Genesis 2 Summary in 5 Minutes - 5MBS

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A 5 minute Bible study through Genesis 2. In Genesis 2, we are told God rested on the 7th day after creating the world. The chapter recounts the creation of man and woman in more detail than chapter 1. Adam was created from the dust of the ground and Eve was created from one of Adam’s ribs.

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2 Be Like Christ
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This video helped me truly understand Genesis chapter 2, thank you!


Gents..this gave me chills once I saw it I wanted to share this with you.  Jesus prophetic picture to take flesh and be forever joined to the church. 

Genesis 2:21-25 (NKJV) 21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. 
....three things I wanted to highlight in this verse, 1.  Jesus the second Adam was put to death (caused to sleep so the wold could be saved.

2. The root of the word rib indicates to be limp, lame or bent (picture is fallen man) Jesus came to heal the lame.  Woman (the church is then formed from the actions above.  Drawn from the side where water and blood poorer out covering us with his blood by fulfilling his word (blood and water.

3. The word close up signifies to shut up, to join, or deliver up.  What did he close up? the flesh.

Verse 22 Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. (This mirrors, the church as a chased virgin being offered up to Christ. Our groom). 
Verse 23 And Adam said: “This [is] now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” 
.... because of Christ sacrifice, the church was born, ..
Verse 24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. 
... here is the part that drew me in...

Galatians 4:26 (NKJV) but the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all.
Jesus left the father in heaven and the Jerusalem in heaven The father and the mother of us all put on human flesh and became one flesh with his bride, (the church, the woman) forevermore

25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

because he was sinless in the flesh, both he and the woman that became one flesh with him are unashamed....

In these verses, I see a prophetic picture of Christ, coming from heaven to put on human flesh for us.  "The last Adam" 

Absolutely awesome!


Nice video. Keep it up and God bless us all


So, if the heavens and men and universe were created in these six days, pretty much everything, when were angels created and when was the morning star cast down from the heavens to have dominion on the earth? How long were they around before he was cast down?


Please correct me if I'm wrong. God created Eve to be Adam's companion/ helper but, it doesn't mention that Adam was also Eve's companion. I'm not sure if there's a difference. Secondly, in verse 24 it only mentions Adam as the one who will leave his parents to unite with Eve. It doesn't say both will leave their parents.


Great video! Thank you. It says that the Genesis 3 Summary Video was available this morning however it isn't posted. Does it take some time to share in the YT world?


So from Genesis 2, I understand that marriage is a union between a man and a woman who are committed to each other, but I don't see directives related to ceremonies, etc.. I want to stick to God's word, but then the world tells you that you are not really married if you don't marry in Church/legally etc..


I have a question if Adam and Eve were the first man and women and had Cain and Abel. Where did Cains wife come from?


Hello, great thoughts about Genesis 2, as it that MESSIAH didn't abolished the introductions(law) given in the first five books of the Bible ; He actually came to fulfill it.
HE is the Living Torah(Instructions), the kingdom of GOD ALMIGHTY is at hand.
We as the seed of Abraham, need t accept the Torah


Again we get the preconceived notion version of Genesis chapter 2 absent all the inconvenient truth concerning sixth day mankind.
