The Ego | Carl Jung

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IN this clip Dr. Carl Jung talks about the ego. He explain using example how this concept represent the conscious part of the self. This clip is from a old interview with Carl Jung.
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Everyone is egocentric to a degree since we're all imperfect. The real challenge is to work ourselves passed it by looking at our dark side and wanting to improve in the light


More people need to understand this. Far too many are trying to force out the ego from people rather than see that it is part of the necessary and complete self.


Ask yourself, who am I,
sit with that thought, than ask yourself who am I again, and again, who am I,
The question will dissolve the ego, as we dont know who we are if we believe we are just this body, this flesh, this name, this identity,
We know we have a inner voice, we hear that voice in our inner heart. Our spirit, is watching, listening, reassuring us,
if we are, tuning in to our feelings, our feeling of being still to notice, the connection.
Go aganist, this inner wisdom, and we are anxious, confused, living to only please others, instead of your self, the more you ask who am I, the more you allow yourself to feel the bliss, from within, the joy of living with being guided by our higher self that drops into us from heaven, we are spirit moving flesh, become free by knowing, we are always right, when we listen to our spirit first.


Without a split of the personaility you never truly begin to become who you want to become rather you get stuck being who you originally was.. only courage can cross that bridge.


1. Memory
2. Intellect
3. Ego / identity
4. Consciousness
Who we are ?


Maybe someone will relate... It's difficult to explain...
But I often notice that one of the only major blocks to the fluid functioning of empathy, cooperation, understanding, creative intellect, and happiness is the exalted ego and how it tends to get inextricably involved with discourse/circumstance/etc. People don't seem to quite know how extremely they exalt their own huge egos. But I wonder why so many seem to be completely obsessed with their own egos, esp in America.

I tend to get along best with those others who can think freely/unbound and with less hubris, in terms of more ego-divorced conceptions with me (Idk why, but I tend to get along with the so-called INTP personality type people unusually well... I'm INFP).

"This is the experience and opinion of a perpetually naive person who is totaly willing to learn more and entertain infinity different angles of perception." This is how I approach everything and I just wonder why it seems to be so rare. Where is my tribe?

Attaching the soul's identity to most external judgments (esp negatively OVERcritical ones) seems to be this, sort of, seed of evil that sprouts in many directions... You see these certain other people who are esp prone to doing this and it's obviously more difficult for them to be flexible, evolve, understand new angles, and cooperate because they attach their own sense of pride and worth so completely with their every current take.


I'm ready for you guys come get great truth comes great responsibility


Here is the cheat code. If i can literally just sit around basking in my own happiness and love and self-satisfaction then that short-circuits all of life.
That's the genius of this method. That's its power. You think this is a bug. This is not a bug. This is a feature. This is exactly what you want. You want to short circuit that because you see then it frees you up.


In madness we find lucidness, our ego corrodes our logic our logic feeds our ego which feeds more in self perceived logic drowning us in our madness.


Ego is misinterpreted personal perception, we are a spark of one life force. God isn't a human looking person, thinking he does is a break from reality." Yasiah Kursi Allahu Samawati wa laad."
"For God's footstool is larger than the heavens and Earth."
We are his will, simple. But love overcomes ego knowledge with depth of spiritual development internally, forces unseen, will dissolve the lie of ego, focus love unconditionally. No ego


I am picking up great knowledge lately; studying geometrical aspects, sound, observations, and behaviors. "Observation= Behavior" is what I'm writing. Awareness, or Awareness by way of psychic skills; 5 senses as individuals of multiple egos.


So if someone has a split of personality it is the ego?


Perfect example of a short that is so short it makes no sense. What is C supposed to be????


As a young man I should be developing my ego more for success


Prof Jung states A IS SPLIT OFF PERSONALITY...please get it right not RUBBISH


Off screen dude, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Now the world world is going yeah yeah yeah everywhere you go.


Look out that no one takes you captive by means of the philosophy and empty deception according to human tradition, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ; 9 because it is in him that all the fullness of the divine quality dwells bodily.
Colossians 2


So the ego is the true self? But why society dont like egoistic people? Maybe because ego doesnt know self A (ego is B). And if ego doesnt know self A ego become bad? I dont know


So nobody is going to notice the antenna? Lol
