Master Manor Lords: Essential Perfect Start Guide

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Learn the best starting strategy in Manor Lords with this intuitive guide -This essential guide offers unbeatable tips and tricks to master your strategy from day one. Discover how to dominate Manor Lords using our expert strategies and practical advice. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this guide is your ticket to success. Don't miss out—transform your gameplay today!

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Great way to start my morning. Grabbing a cup of coffee, then building a new city.


Great Video, some Additions:

- I would place the market earlier - cost you nothing and helps with approval.
- Set someone to work in the Granary and Storehouse, at least briefly, to prevent your starting resources from getting damaged in the rain. You can remove them again, after they hauled everything in.
- Also you have enough Lumber to start on the houses from the beginning so you should make 50% Approval when you hit April.
- No need to invest in food and firewood so early, you have 4 months of supply and your hunters will drain the local wildlife faster than it can replenish anyways.
- Those massive Plots, kind of a waste, at least if you are planning to do some farming later. Reason is, those families will take quite some time in the vegetable garden in spring - same time when you need their workforce elsewhere - in that case it is better to go for some chicken coops. Remember: For everything except Vegetable and Orchards, size of the Plot does not matter, as long as it can fit an artisan extension.
- Do more scouting at the beginning: Where are the aquifers, how fertile is the land so you can plan if you want to do Farming or rely on other means of food production.
- If you forgot your woodcutters camp: You can cancel another building / demolish it if already build and you will get your logs back.
- Way to early for the church. Better to get someone to collect some berries, food variety is enough to get over 50% for levle one plots. Only for levle two is the church required.


this game is BEAUTIFUL! I can't believe one person actually did this. Well fucking done Greg Styczeń!


That's how I start my village:
• Instantly place a Granary and Storehouse to prevent supplies from getting bad
• Hunting camp and Forage Hut to start food production and get leather
• Logging camp, put 2-3 families until 10-12 Timber
• 5 Burage Plots and Well to stop homelessness and grant water access (Forage Huts smallest possible extension slot)
• Woodcutter's Lodge and Sawpit for Fire Wood and Planks
• First 2 Planks to upgrade Hitching Post into a small Stable. Order another Ox for 20g
• 3 Marketplaces infront of the Granary and Storehouse (The families working in there should own the market stall)
• Build a Trading Post, Tannery and another 5 Forage Huts with your next 18 Timber. (You can build the Forage Huts adjecent to the others without any road connected)
• Sell Planks and Leather at the Trading Post, Skill into Trade Logistics and Establish trade Routes for both asap
• Use the wealth to build Goat Sheds (around 20) for even more Leather
• Build a Church and start Upgrading 2 Forage Huts to Level 2 (Always upgrade the ones closest to the market)
• In those Extensions build a Fletcher's Workshop, establish Trade Routes and start selling warbows
• Brewery Extension for the other Level 2
• Build a Tavern and Malthouse, start establish Trade Route importing malt
• Build Forage Huts with Vegetable Garden (7 slot long) and Chicken Coops in Short Extensions

From there I can decide my future develepment skills (if my area has farming potential or Rich deposits) and set policies acordingly


I restarted this game 3 times in one night. Somehow my first go was my best. But every time I learn something new. Tonight I’ll prolly start another 3


I upgrade the homeless tents into a camp (1 log but you get it back), this way the popularity doesn't dip and you never get below 50% and get families in faster.
Love your idea of opening with trade of planks, great idea, haven't thought of that.
Thanks for the video my man


My only change is I build the Granary along with the storehouse first. I know a lot of people try to skip that, but I've lost a lot of food because of thunderstorms in the first month, and I don't want to risk it anymore.


Use berries straight away together with carrots and hunters to create food happiness from the beginning.
Make sure to upgrade the tents to prevent unhappiness in the first period before your houses are finished.
Chicken and goats need only minimum plot size.


I really like how you built your plots for the homes, I think it's an effective way to build 6 homes and have vegetables. I'll start implementing this in my game too


In addition to these things, ive found on my last couple restarts, that with 5 starting bandit camps if you get an early manor you can take your 5 retinue and militia out during the first winter, farm the camps and finish winter with 18-22 retinue (depending on losses) and enough influence to claim whatever region best supports your main.


if you upgrade the worker camp you get 50% approval on normal difficulty which is enough to get a new settler, also each family gets 3 people instead of 2 which gives you a production boost early on


Cannot thank you enough for the many little tips, like how to make a 2-family plot, how to identify the king's home, and how to adjust the area where a lumber camp will cull trees. These are often overlooked because they're such small things, but man are they helpful.


The demo prompted the player through the initial build sequence. For some reason the early access version was less specific.


This was great, man. Concise, to the point, and not 40+ minutes long like other peoples videos. This has helped a ton. I played for 3 hours lastnight and finally got my trade down. Was banking good coin.


Another tip you might consider:
Pause the game and start planning your farms before everything else. Simply check fertility areas and then - since they are free - build the fields before plotting your actual village.


Your guides and strats are the best for manorlords!


Save real estate... you only need large burges for carrots and orchards.size or the block effects production amounts. Goats and chickens you dont need large blocks, only large enough to get the extension option..the size of the bock wont affect the production amounts


Remember to use the TAB button to quickly check the stats of everything. It will make the process much faster.


Dude. Seriously. You need to be working with the dev (singular) of this game. Such a good game intro. Nice work.


Once again i gotta start again. You basically answer all my questions i was having issues with ha you sir have my Sub
