Time to Get Real about Climate Change

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I'm tired of both overly optimistic messages from climate activists and scare stories of the impending apocalypse. It's about time we get realistic. "Net zero” by 2050 is not a realistic goal and it's about time we admit it. I am afraid that many plans that are eating up money are fuelled by wishful thinking rather than by rational thought. Let’s have a look.

Correction to what I say at 01:30, that should have been "according to current policies and actions" (not just "policies")

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I think the reason we have so many BS plans is because there is money to be made from BS plans, and they're easier to make than good plans.


I've been in environmental business for a couple of decades and when working at a renewable energy convention in 2007, I was disappointed that most booths and attendees were just looking for a way to make money off the beginning movement. As a current environmental scientist I see no change, it's all about the money.


I mean, it is rather hard to take all this seriously when we quite literally have countries taxing farmers for cow farts. I for one am not a climate change denier but am fed up with the bat shit crazy response by the mainstream media and political agendas.


We're increasingly living in a world where people frighteningly think that their beliefs are facts, therefore living in their own obscure reality. So when you or someone else says something that doesn't match that reality, then in their minds they think you're wrong even though what you're talking about is actual facts based reality.


When Sabine is dopping an f-bomb you know the shit is serious.


It's kinda impressive how many people didn't get the point of the video: she isn't saying that the goals aren't legitimate or necessary, she's pointing out the disconnect between what's potentially necessary and what is actually being done


I remember ranting about how all the measures to fix climate change seemed to be not just destined to fail but designed to fail and someone involved in finance said to me 'The difference is you want to fix the problem. They want to financialise the problem"

I.e. the objective is for a bunch of people to make money out of carbon credits and renewable energy subsidies. They don't care about actually reducing global CO2 emissions. And in fact this is impossible to do unless China agrees to deindustrialise like the West is doing. Which they won't do because they know that military power depends on industrial capacity. Also political stability in China depends on people believing they'll continue to get richer if they leave the CCP in power.


I think a lot of people don’t “Take it seriously” because the solutions don’t seem to be serious. They either propose some expensive pie-in-the-sky technology (that coincidentally makes a politically powerful company or person rich) or involve government control over every aspect of our lives (all in the name of “FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD”. (Interestingly, this control never seems to apply to the rich and powerful).


"No! No! These are two different things." Speaking to social media really has become like speaking to a bunch of five-year-olds.


We have the entire history of humanity as an example of us working towards a common goal. We have never worked together as a united planet towards a common goal. Our chances are slim to none. Now back to chores and I have to put out my plastic recycling that isn't actually recycled.


The problem is that people pick sides before they hear a word of evidence. After that, evidence is irrelevant because you can always find a way to reinterpret anything to mean what you want. It's hard to get to what's true when politics gets in the way.


I’ll try to keep it simple.
Why are we fixated on pre-industrial levels of temperature and co2 when geological science proves that these levels were far below the levels before the last ice age and below the earths historical averages?
Our current co2 level is far from harmful to the base life forms on this planet. Infact, plants and algae love higher co2 levels and its plants and algae that produce the very o2 that we need to survive. NASA have stated that the earth is greener and have attributed that to higher co2 levels.
Life thrives in warmer conditions than colder conditions. So why is a warming planet worse than a cooling planet?

I do have more questions but these are a great place to start.


I think it goes back to the observation attributed to Upton Sinclair: 'It is impossible to make a man understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." I note that Florida's governor has just made it illegal to base state plans on anticipation of climate change.


The brutal truth, when facts are all you care about. I had to laugh at the log graph as well.


It is a sad state when almost everyone nowadays automatically assumes that everyone who has other views voices those views only because they "have an agenda".


I'm 71 and I live alone in an old house that is costly to heat. I keep an eye on the gas I am burning to heat my home. In 2021 I was heating my home for £10 per week. I would only start heating the place about mid November and by March it would be used intermittently and I would not use it again until November. Now it is costing me £35 per week. However, this winter I started heating my home at the end of October and it is still cold at the end of May. We did get a couple of warm days at the start of May but today (24 May 2024) I am at home all day and I have had to get into bed to keep warm. That's where I'm typing this comment.
It's the global activists that have caused fuel to increase in price, petrol for cars, increase in food and every other item in the shops. The result is that I cannot live on my pension. Its costing me 3.5 times more to heat my home and I paying to do it over an extra 2 months at least. Fuel companies have made an average extra 120% profit, and every other business has done the same and all because the weather is suppose to be getting warmer. Its not. I'm a fisherman and used to be on the riverbank on the 1st of March, every year, usually in sunshine. Not this year as it's too cold.
I hear the newscastors telling me that every day in April broke the record for heat but I trust my senses and memory. It has been a long cold and wet winter and now we are nearly out of May and it is no better. You cannot even con someone that it is so. We cannot be gaslit on the matter.

If humans are changing the climate, please tell me how we experienced a mini ice age and how we managed to thaw it out, all before the industrial revolution? Surely we had no hand in that.
We may be getting warm days, we may be getting cold days, we may be getting dry days and we may be getting wet days, but why is a pensioner like myself having to scrimp on everything to satisfy the paranoia of the unstable and the greed of the rich?
With 1 particles of Co2 in the atmosphere amidst 2, 500 other gaseous particles, how does that heat the planet? It doesn't make any sense. It's the equivalent of the concept of the Trinity in religion which doesn't make sense but so many people believe it without question and look at you as if you have a pea for a brain if you say you don't understand their explanation. Delusion in religion and delusion in science.


Few people actually want to get anything done. Most people just want to make noise. Consider this: engineers, trained to get things done, rarely end up in government. Lawyers, trained to argue, regularly end up in government. Alas.


My dad had a saying, "money talks & BS walks." I believe this applies to this scenario 😑


The political reality is that taking action if any kind, be it improving the grids, removing CO2, etc., costs money, and politicians have to balance this with growing calls for social spending to meet the growing demands of an expanding population. Even if we reduce per capita consumption and CO2 outputs, the number of people on the planet has almost tripled since I was born, so that the net trend is for consumption and CO2 output to increase. Any politician who starts ordering people around will simply get voted out.


"The people who make these plans don't take the situation seriously."

Maybe there's a reason for that.
