13 Things Dogs Hate That Humans Do

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There are 13 things dogs hate that humans do.

These things could leave your dog upset, bored, or even unhealthy.

See what they are and how to avoid them so you can have a happy, healthy dog.

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My 15 year old Jack Russell died in my arms a few weeks ago. To say he was my best friend and companion is an understatement. I can't tell you how much joy and love he brought to my life and how he kept me going through bad times. I got him as a 9 week old pup and he put his head in my arm on the journey home. He died the same way 15 years later. A love story. Love you and Miss you Louie 💙❤

Edit- I want to thank everyone for your kind comments. I don't always get notifications. We had to say goodbye to Kitty this week. He had cancer and was 15 years old also. I took him in as a stray with him mummy cat the same year I got Louie. So this week has been hard. Just the emptiness really. My son and I buried Kitty in the garden and added his mum's ashes and some of Louies so it feels like they are all back together again.
For those that are asking I do have a 1 year old frenchie. I got him last year thinking Louie would like a friend ...he hated him for a good 2 months but in his last few months Louie took on a parental role washing him. And so the cycle of love continues but there will always be a hole in my heart over Louie. What a special boy he was.
I wanted to add aswell that if you have lost a pet that online groups helped me. It can be a very lonely time dealing with grief. I found a group on reddit called petloss and it helped me so much to know I'm not alone. Just know you are not alone. Grief is Grief.
Sending big hugs if you are going through it and again thank you for the lovely comments so kind of you all ❤️


Dogs are angels. They do require a lot of work, but totally worth it :)


I wasn’t a dog person but my daughter got me a Jack Russel as a baby. She died at 16 and half due to Cancer. She was my best friend and I found it hard to do the right thing by her, she knew something was up and was so loving on way to the vet and just before her death. I couldn’t believe how much it hurt bringing her home and being without her especially at night


"People expect their dogs to behave, even when they haven't taught them how." The same applies to parents and their children. Parents need to teach more and better.


The dog jumping think I’ll have to explain to my mom, my golden retriever loves jumping on people, but my mom yells at her to stay down, and then when THAT happens, my other dog, (German shepherd wolf hound mix) starts barking at the golden to also stay down. It’s pretty funny and dumb, but I think we have to work on training them. My mom thinks that they can’t be trained, I obviously don’t believe that. Every dog can be trained, even if they are SO crazy that it looks like they can’t, they can. My mom put the germ wolf hound in training for a few months thinking it would work but obviously the dog wasn’t there for enough time to get fully trained. But thank you for sharing that, and I’ll make sure to let my mom know that she needs to get them back in training.


The part about dogs hating when you're mad at each other is so true, even to a point that when humans just play rough and joke around, dogs interpret it as actual or potential conflict. People many times misinterpret this as the dog being jealous when the dog comes in between and attempts to interrupt the humans. But it's not jealousy, it's the dog deeming the situation potentially dangerous that could lead into a big fight and injuries, so the dog tries to stop it. Even as mild as a hug can trigger this, since it involves people being very close and grabbing one another, easy for the dog to misinterpret as a conflict.


Sticking to a routine??? My German Shepherd 114 lbs. tells me what he wants when he wants it and I do it! He is very polite about it however. Love that Zeffie! Utah


This video needs to be seen by everyone. So informative and actually true unlike many other videos out there.


"Your vet knows your dog best" is a very dangerous statement. I've got clients whose vets have prescribed stuff thats given them all sorts neurological and bodily disorders. Always research what your vets try to give your dogs. Same way you would with your own doctor (I hope). Not all vets are created equal and many have very little experience with particular types of dogs, like my baby Malinois for example.


I am Glad you have mentioned cleaning substances. One thing that I have learned from Vet. Dirk Schrader is that you just have to use alcohol based cleaners on metal surfaces and "green soap" to all other surfaces. All his treshold workers and apprentices always asked why he only has two kinds of cleaning agents since they were used to something else.


Another great video. One of the things which makes me really sad is when you see people taking their dogs for a walk in the park - but they don't let the dog sniff around and explore, greet other dogs (obviously not all dogs are friendly, I mean the ones which clearly would love to say 'hi') and if they do let them say hi, it's one quick sniff and then 'come on! this way!' and they drag them off like they have somewhere to be. What kind of a walk is that? It's about quality, not just quantity. Like you said in, I think, the previous video, it's not good enough to tire your dog out physically - it also needs mental stimulation and having its doggy needs met, and a fast jog around the park with no play, exploration or socialisation is just not a dog walk. I always think, imagine if someone did that to their kid, and wouldn't let them go on the playground or say hi to their friends or look at the pretty flowers...


I have a Service Dog and was stopped by a lady in public. She said "I like dogs! I would love to own one, but they smell bad and their breath is horrible"

I said "Yeah... they're like 3 year olds. If you don't bathe them or brush their teeth, they Do get stinky".

She was stunned! Lol!! She started to say something... but she ended up just opening her mouth, then closed it immediately... realizing how basic common sense my response was. 😄😂

Sometimes, ya just can't fix stupid.


I lost my 13 year old boxer who died of lung cancer and there was a strong Bond between us but she more then just a friend to me she was like my sister to me and she lived very long for a dog


My sweet maltese mix loved nearly everybody. There are only a handful in her 12 1/2 years of life that she wanted to avoid after sniffing them. She wanted head scratches and belly rubs from complete strangers and once they did so, she was up and happy, off like a bandit.

Miss her so much....adorable little mama's bear.


My fiance and I have a dog that's not quite a year old yet. We saved her from a REALLY BAD home when she was probably 14 weeks old. The home was so bad that she was locked in a bathroom with another dog that wasnt much bigger than a port-a-potty. Her old owners wouldn't even clean the water bowl and they were drinking their own poop out of their water. It gets worse than that too but that's all imma say on that bit of the story. LUCKILY we were able to save her from that house before we moved out of that county, and now she's almost 5× bigger and aside from the occasional problem, and the PTSD and separation anxiety she's the best dog you could ask for. We don't "spank her" and we try not to yell at her bc we're aware of the situation she came from. I've been wanting to service dog train her but we think she's a little bit ADHD so she has a hard time focusing during training, but that could also be bc she's a hunting breed, but we don't take her hunting (she's a red bone ridge back mix). "Focus" is actually one of her commands for that exact reason. 😂😂


Love my dog and appreciate learning how she feels. Thanks for sharing.


It mentioned that dogs may not like getting their coat brushed. But my brother's dog LOVES getting brushed and dried off. He would always freak out when he's able to get brushed off, and he gets excited for it after a bath, but he doesn't wanna take the bath. And when we brush him, he sits right in front of us, rubbing against us, and sits there for so long and then paws at us if we stop


Thanks for helping two species get along better. Here's a 14th thing that dogs hate; one that can be really bad for humans who think they are being friendly. Strangers sometimes approach dogs of all sizes from above and put their arms around the dogs' necks. People then put their heads down near the dogs' backs to sort of embrace them. The problem is that many dogs experience this gesture as dominance. Many will tolerate it, but a few won't. The friendly human might end up getting badly bitten, possibly near or on their face. This is not good for dog or human!


My partner and I got our first puppy (8 week old) and the first weeks at home were hell. We both felt inadequate and horrible owners because he would seem confused and sad all the time - to the point we considered giving him up to another family where he’d perhaps be happier. We took the week off together, everything ‘puppy this, puppy that’. We would look up so much online every day trying to find out what we were doing wrong when that was the problem all along - we expected one method to just work, when the whole time he was just looking to us for training and guidance that was inconsistent from the beginning.

Once we got back to our normal routine we realised how we’d neglected our own health and relationship. After a few self care days (making sure to include the pup!) we we’re all so much happier and have a clearer understanding of our responsibilities.

I’m so grateful to have found your channel and the amazing community here, seeing the same challenges that we’ve faced and still to overcome has provided us with the confidence to ensure our Benji has the best start possible 🐶❤️


This helps because I'm getting a new puppy today. Thanks for the help!
