How to Facilitate with Confidence

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In this video I share tips and techniques to help you to facilitate with confidence, whether you're engaged in virtual facilitation or are facilitating in person.

Hi, I’m Dr. Jo North, and I love facilitating workshops, meetings and events. I’ve facilitated thousands of people internationally, and work with facilitators to help them expand their confidence, creativity and impact.

In this free video series , I’m going to share with you how be the most awesome facilitator that you can be, how to design and deliver events that get fantastic results, and give you some productivity tips so that you can level up your impact and spend time on the things that matter.

Even though I’ve always been drawn to facilitation, including before I actually knew it was thing, I know that there have been times when maybe I’ve felt a bit nervous or apprehensive, either because of the newness of what I was doing or because the event was such an important one. In fact, when I first started, some considerable time ago, I was so bad that I would cough, shake and stumble over my words with nerves. The HR Director of the business I worked in at the time said it was something I really needed to sort because I made everyone watching feel really uncomfortable for me!

So, I got out there, took every single opportunity to practise and learn about facilitation. It became a signature part of my personal brand as I developed my career, fulfilling director roles in big transport businesses and then setting up and running my own business innovation and growth consultancy, that has gone from strength to strength.

These days, I feel excitement and positive anticipation instead of nerves. This is how I went from nervous facilitator to genuinely looking forward to, and loving, every single second. Now you might not have experienced feeling the way I used to feel, but these techniques will help you be more intentional about your facilitation, get into flow and take your facilitation to the next level.
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