How To Get UNSTUCK In Life! [In 4 Simple Steps!]

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Learn how to get unstuck in life by following this simple but practical 4-step process. If you’re feeling stuck in life, that feeling ends today!

[timestamp below]

I know just how frustrating it can be to feel stuck in your life and not know what to do about it.

Maybe you feel stuck in a relationship that isn’t going anywhere. Or maybe you’ve outgrown your job but are afraid of quitting and doing something else. Or maybe you’re just stuck to something that happened in your past and you can’t seem to let it go.

But don’t worry because getting unstuck in life is totally possible and I’m gonna help you do just that. Hopefully this video will serve as inspiration and teach you how to get out of a rut quickly.

Are you ready to get unstuck today?

In this video, you’ll learn why we feel stuck in life sometimes and I’ll also share my practical 4-step process to get you unstuck quickly.

Here’s what we’re gonna cover:

💥 The 3 main areas in life where we most commonly get stuck. [2:12]
💥 What feeling stuck actually means! [4:43 ]
💥 The 3 reasons why we feel stuck and once you know them, you’ll start to feel lighter right away. [7:00]
💥 You’ll learn a simple 4-step process to help you get unstuck quickly. [12:29]
💥 The difficult conversations you may need to have before you get unstuck. [19:18]
💥 The secret to getting unstuck that may surprise you. [29:08]





💥 Leave it in the comments below, along with the hashtag #askchristina





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Where do you feel stuck in life right now? Let me know all about it in the comments below!


**The 3 main areas in life where we most commonly get stuck**
1. Relationships
2. Career/Jobs
3. The Past

** What feeling stuck actually means! **
- We're never actually really stuck
- It's a perception of the mind. It's the ego putting thoughts and ideas around the feeling that you are stuck
- It's a perception you have of the situation that you are in
- The question is *Why do I FEEL stuck?*, not *Why AM I stuck?*

**The 3 reasons why we feel stuck and once you know them, you’ll start to feel lighter right away**
1. Outgrowth
- When you have a spiritual awakening and your growth accelerates really quickly and the environment around us may not grow with us
2. The Void
- The period in your life between the moment that you are no longer resonating with your old life but before your new life takes place.
- The moment between your old life and your new life
- No man's land - nothing is really happening - It's just a perception
- You are being prepared for the next phase of your life
- Ego might go into overdrive
- Might feel panic
3. Triggers
- When we are being triggered by our outside environment
- You start to feel assaulted by your outside environment
- Your ego starts feeling confined....makes you feel stuck
- You are not have a wound in you that is being triggered

**4-step process to help you get unstuck quickly**
1. Understand
- Understand what is going on
- Just knowing what is going on is the first step
- Awareness is the majority of the healing work
2. Soothe Yourself
- You must come into peace and acceptance with where you are in the present moment....This is crucial
- You have to calm yourself
- Don't stay in a dangerous situation. If you feel in imminent danger or are unsafe, get out
- Do breathing exercises, meditation, mantras, affirmations, be aware that this is your ego and where you anything that soothes you
3. Get to Work
- Once you accept where you are and are at peace and acceptance and you know which of the 3 areas you fall into, you can start to work on it
- Outgrowth Phase
- You need to make decisions and have difficult conversations
- Use your throat Chakra
- The Void
- Becoming comfortable when nothing happens
- Become comfortable in silence
- Become comfortable being alone
- Learn to trust the void
- When you are in the void your soul is guiding you. Your soul knows what it is doing
- Become comfortable and rested in the void
- The longer you fight the process, the longer it will take
- Rest
- Triggers
- Requires a lot of awareness
- Learn to go into the trigger and through the trigger rather than run from the trigger
- Triggers indicates there are wounds that need to be healed
- You need to work through the trigger....bring it inward, face the wound and heal the wound
- Warning - if you are being triggered and you bolt instead of facing it, it will drag on
4. Stay Open to Receiving
- Not as easy as it sounds
- Masculine energy is the giver and feminine energy is the Receiver
- You need to back off of your masculine energy and come into your feminine energy a bit more
- Feminine energy is the Yin energy. It's about stillness, non-action, silence, soft, nurturing

**How to cultivate feminine energy**
- Meditation - especially the type that brings you into your body
- Schedule STOP (non-action) breaks throughout your day to close your eyes and connect with your body and breathing for about 3 min each time
- Dance
- Do things that connect you to your body but in a 'beauty' type of way. Peaceful movements
- Learn to be alone and have solitude breaks
- Learn to observe the world and contemplate
- Learn to be introspective
- Do affirmation work *I am open to receiving* or *I drop resistance to receiving* or *Today, I soften more* or *Today I am soft*
- Be nurturing - volunteer - help someone or something else (animal)


3 places : relationships, career, the past.

Ego starts to freak out when things get uncomfortable.

The caterpillar doesn't feel stuck in a cacoon. Oh thank god, you just made me realize something big❤.

Why do i feel stuck?
1. Outgrowth- spiritual awakenings accelerate our growth.


I’m in the void! This year, my dog died, my mother-in-law died, I left my partner of 10 years, I left my government job and I left Canada. I followed the intuitive messages I was receiving and moved to Dubai where I met my twin flame and got married. But now it feels like all the doors have closed or like I’m being tested. Thank you for the video. It helped me realize that I’m the caterpillar in the cocoon and that this time is important and needs to be used to work on myself until I get the green light to emerge as a butterfly.


You're like the therapist I'm too anxious to seek. Happy I've found this channel!
Greetings from Germany 🙈


Thank you for this gift. I am in the void, transitioning from a job of 28 years where I worked way too much. I am struggling with my masculine desire to do and accomplish - I am having a hard time being still. Yesterday was a bad day-so this video was timely. 💙


I loved when you said being stuck is just an illusion. So true. PS- You look amazing in this video ❤


You’re right in what you teach here. Years ago, I was stuck in a particular situation for several years. I was kicking and screaming (in my mind) because I didn’t want to be in that situation. Then, I came across “The Power of Now.” I started practicing acceptance. Within a year, the door opened. Several things aligned miraculously in a short period. I saw the door in my mind’s eye. I walked out of that figurative prison. Only recently, I realized that stillness and acceptance brought forward the opening of the door.


I'm a new subscriber and needed this right now 😳I'm currently in void, my body is telling me to rest and I'm not getting any answers from my higher self, God etc I will try to relax and work on my Yin. You are my guardian angel 🙏thank you Christina!


I cannot believe how badly I needed this! Christina, you're doing God's work! 🙏🏾💜


You keep surprising me every week Christina! I’m in void, I’m not able to work and be financially independent right now and I get anxious just thinking about all the things I want to do and achieve even comparing myself to others but I know that this is just temporarily.


I think I’m in the void...nothing seems to be happening, nothing that I want that is. I feel like I’m talking to the walls. I lost my husband 4 years ago, I went through hell for about 2 years after that...then I got involved in a very unhealthy relationship with a very selfish person.. When I managed to end that relationship, the pandemic came and I found myself alone in my house for months. Now, when I can go back to the world I just don’t know where I want to go anymore. Nothing seems to be important or meaningful to life has changed in a way that I lost direction and purpose


After 19 years my husband and I are no longer together.
I'm in the void, yet my faith is stronger than ever.


Your videos are like a ray of sunlight! Beautiful insight. It’s hard to fully engage and be inspired by life when you feel stuck. Extremely helpful video! 😊✨✨🙏


Thank you. I’ve been stuck for over 20 years. It’s been so very hard. I learned that feeling stuck means you have unresolved trauma.


You should be proud of your work ma'am. After watching several of your videos I feel like I'm less stuck


I just sat down with a pen and a notepad because there is so much valuable information in this video. Thank you Christina, you're an angel 🌈💫💖


Thank you, Christina. Your videos are very healing and helpful. I am outgrowing things in my life right now and I'm overwhelmed by all the inner work that I need to do. But your videos are very reassuring and they help me feel that I have a strong support system who has my back.


I've been in dark night for the past year, and transitioned into awakening over the last few months. I'm still getting some symptoms of dark night, but I've mostly moved into outgrowth and void. Those very strongly reflect where I'm at.


After my walk today I went online searching and I found your videos. Amazing awakening for me after going through an unexpected career challenge and feeling stuck. I love that you put meaning to all my emotions as an HSP. I'll stay connected and finish this journey knowing something is great on the other side. Thank you with all my heart! Looking at the possibilities and figuring out my triggers. I have been going through this for 6 months and it's starting to come together.
