Climate Change and the Collapse of Civilisation. Decade by Decade until 2070.

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This videos follows the science decade by decade and tries to understand how Climate Change will affect our global civilisation. By 2070 conditions will be very difficult for humans in many parts of the world, but there's another problem with our civilisation that means a collapse might come much earlier.

United Nations IPCC report referred to in the video -

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There are no benefits to you, apart from receiving my thanks. I don't need the money, but I do sometimes need the motivation.


I cried myself to sleep so many times out of the fear of societal collapse and now I’m coming to terms with it, if it happens, let it, if not, wonderful, i won’t be living in fear anymore. I’m praying for the best but expecting the worst.
I won’t be bringing children in this world as sad as that is to say. I couldn’t bare to see them suffer knowing what lies ahead.
Not to ring any alarms, I’m not suicidal but once collapse happens, I’ll be leaving this world with it.


It IS collapsing. The rate of collapse is arguable, but not the fact that it is occurring.


Count, you are not being pessimistic. You are describing the horrific reality that our over-consumption and over-population will bring in coming decades, I have degrees in physics and engineering, and have been at first interested, then concerned, and now fearful of our civilisation's future train-wreck. If most people were motivated to do something about these problems and we had governments who were able to persuade us to commit to the needed changes to our mode of civilization, we might stand a chance. The reality is that self-interest, greed and ignorance are rampant. The necessary actions to escape the trap we are in will not be taken, and consequently human civilisation will be destroyed. The few survivors will never be able to rebuild civilisation because the needed environment and resources will no longer be available to us. Human civilisation is doomed.


You spell it all out better than a scientist, and I’ve been watching and listening to quite a few. A credit to you, and a big thanks for your efforts.


Hey there Count!! I live in Australia and wildfire and flooding have definitely increased in the last few years . The climate has gradually changed with weather systems coming from different directions than normal and the weather systems are more severe when they arrive. It is a bleak future. Thank you for your videos and the amount of research you have done to create them


Anyone who imagines that civilization exist beyond 2040 is a starry eyed optimist.


You are not being pessimistic. My understanding is that the IPCC report does not take into account tipping points. Things will be far worse than they predict as the tipping points have already been passed. Refer to Professor Guy McPherson


About 4.5 minutes in and you are exactly right! Climate change is a problem but it is built on a fragile market with just-in-time delivery and other wasteful practices. This is related to the idea that money that isn't working is wasted and is, in the end, built on the failure of capitalism. As you explained, capitalists prefer debt to savings and dynamism to stability. They prefer growth to life.


Good work putting this together, very interesting and tough to do at the same time im sure. For me what i find really troubling is the total realisation that the infinite growth economic paradigm we have been living under all this time is a complete lie given a finite planet, it really has just been man versus the natural world all this time and every day we wake up and carry on with the lie. Once again great work, really appreciate the effort : )


Prof. Guy McPherson presents peer reviewed scientific articles that are MUCH more pessimistic than your sources. I agree with his sources. His conclusion is that it is far too late to slow, let alone stop or reverse, abrupt, lethal, climate change. old geologist


If you wonder why these kind of videos and predictions in general about upcoming disaster never receive the widespread attention they deserve, I have figured out a simple rule that I guess described it pretty well:
If humans hear about a disaster that will happen further away than some days to months, they think there is still enough time and don’t take it too seriously.
If humans hear about an imminent disaster, they only care about themselves and people close to them and their survival and don’t inform anyone else than those people close to them.
That is just my humble perception.


Some of us saw this coming as my first job was with BELL LABS and in 1958 they warned about Global Warming with their one hour TV Show ! I later moved back to Florida designing sonar systems for the Navy and became political chair of the area Sierra Club and we tried to push population control but the religious types freaked out and canceled their memberships ! But I managed to become Mayor of a Coastal City and helped create coastal wetland parks instead of huge areas of Condos ! We spent Trillions on useless Wars and occupyed our minds with Sports while our Planet began to die from overpopulation !


Thank you. This is a service to us. You have been quite moderate on your presentation. It works best that way. It's the best that can be done. Very reasonable and simple enough presentation of conditions ... as reasonable a check of available science as it provides.


Hi Count, I first started watching your videos when preparing to walk the Camino (St Jean to Santiago) as you provided some really interesting comment. I'm now very pessimistic about our future. My best hope was that the US would lead the world in fighting climate change, but Biden is struggling to do anything. I'm really staggered at the naivety of the general public, and the almost total lack of interest in what will undoubtedly hit everyone in the coming years. It's so sad that your superb presentation has had 562 views when 'The Skilled Man Brilliantly Fixing A Car Radiator' has had 913, 000 views since late June! Very few people take the trouble to look at climate change videos. Looking forward to you next video. Many thanks, Chris


Thank you Count, for a thoughtful and realistic exploration of the possible future.


I'm a medical school student and after seeing a presentation I did for a climate club I founded here on the causes to and solutions to the climate crisis, one of the professors asked me to do a lecture in one of the curriculums for "the health impacts of the climate crisis". I want you to know that this video was instrumental in putting several parts of that presention together. Thank you for organizing this crucial information in such an efficient manner for those of us who then seek to pass it on.


A cogent presentation...not pessimistic, but probably somewhat optimistic given the way people will continue to treat each other throughout the unfolding disasters ahead...
'Greed is its own worst enemy'

I'm editing this space to include that it is everyone's responsibility to recognize, and conserve resources right now...i'm telling you that you can live on 4 or 5L of water per person daily...for enough that you truly need to exist on...
I have done so these past 13 1/2 years now and depend on meager solar for my battery only major vulnerability is needing propane to heat at night here in the desert over winter...i am mobile enough to move around in my RV to follow temperatures seasonally, but choose to drive as little as possible...i store enough food to overcome shortages locally, so maybe i'm paying it forward a bit would be encouraging if more people embraced a survivability mindset rather than merely to "wait and see" see, by the time it is upon you, you will only actually be able to perish and beg for the end to come quickly.
Good luck to you!


No hope, thank you. Hope is the enemy of grief, which has five stages to it. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. The planet should be in hospice, but the people with big money invested who will be dead soon, want to carry on as usual. They are at stage one. Do yourselves a favour and think about this excellent presentation and move through the stages. Acceptance is a great place to be. Enjoy each day as it comes to you. Stop striving, be kind, smell the roses and quit your pension scheme.


These 40 minutes of lecture are well worth listening to!
No, this lecturer is not being pessimistic or alarmist, he is just summarizing the best science currently available. Personally, I think this honesty is refreshing. There is a lot of magical thinking on climate change, even among climate activists, (or maybe especially among climate activists). The speaker does a quick and especially good debunking of the carbon capture scam, for example.
