What happens during and after a colonoscopy?

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A colonoscope is the special tool used to perform a colonoscopy. It is a thin, flexible, tubular ‘telescope’ with a light and video camera that your doctor carefully guides through your colon in order to see and determine the health of your colon. Watch this animation to learn about the features of the colonoscope, how the colonoscopy procedure is performed and how polyps are removed, and the follow-up care you and your doctor should talk about after your procedure.
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After having some scary symptoms, I finally had my colonoscopy done today. The doctors and aides were super professional and light hearted. 2 polyps were found and one was sent away for test. At the end of the day I am optimistic.


Having been subjected to this several times now, I think this was a very good video, covering all aspects, and should help to reassure anyone due to have one. These things are never “exciting” or whatever the word is, but it is soon over with.
Mine saved my life. I lost a lot of blood suddenly, and my dr sent me straight away for this procedure, and they found what turned out to be early stage cancerous Polyps. . I go every three years for check ups now. But the discomfort lasting perhaps 30mins is nothing when it saves your life.
So please, anyone who watched this and felt they couldn’t go through with one...Please go! It’s not even as bad as going to the dentist ! And is a life saver Thankyou to the folks who made such an interesting and powerful video. We do need more like this about other health issues please! 😊👍


And this is where my insomnia has led me tonight.


Just had this today. It's true that the prep is the worst part of the procedure. The prep made me want to throw up and gave me stomach pains. Not to mention the burning and irritation on my butthole. But it's a minor inconvenience for a potentially life-saving procedure. I got sedated and fell asleep throughout the procedure, and only woke up in the recovery room about an hour later. I felt no pain, only dizziness and some nausea a few hours after. Get a colonoscopy guys before it's too late!


Just had ine yesterday. The worst part is the prep. It is so important to do the prep correctly. As you take the prep luquid, you can see the bowel movements getting very watery, then clear, then a bright yellow. The procedure itself was A breeze.


I had a colonoscopy done a week ago..the preparation is terrible ..lots of laxatives and liquids for 24 hours..
The procedure was easier than I thought..I refused to be sedated.
My colon was super clean and no polyps or else .thank God .


My sister in law passed away almost a year ago, with colon cancer (stage 4). She never had a colonoscopy, she said she did it need it. The preparation is the worst, the procedure is a painless. Well worth it, if you want to live a long life.


I once had to go for a colonoscopy with an extremely serious German physician. After explaining the procedure, he asked me if I had any questions. I asked him if he would be buying me dinner before, or breakfast after. He did not laugh.


I recently had a colonoscopy and a gastroscopy procedure carried out. I decided to have one just to be on the safe side following several longstanding issues. I was put to sleep for the procedures so don't remember anything, other than the prep that is required two to three days prior to admission.

Please do not hesitate getting this done if you have any concerns. Even if your results are clear. It's best to be on the safe side and the procedure is carried out with utmost professionalism.


Anybody watching this scared to have this done, hear me on this: it’s not bad at all! The prep the day before is a pain because all you can have is clear liquids and the prep I had included a large bottle of lemon lime Gatorade filled with an entire bottle of Miralax powder. Depending on your diet, more than likely you’ll have some diarrhea the first 2-3 times, then just yellow liquid afterwards.

But for the procedure itself, do not fear! I slipped on my gown, technician inserted an IV of saline, the anesthesiologist asked me a few questions, went into the procedure room, asked to turn to my side, the anesthesiologist inserted something in the IV drip, a minute later I joked “hey I feel a little sleepy”, then some 30 minutes later I woke up sleepy, but totally alert, no pain in my butt, and told all was well and released gouging on two slices of Costco pizza.


I am so utterly utterly grateful that i found "You and colonoscopy"! Really, Thank You Youtube! Sincererly, thank you.


Had this procedure carried out recently & I also had a camera down my throat to check for ulcer's. TBH, I was nervous & worried beforehand. But I cannot stress enough it's a doddle & I never felt a thing. Only a small bit of pressure in my tummy & that's because of the air that's pumped into your colon. Even if they find polyps they are quite tiny & may look big on screen to you, but remember there magnified & their no feeling if their removed by the Doctor. So guys there's no need to worry, just relax yourself & totally put yourself at ease while it being done. When it's all over you'll be served with refreshments & given time to settle before going home. Best of luck to you all guys!


There are good videos to help relieve the fears of Colonoscopies, then there are great ones. Loved this one!


Very informative video about this procedure. I'm having one done in a few days but I'm having a general sedation. This will be my second one in twelve years.


I wished I’d watched this before I had my colonoscopy procedure. GREAT VIDEO 👌🏾


Excellent narration followed by write-up in the background . First class delineation of the entire procedure of colonoscopy in an exhaustive manner and extremely lucid style. Well done !


Just got finished mine yesterday at 10 Green St. Baltimore VA hospital. Piece of cake... I was longer in an MVA trying to renew my driving license... In and out in the VA hospital in less than 45min. No pain, stayed awake (with conscious sedation) the whole time and actually comment on doctor's procedures from info learned on this video, I told him exactly where he was in my colon....he said i must've done my homework... Do the prep to the letter and all will go well. Learn to enjoy the prep solution, the prep is your friend... HC Clark-ENC U.S. Navy Retired CPO (1973-1993) Baltimore, Md.


Thanks for the information, I have been put forward for this next year. I was told I will be sedated during the procedure, but a couple my friends had it done and said they were awake. The way it curls around inside looks scary but its best to know what is wrong.


I have done this 3 times, it's nothing to be fearful of. They found a lot of polyps in my case. The best part is to watch the procedure on the screen.


I had one today I also had at least 10 In my life I have chron's and we tried every treatment only worked for a few months I'm on a new one lately and I hope it is the one that will work I also had surgery to take half of my colon out and hopefully something work's I've had this since I was born but at the age 11 it suddenly started all this I'm 15 now please whoever sees this pray for me thank you! People really don't know how much pain I go through everyday it's unbearable please pray for me that would be really appreciated and to those that pray for me may you have a great life!
