This Will Fix Your Land Rover Lr3 Suspension Problems | Lr3 Won't Raise

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In this video, we'll show you how to fix land rover lr3 suspension problems using a simple DIY fix.

If your land rover lr3 won't raise and the air suspension isn't working, then this fix is for you! We'll show you how to adjust the chassis and coil springs, and solve your suspension problems in just a few minutes! After watching this video, your land rover lr3 will be back to normal and you'll be able to enjoy the smooth ride again!

Now my Lr3 will raise and lift up, I solved my Land Rover suspension problem in 3 easy procedures. First, I raised my lr3 and measured the height and then I check for any air leaking from the air struts. Next, I pull out the height adjustment fuse and let it stay overnight. Finally, I inspected the relief valve block.

If your Land Rover Lr3 is low in the morning or it's rising slowly. Then, this video will solve or at least point you in the right direction in getting your Land Rover suspension fixed.

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I had been having the exact same issue! I had my LR certified mechanic watch this. He shook his head, laughed, and replaced the relief valve. He had run diagnostics, which DID NOT report a problem, and was able to show them to me. But this fixed it. One other issue that it was not was older Johnson rods ("...this little arm"..."), which can wear out. Land Rover, making mechanics out of owners for over 40 years! I love this thing.


Nice work on the video. 
Your height adjustment sensors are basically a variable resistor that tells the computer where the suspension is. If you have a Rover that has navigation, you can pull up the 4x4 menu, then watch each sensor as you raise and lower the vehicle. If you see any of the sensor locators jumping around, you have a bad ride height sensor on that corner. You will know which one is bad, because the other sensors will be moving smoothly throughout their operation while going up and down.
Hope this helps someone!


Great video sir. I am a new owner of a 2008 LR3, and started noticing that it was bowing to me every morning. Took it to a Land Rover specialist and was told I needed $2043 in new air bags. I had seen your channel before I bought the LR3 so I took my LR3 home and did my own testing. Put it in extended height mode, measured, let it sit for 14 hours, re-measured and had lost 3/4" all the way around. I am now doing the second test with the fuse removed. I am feeling very optimistic :) I will let you know my results.


My L320 was down on n/s front . Set system to full height . Got out listened for a possible leak . Found it forward of the strut . Result wheel off splash guard off there it was dosed pipe. 2inches forward of the pipe push fit connection .. . Ordered a new connector. Taped up the pipe. It held height . Will change the pipe connector remove the damaged section as there's plenty to work with . Reconnect job done . I can't believe the amount of people talk rubbish about air sus. Its just not that complicated . In real terms its either compressor / condenser. Valve block, shock or pipes . Its worth the hassle for the ride quality . Most that slag off LR motors obviously don't have one . Yes somethings are a pain in the ass but not as expensive as the internet ney sayers would have you believe . Great videos buddy . Very informative keep up the good work 👍


By far the most informative video on this common EAS issue. Like all other commentators & reluctant DIY mechanics who love Land Rovers, this video is a lifesaver!


I have owned 3 land cruisers prior to purchasing my lr3. Just love the air suspension. Thank you for all your great help. My lr3 has 208 000 miles used offroad weekly.


Been pulling my hair out trying to sort this exact problem, great video mate. Thanks


Thanks for the video, mate. I'm still in the market for a Disco 3, and it's hard to filter out the noise about them being unreliable, problematic etc, mostly from people who've never actually owned one. So, to see first hand experience of what can happen, presented with a solution for a DIY mechanic with even my limited skills, is really reassuring. Cheers, from Australia.


This is a very good video. A methodical way to eliminate EAS faults without randomly throwing expensive parts at the problem without understanding the real issue. Well done.


I don't know how i ended up seeing this video, but thank you sir. This was very insightful 💯🇺🇸


I own a 2006 LR3 SE with 130k miles on it and love it, like I said before there is nothing like a Rover !


A great video. It's easy to get into procrastination when it comes to LR and RR suspension. Having just replaced the front air struts (157, 00 miles - they were original parts) this just confirmed for me that there were no other problems. Simple and easy to follow and understand. Thanks.


Great video, I own a 2008 LR3 SE V8 with 84k miles, your videos are helpful the Land Rover dealer would tell you you need all four new air shocks.


Excellent, well done. You must have spent a lot of time figuring this out, and a whole lot more time constructing this video. 10/10.


Good diagnostic work. Will be interesting to see what the problem turns out to be. Real men can fix their own Land Rovers👍
On the P38 Range Rover there is a relay under the driver's seat that is part of the self-leveling system. Set the car to off-road height and remove that relay. If you have a leaky air bag it will sink only at that corner.


Thankyou so much friend for all the info! I have a 2007 LR3 and just in the last couple of weeks I'll be driving and all of the sudden all my warning lights come on then it drops...full drop like a lowrider....I simply turn off the key, start again and raise the suspension to off road...then drive past 35 and it drops to normal height....and is fine for several days...then it does it again...did it twice today! Baffled!


Congratulations, you made 13 min video, that was clear, very informative, helpful and had no wasted time! Thank you. Also I may not be exactly correct.. but for anyone not comfortable with pulling fuses.. you can also leave a door or the tailgate door just slightly ajar, overnight.. did it on my RR Sport. That will also not let it drop.

Honestly, I was a bit heartbroken when it sagged at the end, hopefully it was just one of the Vblock solenoids.. I believe there a 3.. let us all know what the solution ended up being.


So is real pleasure to listen to you you know what you’re talking about Eddie from UK living in Italy moving back to the UK buying the same car as you’ve got online so when it’s delivered I hope I don’t have these kind of problems I’m only paying £8000 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Wish I could give more than one thumbs up! Really love my 2006 LR3 and love your videos!


Oxman, Thanks for supporting us LR3 and LR4 owners. I happen to own both models. Appreciate you. Cheers!
