How To Get Good On Guitar Fast

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In today's livestream I talk about how to quickly learn and master the guitar by using examples and practice tips.

The best deal I've ever offered:
🎉 The Beato Platinum Bundle Sale — $119 FOR ALL 5 Of My Courses

Ends Sunday, September 22nd at midnight
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The best deal I've ever offered:
🎉 The Beato Platinum Bundle Sale — $119 FOR ALL 5 Of My Courses

Ends Sunday, September 22nd at midnight


There are so many mind-blowing guitarists on the earth right now. Just like in athletics, the bar is constantly raised, but fortunately, melody, harmony, rhythm and emotion still count.


Hey Rick, I just wanted to say thank you. I’m 61 years old. I purchased your Labor Day special and purchased my first guitar a few weeks ago playing hard and learning hard. Thank you for your inspiration. Appreciate it. Take care.


I love how awkward your starts of live streams and videos can be. it's a signature move. love your stuff.


You inspire and frustrate me at the same time. There’s so much I don’t know!! I get overwhelmed


I took up the electric bass guitar last February 19th. The ONLY thing that is making me better is... PRACTICE.
I practice 3 times a week (at least an hour), finger exercises, scales, 'workouts' (BassBuzz), etc. Yes, my fingertips are now 'seasoned'.
I can now play 4 songs, fully, no mistakes, with confidence, when friends/visitors ask me "play something for us":
1. Blue Bayou - Linda Ronstadt
2. Booker-T - Green Onions
3. Bob Dylan - Knock, knock, knockin'
4. Venus - Bananarama

Which reminds me, I need to practice today.


I'm 64 ...& not a bad guitar player - for being a drummer. I play for writing & enjoyment purposes. I got the bundle for Labor Day. 👍 It's a great collection that I know will take me to levels of guitar playing I haven't explored yet & seriously broaden my musical knowledge overall. Highly recommended for anyone who hasn't picked it up!


I purchased the Beato Book in 2017 and it has been gathering virtual dust ever since. It is time for me to give it another go to learn more theory and classical. This is to complement everything I have learned by ear over the last 30 years.


I actually had a few lessons with some great guitarists, including a fun Q & A lesson with Joe Satriani ( in 2005, when he was supporting " Is There Love In Space? " ) and had a few with Dweezil Zappa ( his Dweezilla lessons prior to his shows ). Great lessons, no doubt. But, my main teacher ( John Wheeler ) taught one of the greatest lessons with a statement: " Learn one new thing a day and spend most of the time learning to play it properly, be it a riff or a whole song. " After 30 plus years of playing guitar, that statement still helps me get almost anything under my fingers. Thanks Rick!


Funny! You just appeared in my feed a few weeks ago, I watched a video and thought back then “WTF! Who is this guy?” to now watching earlier videos like “Stewart Copeland interview!”, “top 10 Metallica riffs” and thinking “WTF was I doing before, listening to music and enjoying it without understanding what made a band great and how they were trailblazers? Now when I play a song, I pay attention to so many important details because you pointed them out, you took the time to explain, or even interview the musician who actually created that song! Also, I knew I wasn’t crazy: music WAS better before!! Thanks, Rick!


I started with your course about 2 or 3 weeks ago on the acoutic guituar of my girlfriend, got myself a Fender Jim Root Tele for my birthday last week.
Now I can grab the first 5 open chords and practice every day to get fast enough to learn my first song.
I chose "Lady in Black" by Uriah Heep, it's just 2 chords.
There is a long way ahead.


Rick you are a genius. But I’m an intermediate player and honestly you go waaay deep in the weeds for me to get much instruction from your videos, but I still like to watch em for most part.


I think a big reason Rick seems so advanced is because he plays the guitar in terms of music notes rather than frets. Most of us just see patterns and figures as frets and numbers. Rick is able to see the guitar musically which takes out the boxes that players get stuck in.


We learn something new and awesome every single time we watch a Rick video.


I got the Foundations of Music Bundle and it's AWESOME/AMAZING!!! YOU need to get yours, too! Rick is my favorite instructor ever!
Thank you so very much, Rick!


Back in 94, I took maybe 10 private lessons from Barry Richman, he’s an Atlanta guitar GOD to me. Those things he showed me to practice (I could already do baby chords and sing) changed the trajectory of my playing. I practiced this rather precarious picking finger exercise and still do to this day to warm up. It sped up my right and left hand development for lead. I still suck but can mimic some solos 😊


Hey Rick, picked up the Platinum Bundle. Had some doubts because of the cost. But it's turned out to be worth it. I was always struggling to bring music theory and playing technique together. Until recently, I've practiced and studied each but treated them as separate topics, more or less. The courses bring it together. And I feel vindicated about the importance of intervals, a debate I had with someone I know.

So now I'm taking a few steps back to practice what you're showing in the videos and book. And it's helping me to better understand tab and sheet music in a way that can make picking up new music easier to tackle. When I get develop my ear more, than I feel like I've really come into my playing ability. The icing on the cake is being able to work my way around the fretboard to improvise on any music. And the arpeggio section--that's eye opening.

If I keep studying this, it's money well spent. By the way, do you have a recent printed version of the book or are you okay with me printing select pages for reference when sitting by my amp?


I got your beato book bundle with my birthday money. Thank you for your time and perspective on music and guitar especially, know that you are causing guys all over the world to pick up their guitars and play them with joy. Hoping to get a lot out of the material you've put together. Cheers from Colorado.


this is good advice on the pull-offs! It makes it sound a lot smoother. The way I usually do it when learning a song is I just learn just 2-3 pentatonic positions for that key in that song. That usually gives me a lot to work with.


Geeeez the division in these comments 😂 you know what's the real best advice for a musician? Do what you love man. Do what you think is fun an cool. That's the reason we picked up our instruments in the first place right? If someone just likes learning their favorite songs an they don't care to learn theory good for them! If ur a theory head an that's what makes u strive to get better good on you too! Me personally I like a little bit of both an Id say I benefit tremendously from it but I know it's not for everyone. There isn't a right or wrong way not everyone's goal is to be the next Steve Vai or whatever just do what you love and I'm sure you will end up where you want if you just keep it up! Much love yal Rick is the man love learning from em!
