How To Mix Thinset - Essential tips for small batches

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Learn everything you need to know about how to mix a perfect batch of thinset tile mortar on the first try. Learn how to mix thinset in small batches and how much thinset to mix.

The challenging thing about mixing thinset is that as a DIYer you rarely want to mix an entire bag at a time, and since the directions on the back of the bag of thinset usually only give you the ratios of water to thinset for the entire bag, it can be difficult to get the right consistency.

In this video I'll show you two ways to get the right consistency of thinset - which is very similar to peanut butter.

Mixing thinset is actually very straight forward and can be done in several steps:
1. Add the water to the bucket first - You'll want to use about a quart of water to start with for your first time mixing thinset.
2. Next, slowly add in thinset and mix until you reach the desired consistency. You want it thick enough to hold a notch, but thin enough so that it actually sticks to the wall. If it's too thick, it won't want to stick to the wall. If it's too thin it will just run all over the place.
3. Once you've reached the desired consistency, continue mixing for 3-5 minutes
4. After the initial mixing period, just let it sit to slake for ten minutes. This allows the water to mix with the chemicals in the thin set and starts the chemical reaction.
5. Once the slaking period is over, it's time to mix again for a couple of minutes. For the mixing times, you'll want to follow what it says on the bag of thinset that you have since they are all different. Never add more water after the slaking period, otherwise, you will compromise the integrity of the thinset and potentially make it weaker.

One way to ensure you get a perfect mix is to do some math and calculate the exact ratio of water to thinset. In my example, I had a 50-pound bag of Schluter All-Set Thinset Mortar - which is a modified Thinset. It says to mix 5.5-6.5 quarts of water for the entire bag. So, if I simply do some math and divide 50 by 5.5, and then 50 by 6.5, then I learn that I need about 8 to 9 pounds of thinset per quart of water. I can then use a scale to measure out 8 to 9 pounds of thinset and add it to exactly one quart of water.

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Рекомендации по теме

Lake Forest, CA. I'm new to using thin set. Thanks to you I am more confident to begin the task


Awesome perspective shots from the bucket!


thanks for your time and effort put on this video and above all your last advice related to health concerns.


"You do not want the tiles to fall off the wall, 2 weeks after you set it"
_ideally this part of the process should be prolonged for several months_ 😆


Exactly what I was looking for - Great video - THANKS!!!


I carry a portable weigh scale to weigh out the thinset and a measuring cup to get the water content correct.


Great video, lots of helpful information.


Excellent video. Great advice on not sacrificing your health.


Great video, extremely helpful, thank you so much Dan.


Thanks for the tips. I’ve always been a little inconsistent with mixing my thinset initially, but get it after the third batch. Cheers and great video


I put stucco over my block kitchen . going to do tile. Using a thin set with polymers . Should I use a paintable bonding agent.


Great no add more water was the best for me....thx


Good video. However he makes it seem like a degree is needed for beginners. The peanut butter consistency is a very good example for the first time setting tile. After one or two times you will just get the hang of it. It's simply look and feel. Oh yeah there is one very important rule to follow. Never add the water to the powder. Always add the powder to the water. If you do the first mentioned you will understand.


I didn't know tiles could fall off after put on the wall!😳😳 new fear unlocked 😭😭😭


2:15. Bro- That was almond butter. Great video though 🫡


You're gonna be the next big DIY YouTuber bro. Can't wait for how to tile videos.


How many minutes it takes to work with it after it's mixed an ready to be applied?


Schluter DOES warranty their products using other manufacturer's thinset mortar, however, it has to be an unmodified thinset (ANSI A118.1) as opposed to ANSI A118.4 (modified mortar), ANSI A118.11 (Exterior Glue Plywood) or ANSI A118.15 (improved modified mortar). But oftentimes the thinset bag will only say it meets or exceeds ANSI A118.4 and/or ANSI A118.11 standards but NOT the ANSI A118.1 standard. Notice the latter two are only off by one digit (an extra hundredth). When in doubt, it does make sense to use Schluter's product like you said, but you don't necessarily have to, but it better meet the right standards in the event invoking their warranty is needed in the future (and more important, to avoid damage). The "modified" mortar is engineered to dry faster. So basically Schluter is saying we'll honor the warranty using the slower drying mortar meeting the ANSI A118.1 standard (but nothing else).


Use basic math, a kitchen scale and an old coffee can for the dry part, and measuring cups and a bucket for the water.
If you're doing it yourself, you saved enough $$$ to buy a wet tile saw. Read and follow products instructions.
Triple-check your layout, and do a dry run if you're doing fancy patterns. Use tile spacers for consistency, and check for the tiles lining up in plane.
A good tile job with care to details is something that usually pays for itself; doing it poorly is a waste of time and money.


Wow i had so much trouble "eyeballing". Always too little, or too much. Definitely going to be getting a cheap scale and some measuring buckets. Wow what a pain! Kudos to the people who can get it with eyeballing. A slightly wrong mix is so horrible to work with.
