Depression | Talking about mental health - Episode 4

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Nathan, Hannah, Helen, Rishi and Georgina talk about their experiences of depression, including how it feels, what's helped them and how their friends and family can help.

We're Mind, the mental health charity. We're here to make sure no one has to face a mental health problem alone.
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The first woman's words sum it up perfectly "their's just something missing"


Had depression here for a long time, my piece of advice, for what it's worth: On those days you're struggling to get out of bed, those days it feels like taking a shower is too much, those days you can barely bring yourself to make yourself something to eat. Do it. Force yourself, make yourself, those are the days it's most important to do those things you can't handle doing that day. When I feel that way and then go ahead and make myself do it anyway, it exhausts me, completely drains me, but it feels good after, like an accomplishment. Because the little things matter.


I am an avid #MentalHealthAwareness advocate and performer, and I love this so much. I travel the country trying to bring that awareness on stages, in classrooms, hospitals, and on my YouTube channel, so I get excited when I see other advocates. 💙❤


I am 23. Technically my life is okay-ish but I have almost no friends, an apathetic alcoholic family, no career and nothing to look forward to. Nobody would care if I didn't leave the house for a week and I spend more time visiting hospitals about my severe eye problems than going out and meeting people. The town I live in has no prospects for making friends unless you drink, which I refuse to do. Basically nothing good is going to happen to me any time soon.

Why am I writing this? Just to get it off my chest. I'll just dump it on this relatively remote corner of the net and hopefully that'll make me feel better,


I have ASD and depresssion, what triggers my depression is social issues. I just don't like to be made to feel I don't exist, this happens at work a lot.


My boss spot in head on with my depression


I am in big trouble and don't know where to turn. My head feels like it's stuck between a vice and clamping in on me. I want to get better and be free of this feeling and guilt and shame of memories from the past, but I also want to kill myself, which I'm too scared to do. I am stuck. 32 years old and not got a handle on life at all.
