How to Get the Best Out of Your Sales Force

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Valuetainment episode #313-
The Secret to Scaling Your Sales Team

Time stamps:

1: 50 You need moral authority to drive people

5: 55 Pick the right person to drive

8:18 What are they driven by?

Valuetainment Posting Schedule:

Monday- Motivation for Entrepreneurs
Tuesday- How to Video with Patrick Bet-David
Wednesday- Life of an entrepreneur vlog
Thursday- How to Video with Patrick Bet-David
Friday- Case Studies with Biz Doc Tom Ellsworth
Saturday- Guest Contributor

About Valuetainment: This channel is about providing a hybrid of information and education for entrepreneurs. Every video is created with a purpose of providing value and entertainment, hence Valuetainment.

Patrick Bet-David, the creator of this channel has decades of experience, unique perspectives and experience that he wants to give back to the world of entrepreneurs. Why? Patrick Believes that 100 percent of the worlds problems can be solved by entrepreneurs. He is also an active CEO and leads a financial services sales force of over 3,000 agents across the U.S.

Follow Patrick on social media:
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Every morning learning something from our Mentor Pat Thank you.


Pat, you’re an incredible leader! How do we help more people find you? We need more leaders who believe in servant leadership like yourself in this world. Unbelievable value you’re providing! People don’t understand how much work you put into your content but I want you to know how much it’s appreciated!


Hey Pat! Amazing content, you should make a video about HOW TO READ PEOPLE! It would be SO useful. Best regards from Colombia


Beast mode! The amount of value you give for free is astounding, Pat! Thank you, man!


Love it! As an Educator I can relate to everything you discussed. Now it's time to use those skills to motivate my team and recruit those who are driven by their Whys! 😘


very nice, connects to your "evolution of your why" video. the "Why" part will always drives you


Pat I'm not ashamed to say that I love sales and I am always looking for ways to excel in this area. It's easy for me to connect with people I don't know and get them talking at a deeper level relatively quickly. When it comes to business you've mentioned in past episodes that scripts and selling are vital. What are your top books or leaders to listen to to keep getting better at sales and writing scripts that convert to sales? Do you have any material that's from you on only "how to" sell? You've taught me so much already and would love to learn your insight on this. Thanks to you and your team!!! Oh...I'm not afraid of hard work, discipline and sacrifice and I'm ready to get after it on a different level.


Great video Pat! You make 20 minutes feel like 2 minutes. You have me wanting to become a driver!!! Thank you for showing that you care and how to care for people. 🙏💪


I am watching your videos every single day to learn something new.

I am a Sales Manager, preparing to be an entrepreneur by building my own business. Your videos are really powerful..

Thank you


Valuetaiment team 😀 crossed the 300k subs mark 👍. Keep up the great work. You are the real heros teaching people how to push the limits.


People will respect and listen to others that "do". You can lead, but you have to know how to instruct. You can instruct, but you need to know how to do. Practical application is the most beneficial. When a person actually sees things happen the way you tell them it should is inspiring in itself.


This video was incredible, just like all of your material. Thank you Pat and the awesome team at Valuetainment, learning from you never gets old!


Part of me feels that the fact that their are 5 ways.... is from Delivering Happiness and how Zappos used the 5 whys way of reasoning based on Toyota.

5 whys... is an underrated and super powerful tool.


This is so amazing! If PBD had a sales course I’d absolutely purchase it
Thank you


Sales is not about emotions. I always try to teach my coworkers that their emotions don't mean anything. Our managers are all motivational speakers with no clue, so we get out of our meetings and the sales team are all excited and motivated and at the end of the day they are all down and disappointed with the results or lack of them. I tell everybody, it doesn't matter how you feel, you can be grumpy all day and have a great day selling and you can be happy and cheerful all day and have a terrible day selling. It is all about your strategy and understanding of the sales process.


1 million dollar advice...just what i was looking for


Thanks Pat for your passion in sharing your skills and insights. This by far is one of your best videos ever. Looking forward for more when you return from your hiatus. God bless you and your family !


Pat with all due respect, man you are the best, period.


That's lucky, this is just what I needed. I don't know why valuetainment videos timing is so perfect for me. Thanks again maestro.


AMAZING! Thanks a lot Pat! :) :)
much love!