How social media is destroying your life!

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Here it is!⁣

A lot of you have asked me “How was your speech at the women in business conference?”⁣

No better way to tell other than show you a video!⁣

It’s just a snippet (less than 5 mins)⁣

This was titled: Social Media “what path are we pathing”⁣

I call it “How social media is destroying your life”.⁣

But no matter what the opportunity is or what I call it the message is always the same. ⁣

Social media is linked to self imposed anxiety, depression and ‘fomo’. (Fear of missing out)⁣

So how do you navigate that?⁣

In this full speech my intention is to do 3 things...⁣
- Show you that link. Literal statistics and what psychologists are saying. ⁣

- Share my story in hopes to help you see, you’re a human and this can happen to you.⁣

- Give you tangible tools on how to diminish or eliminate the anxiety and depression you’re causing on yourself via social media. ⁣

This speech is also a workshop that I present to TEENS! They are the generation I’m most worried about. ⁣

Do you have a school, teen group and/or woman’s group that could use this type of encouragement and guidance?⁣

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me!⁣

Motivational Speaker⁣
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