EXTREME Chakra Stimulation (ALL Chakras Simultaneously)

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Warning - You have NEVER experienced anything like this. This is an extreme Chakra stimulation! This is ALL Chakra stimulation simultaneously. All Chakra frequencies/soundscapes are layered and all playing at the same time. You WILL feel this from the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra. Some will hear total chaos, some will hear the music of the spheres. This is extremely powerful and filled with mystical visuals.

Taos Winds - Tip Jar (leave a tip if you enjoy my music)

Taos Winds - Music Downloads:

I tested this on close friends, and they were extremely moved by the audio. They reported feeling a strong pull and stimulation of ALL Chakras at the same time.

You can close your eyes and just experience the sounds for a meditation, or watch/meditate on the visuals for a deep journey into yourself. The audio stimulates all seven Chakras at the same time:

Muladhara or Root Chakra, Svadisthana or Sacral Chakra, Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra, Anahata or Heart Chakra, Vishuddha or Throat Chakra, Ajna or The Brow (Third Eye) Chakra, Sahasrara or Crown Chakra

This is very powerful!

Awaken the Kundalini, the Serpent, the Goddess within. Clear the negativity from your self and your life with this Chakra tuning music and visuals.

The audio frequencies in this video are for meditating and tuning all the Chakras daily. All seven Chakra in one video for daily meditation, tuning, healing and balancing of all Chakras.

Watch or listen to this video in the evening before bedtime, in the morning when you awake, or at any time of the day when you feel the need to relax, recharge or retune your being.

We can't all live in the Himalayas, and let's face it, stress is in our lives and there is little time to get in tune with the world around us, the natural world we rush past. There is a solution though, and you are here because you know that solution: tuning and aligning the 7 Chakras, the "spinning wheels of energy."

Balance can return into your otherwise chaotic life. Face it, humans are not supposed to live this way, totally detached from the natural world, shut off from reality. But we can have that contact again, for what are we ourselves if not natural beings?
Getting in touch, in tune with your natural self, is within your grasp.
We, like all natural things, from the smallest single celled entity, to the universe itself, resonate on a frequency, exist within a frequency. And as with all natural things, different parts of us resonate at slight variations of that frequency.

We can get "out of tune" like a musical instrument, and in being out of tune, the world around us can seem resistant, and indeed it is. But in tune, with all our parts harmonizing with the other parts, suddenly the world itself will be in sync with us. Your drive down the freeway will feel different, standing in line, work; everything will feel different.

Like the strings of a harp, if they are not in tune, in the proper pitch, they will vibrate like an unbalanced wheel; but tuned, in the proper pitch, the strings will vibrate smoothly, waves touch each other, crossing over each other and back again, like fluid, like water in a stream passing softly over the pebbles it encounters along its path.
Chakras are wheels of energy, and they must be balanced. This video will help you find that balance. You can't just balance one, you must balance them all if you are to find synchronicity within yourself and the world around you.


Relax, let your body heal...

Copyright © 2015 ThirdRoad Publishing
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Just want to let you know that I have tested this video upon myself and shared it with 5 collegues of mine at work.

It works wonderfully every time when you are exhausted, chasing an urgent deadline and in need of constant energy boost.


I instantly felt a cool breeze. . The person who is responsible for all these videos, I hope you're always blessed and happy. Keep up the good work because you're too good . Love from India


To all the newbies here
This channel is The Best for meditation ☺️🙏


Extremely powerful. I felt it within min and all my chakras were tuned after the second time I played it. I can usually tell Bc my vision becomes 20/20


Was quickly able to fall into a trance like state which tells me the creator knows what they’re doing. Super powerful!


Wow, this is brilliant. Normally when I watch this (which is every day for a quick retune of the chakra system) I feel my heart beats get stronger, and a sense of joyous, fulfilled lightness radiating from the solar plexus charka in addition to a pulsing of the third eye chakra but tonight I could feel it literally from root to tip. My root and sacral chakras pulsed in time with each other, my solar plexus radiated, my heart beat strongly and my third eye and even crown chakras pulsed with a sense of light filling my body from above. Thanks Tao Winds for this video.


This really made be at peace and feel fresh after hours of anxiety distress and feeling unhealthy


Very intense healing video! Thank you for this!


This is a great pick me up, my whole body tingled from the start 💜


this is serioysly amazing. after 1 week of being sluggish and dreading to go to work i came across this on the way to work and WOW...this completly recharged me. im amazed


Woow.. Very powerful... Felt strong vibration in my throat chakra and heart chakra


Oh my, this really was trippy. When I started focusing on the visuals while I listened to the audio, I got a powerful rush in my body and it made feel like as if I were in a fast and bouncy (amusement park) ride and such a feeling made me giggle and feel very funny.
After this, I feel so healthy and strong.


Hey don't read comments just close your eyes and feel it...!


This was TRULY AMAZING. I felt peace lots of love. I could almost see a man kissing me on the cheek. I felt laughter and saw a sunset. I was NOWHERE NEAR ANY OF THESE THOUGHTS OR FEELINGS B4 I listened. Thank you was very encouraging❤️❤️


Thank You I Love You Guys Love Light Blessings and Healing To You All


Love all your videos/musics but this is pure joy. Thank you.


Thank you so much for this amazing video! Perfect for when I'm short on time. I've been using everyday & I love the calm I feel & the waves of energy through out my body. Very relaxing <3


I felt refreshed and brand new. It was like a spiritual cleansing.


I got such tingles in my body. This is powerful 🙏🏽


I notice when I watch this video the first time how it immediately opens you up. I had to watch it a second time and I notice I saw different images than the first time.
The second time around the images were more clear and I could see them much better than before.
There were many faces alot of indians and african Mask. I also seen alot of animals
Like butterflies, owls and cats.
I couldn't help but to focus on how distinctive the eyes were. When I notice the angel and praying hands. I love this video. ...
This is the best I seen by far.
It leaves you feeling refresh and simply amazing. Thank you for doing this.
