Five Battles LARGER than Endor (Legends + Canon)

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We take a look at five battles larger than Endor in Star Wars Legends and canon.

Thanks to @CoreyLoses for the content.

Edited by MarMarBunbun



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Would be nice to see these battles on the big screen, but it would take an insanely long time to animate. I still want to see them in there full glory.


Always wanted to see more of the Siege of Coruscant. Dark Empire is a weird comic but I love all the background ships and details


Legends had some weird stuff, but man, can you imagine how insane the Yuzahn Vong invasion would be on the silver screen? I guess there’s still hope for it in the future, but I don’t have too much hope. Here’s for hoping the post sequel stuff is good against all odds


This makes me think of Rogue One: it was… saddening to me, not getting to see the Rebel Fleet, under Raddus, actually FIGHTING the Imperial vessels- a few RoTS-style shots, with broadside barrages, or some close-in shots of the ISD’s Turbolaser Batteries, that flank the Superstructures, firing to-and-fro, would have been very lovely to see.

Yes, the sacrificial Hammerhead Corvette was DOPE, genuinely a scene I love- but I’d love to have seen the Rebels just pummel an ISD with every ounce of firepower they have, once it lost shields and the ability to fight, from the Y-Wing strike.


I'm happy that the battle of Exogul(Rise of Skywalker) was not added into the list.

The battle... didn't feel like a battle at all, since we don't see much of the battle at all, just the fight between Rey and "Palpatine." The slightly bigger Star Destroyers just stood still, not moving out of the way as well(I know that they were all floating next to each other, but still it was a bad idea to even put them close in the first place. Not to mention, it was rushed 💀).

Edit: Just to add on, Disney held back star wars a lot. They missed opportunity to make the Yuuzhan Vong Canon and make them truly the final antagonists.


What about the constant infighting between the fanbase members? I guess we have somewhat of a "Civil War", sometimes...


So what I’m hearing is… don’t live in Coruscant? Like twice in this list the planet is devastated across the world, in the Clone Wars there was probably a lot of deaths there just from debris, let alone actual combat. All within a lifetime (if you were 20 during the CW Battle of Coruscant you’d be almost 70 during the battle of Yuuzhan'tar)


In the real world, the title of 'Largest Naval Battle' changes depending on how you define 'largest' - tonnage of ships, number of ships, number of men, etc. For Star Wars, nothing beats Endor if you're looking at tonnage. The second Death Star is just too massive.


Concerning the Battle of Jakku, I estimated the New Republic forces at the battle to be between 9 and 12 million, having a 1.5-2:1 advantage over the Imperial Remnants. In the novel, it states the NR outnumbered the Imperial Remnant. If you're sieging someone, you want a 2:1 or 3:1 advantage. However, I thought getting a 2:1 advantage would be a bit of a stretch.


One of the reasons why I want the GCW to have its own animated series like the clone wars


Forget not the Battle of Dathomir in 8 ABY. Present were the entirety of the Hapan Royal Navy and elements of the New Republic fleet facing off against Zsinj's last stand with the SSD Iron Fist, at least fourteen ISDs, dozens of VSDs and hundreds of frigates and smaller vessels.


One of my biggest gripes about the Legends New Republic era is that so much cool stuff happens only in the guide books, and the Seige of Coruscant is very emblematic of that. There's a whole novel that could be written about the events of that battle and its immediate aftermath.


I've recently gotten into Warhammer 40k lore and there's like 300+ books. Can't imagine what Disney was thinking getting rid of so much lore from the legends universe.


As a big fan of the Legacy of the force series I'd love to see a video on the 2nd battle of Fondor


1:55 so that’s what you look like!!!! 😊


I'm just now realizing that for most Star Wars battles, we have no real idea how many ships were involved, either capital ships or starfighters. Even so, I can think of one battle that was probably bigger than Endor, and one that HAD to be.

The one that was probably bigger is the final battle of the Great Hyperspace War, since it was taking place on several worlds simultaneously, including Coruscant. What we saw in the comics all took place on the surface of the respective planets, but logic would dictate the Republic didn't just let the Sith forces land as many troops as they pleased with no resistance in space. Heck, even Naga Sadow's flight into exile was pretty large scale, with him destroying two stars in order to eliminate the Republic forces chasing him.

The battle that had to be bigger was the end of the Pius Dea era. Though there's an asterisk here in that the good guys were fighting on easy mode, since the Bureau of Ships and Services had disabled the Pius Dea cathedral ships before the fighting even started. Still, the Jedi and their allies basically liberated the entire galaxy all at once. Only the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar might be comparable to that.


Definitely more lore videos (especially Legends) it's those I watch


See, now you have to do a full video on The Maw Irregular Fleet. Since you mentioned it.😁


Love your content man always have it playing in the background while at work. Keep up the great work!


Karen Travis is simultaneously my favorite and least favorite Star Wars author. The Second Battle of Fondor was so well written and she could have been the GOAT had she only read the work from her co-authors.
