What should I do with my life? I keep switching careers / ADHD Advice

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What should I be doing with my life? I hear. this from so many ADHDers that float from job to job and never feeling like they've found their calling.

In this video I'll share some insights and advice for reframing your career path, so that you can ditch the guilt and shame of not "doing things the traditional way".

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currenty 20, having ridicule and frustration from my parents because "You're a quitter" "You can't focus on one career" "You have no motivation" among other things. It's good to remember that my brain just works differently, and other people react the same way as me, not that I'm broken or something like that. I wish I could explain to them that my ADHD does this, but they never listen. Thank you for this video


This is exactly my life. I’m just tired of feeling like it’s such an uphill battle to have to ‘prove’ myself at age 52. I’ve had a 3-year break but need to bring some money in. I’m so frustrated. Glad to have found this site.


My best move was to become a freelancer. This allows me to work on many different projets at once, not get bored because I know I'm with a client only for a specific projet and it might end at anytime. It gives this extra boost of motivation that I need to get the job done.


Wow lady. When you said "the narrative in my mind, rsd, negative feelings and making them up ourselves. Divergent thinker.

You're making me think i have adhd.

I came here for help with a career change.
It may have started a potential journey for getting diagnosed.

So stressed. Thank you for the help


I switched my major several times as well. Even got so far as to take all pre-reqs for nursing, got accepted into the nursing program and dropped out. I then switched majors a couple more x and finally just decided I'm going to pick something and get it over with so I'll have a degree in something. Took me over 15 years to get my Bachelor's degree because I kept quitting and changing my major but finally have a business degree. I've been at my current job for a little over a year.


This video really resonated with me! This time last year I was looking at quitting my current job. I’ve struggled to stay at a job for longer than a year, often with the narrative that I’m not keeping up, I’m doing poorly so I’m probably about to be fired anyway, no one likes me, I forget everything, and all that. I’ve also experienced a lot of personality clashes, too. My therapist last year talked me out of quitting telling me this exact same thing, it’s all a narrative. I’m still here, though, which I’m proud of, but I know I’m also just about ready to try something new.


So glad I found your channel. I have had an embarrassing amount of jobs (probably over 100) at 32yrs of age. 98% of them was due to me quitting. Most of the times I quit due to work environment- like always feeling targeted, left out, overthinking and bordem. I don’t like authority and when things get routinish with things I have to do; I get bored, anxious and feel like a failure ( this is mostly due to only getting low paying jobs due to my constant job hopping)I get looked down by everyone around me because of me and didn’t realize my ADHD was that severe. I’ve switched my major 7 times and my only passion is acting . I decided to say to hell with people and focus on making me happy.


Doing five different things a week meant I came under criticism from friends and family and society I guess, as being all over the place…. Until, I got a job in TV production, then people were happy with my ‘one’ job. Thing is that job required me to do five different things in any one week. Writing, filming, interviewing, researching, talking to lawyers, set design and more. So if the shame is coming from other people being intolerant of your diverse activities then come up with a job title and work away at all your things under that umbrella. And never tell them you are doing exactly what they shamed you for. Make it easier for them to pigeon hole you. 😜


This made my day 👏 I'm glad I'm not alone in this issue of not finding suitable work...possibly due to rejection dysphoria, but also because of neurodiverse barriers. Difficulty acquiring skills to bridge theoretical knowledge is especially frustrating 😢


35 years old and every year or so I have a new passion. Sometimes more often.


Follow the energy....list all jobs and projects you've done both professionally and personally. List in each what you had to do and break down into the skills that is required. Then start going through each skill and marking if you liked doing that...this will start making things clear for you...basically just find career/job that have those skills you enjoy doing and those that you're good at. This is way easier than trying to "find your passion / purpose /meaning". That's way too much weight and pressure!


I'm 38, and have probably had the same number of jobs as my age or so.
Jobs keep on not working out for me because they're either exploitative (like 96 hour work weeks caregiving), they are not a good fit for me (not what I was expecting or I'm not a good fit for the culture/personality/that specific kind of work), or I have a strong personality conflict with someone. Over the last several years I've just been looking for some darn stability so that I can work on getting rid of many of my possessions so that I can be free to make more choices and work on my other goals (like hopefully traveling and teaching English abroad before going back to school).

I'm honestly so frustrated at this point and I truly don't know what to do. I decided to take a part time job with an employment agency and have been meeting with career counselors at a local college and university. But I'm absolutely terrified of going back to school. The jobs I'm most interested in (like the sciences) require a lot more dedication than the work I thought I wanted to do. Also, what if I wind up in a career that doesn't work out for some reason like so many other jobs I've tried?

I'm working with a therapist, a psychiatrist, an ADHD coach, and I even have a case manager. I'm really trying to do the work and figure this out, but there's a part of me that wonders if I just don't belong in this society.


I always leave my jobs because I don’t fit in with others, my main issue is I don’t want talk, I have no issues interacting with others around work tasks it’s when it comes to opening up on a personal level I struggle. I get stuck in a vicious cycle where I am in work people start indirectly abusing I go off sick hoping that my manager would just end the contract sometimes it happens sometimes the manager is so stuck in their ways that they just tell others that I will leave on my own and that’s when people really start to get nasty.


There’s actual tears falling on my iPhone right now😭
I’ve never in my life been told it’s okay.
I’ve been ridiculed + put myself down constantly for job hopping so much I feel like a failure and loser. I feel weak that I don’t put up with too many bad days like everyone else, I just can’t “push through” despite the money they offer, I’ve managed to let my emotions and desire for change drive the boat each time

I’m hyper sensitive to everything and emotions especially my environment.

I feel that’s what’s led me to leave a lot of past jobs to where I thought the same “well Ill get fired anyway, they don’t like me, “
really, I think I just didn’t have the capability to stand face to face with conflict that I didn’t see positive outcomes coming from. I let the voices in my head that say “just leave you only live once ” get to me everytime.


I felt like I was just a mess... until I was diagnosed with ADHD and it all made sense. Changing my mind so much does affect me so much because it literally happens every 3 months. Not enough time to actually make something happen lol this video si very helpful tho! thanks!


I'm 27, only ever had 1 job and that was a pot washer/kitchen porter for a restaurant for 2 years and a few months.

Got let go a few months ago because I just couldn't keep up with the work load and with what the job needed from me anymore.

I would say, my memory remembering issues is the biggest obstacle I face, plus a lot of other self issues that don't help me either.


I just don't know where to even go from where I am.

Currently recovering from adhd burnout and my physical health, mental & emotional health.


I hate switching jobs, because I don't like going to interviews and figuring out if I'm qualified enough (I've tried applying to places that were a bit out of my league but never got the jobs).

I always end up switching from being a cashier in one store to being a cashier in a different one. I really don't like being that close to a customer, it really drains me...

I really like art and I'm pretty good at it, but the thing is, I'm pretty good at anything artistic I pick up. So now almost a year ago I "decided" to be a seamstress, until I now realised that I really don't want to be one (for some reason)...

This happens every time and I feel like I can't trust myself cuz I know I'll lose interest in drawing at any moment. I was talking like sewing was always my calling and now I'm saying that drawing was always my calling.... I feel like a linear all the time cuz I don't even know if I'm telling the truth or if I'm being manipulated by my own brain...


OMG. RSD. I was't aware of it. It's so me. Thanks for sharing.


I just discovered your channel. Wow. Thank you so much for sharing your story and your support. All my life I was the one who "couldn't make up his mind", "didn't work up to his potential", "it's always one thing and then another with you!" etc etc. Only blame and shame and no attempt to guide me. Nobody ever asked "gee, what might be going on here I wonder?" An old girlfriend, getting her PhD in Ed Psych and a long-time early childhood specialist was the first to say 30+ years ago that I was likely ADD/ADHD, but I've never been tested. I think it's time, even though I'm now in my 60s. Between figuring out I'm probably a classic Multipotentialite (score sequential early successes in a number of unrelated pursuits then get bored and drop 'em, to my own shame and the frustration of everybody else) and ADHD, I might actually be able to get some help. I'm between situations right now, just sold a biz, and wondering what's next? Very hard to get a bead on that but now I know why, and can begin to unravel it!


So glad I found this video, I’m not yet diagnosed but have been watching so many videos on adhd . Always felt as a kid is something wrong with anyway move onto adulthood I’ve had 18 jobs just struggle to find what career I should do as I seem to jump from different interests hence I’ve had so many jobs. I believe a diagnosis will just rule it out or relieve my thoughts on this and finally feel a belonging
