5 Habits Keeping you STUCK & 5 Ways to Get UNSTUCK | Shadé Zahrai

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If you're feeling stuck there are a number of habits that you might be unintentionally doing. In this video I share 5 common habits that hold you back and 5 practical ways to get unstuck.


5 Habits Keeping you STUCK:
00:00 – Are you Stuck?
00:23 – 1. Infomania due to FOMO. Can't focus on tasks. Busy all the time, yet no progress.
01:38 – 2. The Knowing-doing trap.
02:44 – 3. Achievement addict. Productivity guilt. Always short of time. Self criticism. Burnout.
03:43 – 4. Multitask. Keep switching tasks to avoid the pain of boredom. Linked to FOMO.
04:36 – 5. Attachment to phone.

5 Ways to Get UNSTUCK
06:23 – 1. Stop & resist the urge.
06:50 – 2. Identify just one thing to put into practice.
07:15 – 3. Carve out mindful leisure time.
07:45 – 4. Recondition yourself to be comfortable being alone with yourself & your thoughts.
09:00 – 5. Put your phone out of sight.


3. Ward, A. F., Duke, K., Gneezy, A., & Bos, M. W. (2017). Brain drain: The mere presence of one’s own smartphone reduces available cognitive capacity. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2(2), 140-154


Рекомендации по теме

Here's the research - enjoy! 😀

1. Przybylski, Andrew K.; Murayama, Kou; Dehaan, Cody R.; Gladwell, Valerie (July 2013). "Motivational, emotional, and behavioral correlates of fear of missing out". Computers in Human Behavior. 29 (4): 1841–1848.

2. Przybylski, Andrew K.; Murayama, Kou; Dehaan, Cody R.; Gladwell, Valerie (July 2013). "Motivational, emotional, and behavioral correlates of fear of missing out". Computers in Human Behavior. 29 (4): 1841–1848.

3. Ward, A. F., Duke, K., Gneezy, A., & Bos, M. W. (2017). Brain drain: The mere presence of one’s own smartphone reduces available cognitive capacity. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2(2), 140-154


5 reasons you're feeling stuck
1- information overload
2- knowing doing gap
3- Achievement addict
4- endlessly multitask
5- attachment to your phone


Great list. 🙌🏼 Extremely relatable and things not a lot of people talk about. I totally identified with first 3 points, seeking more information, not taking action, and feeling guilty when I don’t take action. Solutions are exercise, meditation and spending time in nature.


You are a very nice and decent lady, your parents are lucky because they have a daughter like you 🙂


"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."


This is an excellent video as I’m going through a rough patch right now and literally feel stuck and can really relate to most of the five points mentioned by you Shadé. Great way to approach and tackle the situation from a positive point of view and gives me a sliver of hope again on getting my life back together. Thank you for the lovely content Shadé!


I felt like you are exactly talking to me...I have been a self critical person for a long time, slowly trying to be more self- compassionate but realised many things after watching this video.
Thank you 😊


I’ve figured out recently that main reason why i am stuck in something is because i am extremely addicted to my emotions. If something goes wrong it can ruin my day at all! I know i am not alone in this problem, but i envy (kindly) people who are less sensitive and have more stamina


I'm an infomaniac. I feel like I constantly have to consume information and I don't know enough to take action. I multitask between different projects. I then feel guilty because I don't feel like I have enough time to do things or to do what I had in mind. Thanks to your videos and program. I have been able to catch myself doing these things that I have been doing my whole entire life. Thanks for the tip. I will start timing myself on a task before I start a new one.


I'm definitely an infomaniac, and the knowing-and-doing trap resonates with me as well. Watching this video proves it. At least most times I take notes and attempt to do whatever the video or article says I should do, but inconsistent... and I tend to beat myself up way too much. I tried to learn self discipline, failed. Without that skill my life is literally stagnant, I could stay in my the entire day without doing anything, on youtube, daydreaming, later talking with friends. One thing at least I don't end up depressed. The latest technique I want to implement is to surround myself with people that are self disciplined(you are the average of the 5 people you spend most of your time with).


Shadé thank you for this video and the timing of the content. This is probably why many people nowadays are also diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. I have also been "stuck" as I pursue a DNP degree, and now I know why! I plan to implement your suggestions!


Except for achievement addiction (Which I believe got over quite a while ago) I felt almost all of these as relatable. And I've been trying to get rid of them, by reducing screen time on my phone. I believe it's helping me greatly. Also, I believe starting to work one by one will hopefully help me a ton!


I came across your channel recently and I couldn't help but binge on your insights and perspectives. This truly helped me, not only on a daily basis but it made me more conscious about my self-concept, developing an astute judgment. I am downright awed by how you put things charmingly and intelligently. I am more than glad as you integrate research-based facets to share and extend your genuine knack for unconditional support to people, like me. Do what you do!


Thank you Shadé for this video it really helps I really believe that we as a society are addicted to stress and technology as we know it today.


Most important learning is that we need to put ourselves away from consuming too much information .Everything you told in this video is true.


Shadé is one of the most articulate people I have ever heard speak.


Wow! I felt creeped out, as if you observed my thoughts. These habits are too relatable, and they are holding me back.
Here is the summary for viewers:
5 Habits Keeping you STUCK:
1. 0:33 Infomania due to FOMO. Can't focus on tasks. Busy all the time, yet no progress.
2. 1:39 Knowing-doing trap.
3. 2:45 Achievement addict. Productivity guilt. Always short of time. Self criticism. Burnout.
4. 3:44 Multitask. Keep switching tasks to avoid the pain of boredom. Linked to FOMO.
5. 4:37 Attachment to phone.
5 Ways to Get UNSTUCK
1. 6:23 Stop & resist. Just for 5 min initially.
2. 6:50 To deal with Knowing-doing trap, go to the last video/podcast/article/book you consumed and identify just one thing you will put into practice.
3. 7:15 For achievement addiction, carve out some mindful leisure time. Stop comparing career achievements with others.
4. 7:45 For Multitaskers, recondition yourself to be comfortable being alone with yourself and your thoughts. When agitated or bored while doing something, resist the urge to switch. Note down what you are experiencing.
5. 9:00 Put away the phone out of sight.
Here I did point 2.
Thanks a ton Shade!


Nothing to guide. You are doing your highest, nothing left behind. Thanks a lot.


I Watched one of your video " 3 habits which kill your confidence" and my daughter was sitting and eating her dinner. I said to my daughter, look she is describing me. And now this video describe the things which I have. I always want to achieve more and more and that is why can't hold to something even a job. When I start something new I love it and put my whole attention and work towards it. And once I learned then I want to move to something new. And if I don't start something new then that thing will look to me routine and then that will start boring and stressing me. That is why I call myself a" hopper" my wife always tell me " rolling stone never gather moss"


OMG, , These past days I've been having this kinda feeling & suddenly your video came out. It helped a lot. Thank you so much !!
