reddit were mad at me for saying it was basically useless. Like, yah, it’s pretty to look at but we have ENOUGH pretty blocks man. I want something that actually impacts the game for christs sake


I played the Beta in college. Had fun with it for a while. Forgot about it. I'm on 1.19 now going through it with my daughter. She's 5. I like building things for her after she goes to bed like a train or a castle. She likes populating areas with animals. It's a vastly different game from when I first played it. I'll always have the memories of being able to play with her.


The thing I want the most is the most basic one :
Ambiance sound, like birds, wind, trees leaves … depending on the biomes (which should also get an update, I mean just how sad does the forest biome feel)


I feel mojang’s design philosophy most of the time has them creating external additions rather than interacting with the systems and features the majority of players use. I think this is out of fear of upsetting players like they did with the combat update, but it’s a shame that it’s happening. Their best updates have come from bold decisions to fundamentally alter the progression and experience of the base game, because it helps old players like me enjoy the game again, and it improves the experience for a new player.


Bro this makes so much sense, It really frustrating to see how Microsoft buying Minecraft has affected it, It just kinda sad.


I really do think they are too scared to do something big and effective, definitely too safe

Like dude, instead having some 'boat' made out of blocks just sitting there in the water, allow me to make it sail
