13 Things Your Dog Hates About You

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Not many people can love you as your dog can. Your pet is ready to sacrifice its life for yours if needed. But while they love you so much, there are certain things your dog probably hates about you. Do you yell at your dog, or do you leave him alone for too long? In this video are 13 things your dog hates about you. You will learn those things that you need to stop doing to strengthen the bond between you and your animal friend.
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I have five and some of them have been abused when they soil in the house. Four of the five I have are rescues. I have problems with male chihuahuas as they are hard to house train. I almost gave him up to the animal shelter but he was past the age of adoption. I decided not to have him put down. Mostly the pee and poop is centralized to the kitchen floor where I keep a mop and bucket constantly handy. I find their routine is to go out front. One dog wanders off but I make sure she doesn't go too far. After they potty they gather at the front door to be let in. All except for one or two, my brindle and pit, were not abused though I have lost patience with my pit on occasion for chewing up some things but afterwards I had to realize if I wanted to be treated the way I treated my dog by losing my temper. I think I have more than made it up to my pit for how I treated her by taking care of a tumor growing in her abdomen and taking care of fluid on the ears. I have to work and doggies go into a crate with toys and treats. Someone comes over to let them out.


when you actually hate dogs "for your mutt"🤦🏾‍♂️


Dogs are only mutts if their breed is mixed. I hate the word mongrel through. Even though it means the same as mutt I would never use it


dogs are dogs not mutts just like humans are humans and nothing else
