My Narcissistic Father's Last Words To Me Before Dying

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The Royal We has helped Millions to escape the grip of narcissistic abuse. Here’s a deeper look into what narcissistic abuse looks like and steps to heal from it:

Narcissistic abuse looks like:

Lack of Empathy: Narcissists often show little to no empathy for others, making it easy for them to manipulate and exploit. Narcissists use various tactics such as gaslighting, love bombing, and devaluation to control and dominate their victims.

Common Tactics Used in Narcissistic Abuse:

Gaslighting: Making the victim doubt their own reality and sanity.
Love Bombing: Showering the victim with excessive attention and affection to gain control.

Devaluation: Undermining the victim’s self-worth through criticism, belittling, and emotional neglect.

Isolation: Cutting the victim off from their support systems to increase dependency on the abuser.

Triangulation: Using others to create jealousy or competition, keeping the victim feeling insecure.
Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

How to begin healing from narcissistic abuse:
Understand that you have been enduring narcissistic abuse. This awareness is the first step toward healing.

Get Help:

Establish No Contact or Low Contact:

Limit or completely cut off communication with the narcissistic abuser. This helps you gain emotional distance and begin your healing journey.
Rebuild Your Self-Esteem:

Engage in activities that boost your confidence and self-worth. Surround yourself with supportive, positive people who value and respect you.
Educate Yourself:

Learn about narcissistic abuse and its effects. Knowledge is empowering and can help you recognize patterns and avoid future toxic relationships.
Practice Self-Care:

Prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and mindfulness practices can all contribute to your recovery.
Set Boundaries:

Develop and maintain healthy boundaries in all your relationships.

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I'm starting to think having good and loving parents is more rare than I thought


Most people don't know what loneliness is until they're with a group of people who make them feel lonelier than they were being alone.


Narcissists don't need people to tell them who they are, they need people to constantly praise, validate and uplift them. If you tell them who they are (the truth! ) and they don't like it, they're not going to stick around to get to know who they are, you'll most probably get dumped through silent treatment or experience their rage.


I saw a quote that I found to be true:
A Narcissist gives you just enough hope to hold onto....
absolutely nothing.


I can only say man, that your narcissistic father leaving at 4 years old was probably the best thing that could have happened to you even if it may never seem it.
I've got 19 years of memories of that yelling and screaming. My child hood was a 24/7 war zone.


A therapist told me years ago " People need to control themselves not others"


Before I knew anything about the narcissist family dynamics, I spent the last months of my mother's life taking care of her as she was dying. One day, I recounted all the things I had done and achieved in my life. I know now that I was looking for the validation and approval I'd never received from her. After reminding her of my accomplishments, she turned to me and said, "No. That was your sister. " I can laugh about it now, but for a long time, it was a terrible pain in my heart.


My narcissistic uncles last words before dying(no exaggeration) were:

"I'm mad because all those women I didn't sleep with"

Well friends, his wife my aunt was one of the most amazing women I've ever met. She was a true saint, an ex nun, faithful and honest and just amazing. She was such a good wife to him.

Disgusting and zero conscious.

One of the biggest things narcissists do is they are excellent at creating an outer facade, especially in relationships but at home are absolutely diabolical. They are a nightmare.


"My father's dying last wish was that he could hold me in his arms one more time. HE WAS IN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR!" --Rodney Dangerfield


If there's anything I've learn from a narcisist, it's that NOTHING is ever enough for them. It's like they have a gaping hole inside of them, and they just don't know what to fill it with. You could give them the world and it still wouldn't satisfy them.


To be the opposite of a narcissist- own your mistakes. Say, "Yes- that's my fault. I was wrong." No excuses, no blaming someone else.


I lost my brother to suicide in 2022.
4 days before he hung himself, his last cry for help was to tie the rope to a tree at my parents' house, which he was living at. He also left the ladder next to the hanging rope and went about his day.
My dad freaked out on him and said he better not do anything stupid at "HIS HOUSE"
He also told him to imagine how his friends, nephews, parents, feel after losing their kid to hanging himself.
4 days later, my brother actually did it.
My father had a golden opportunity to get my brother help but chose to make the situation about himself.
Now, he gets to play the victim and make the situation about himself for the rest of his life. 🙄


Bless those people who have loving mothers and fathers...some of us don't know what it's like where others get it everyday. Bless those of us who have been tossed out to sea...that we may float and learn to navigate through these deep and sometimes dangerous waters ...and may we find us a good landing.


My Mom is a narcissist. My Dad was the most loving man the world has ever known. He stayed with us. He KNEW that his presence was paramount to having a good upbringing. His stability and love was the light that guided us to good lives with good relationships and good children of our own. It was a gift He gave us that I didn't recognise until after he was gone. He put up with her BS for 67 years. He did love her, no doubt. But he was treated horribly, as we were, but he stayed. He loved her as well as us kids. Above all else, he conquered. We all have good loving families because of the love he showed us and the blueprint he gave us on HOW to be a good parent. I miss you Dad. Thank You.


I fear for my grandson. He is an only child. His mother is a narc with anger issues & his father is an alcoholic. I raised that beautiful boy for 5 1/2 years. Then I called out his parents on their treatment of him. Then they cut me out of his life. I worry every day for his safety. My heart is crushed in knowing I will probaby never see him again. My boy needs to know his grandmom loves & misses him. And, I cannot protect him. Please pray for my Hunter. Thank you so kindly.❤


My narcissist mother: "I did the best I could." She never admits wrong doing or causing harm.


Narcissists don't "self-reflect". It's that simple!


So your dad never said he regretted "never knowing YOU"...his son! He only cared about not knowing "himself". PERFECT narcissism that never changes.


My mother stayed married to my horrible father. Because of that I divorced my narcissist!! I'd had enough. Single is much better!! From Greer SC ❤️


My dad too was a narcissist, but the situation was different. He didn't stray and stayed married to my mom until he died. We have a small business, and because he was good at what he did he thought he was perfect and thought he should run everything. He treated me like crap, but he carefully guarded it. That way if I told anybody they wouldn't believe me. He treated strangers good, but only because he didn't know what buttons to push. Once he knew he treated them like crap too. He wouldn't treat people like crap who might retaliate and kick his ass. He died when I was 35, and I never in my life ever heard him say I'm sorry to anyone, except one time when he apologized to somebody who he pissed off and was about to kill him. Apologizing to save your neck doesn't count because it isn't genuine. If I had it to do over I would have left right after high school. I hoped it would get better but it never did. My advice to anybody in a situation like this: get out if you can.
