How computer chips are made, and why is there a shortage #science #technology #how

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In this video I go over the basics of how chips are made, and why there is currently a shortage. Join me for a quick dive into the world of semiconductor manufacturing around the world. Semiconductor require incredible precision and repeatability to be able to profitably manufacture at a large scale, needing immense number of engineers and technicians to make computer chips in specialized fab clean room factories, that represent the cutting edge in technology.

Video covers:
Overview and basics of computer chips and transistors
Phases of the semiconductor manufacturing process
Reasons for increased demand of semiconductors and chips
Reasons for decreased supply
Impact of the invasion of Ukraine

Credits: Imaginary Kazoo Orchestra for opening theme

How semiconductors are made, chip shortage explained and updated.

Some additional resources if you'd like to learn more:

Thank you very much!

#engineering #explore #science #technology #physics #semiconductor #chips #new #learning #explore #video #videos #cool #chemistry #education #tech #videos #video #how #howto #howtomake #what #technical
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