He's in love with you if he says these 4 things

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In this video, we explore the 4 things that men say when they're in love. we dive into the language of love as spoken by men. Whether you're trying to figure out if your guy is really in love with you or simply curious about the inner workings of the male psyche, this video offers valuable insights into the way men express their emotions when they're head over heels for someone. So sit back, grab a pen and paper, and get ready to learn about the sweet, silly, and sometimes surprising things that men say when they're in love.

We'll share with you 4 things that men say when they're in love.

If you are asking any of the following questions:

- what he says when he loves you?
- phrases man say when he likes you?
- when a man loves a woman? In this video, we answer all these questions.


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4 Surprising Things Men Like in Women More than Beauty

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I was married for 33 years before God took him. 4 days before he died, he said to me. Honey, thank you for marring me. Your the best thing that ever happen to me. I waited 33 years to hear him say that. I knew he loved me deeply, but he never said those words to me. Finally after all those years, I got to hear them. To me, it was like his last gift to me. He was never much of a talker, he was a doer. He showed his deep love to me by doing things for me all the time. Some man are not into mushy talking, but he proved his love for me in many different ways. I was so pleased of all the things he done for me.


Easy to say these Words ❤ Actions Speak Louder than WORDS


I need u, I miss u, I love u, I'm whatever he says...these phrases mean nothing, if he doesn't back up his words with his actions. we all know action speaks louder than the word.... after saying 'sorry' if he keeps doing same mistake and wrong thing repeatedly, than what is the point saying 'sorry' apology is changed behavior....an apology without change is just a manipulation.


Four things a man says when in love: 1. "I need you " 2. "I miss you" 3. "I'm sorry" 4. "I love you." Hopefully your man does each one of these.😀😉👍


My hubby saya these words but does exactly the opposte of them😂I still believe in actions speaking louder than words


Guy's can be so wicked, So these words actually mean nothing.I also support the fact that actions speaks louder than voice.


1. I need you
2. I miss you
3. I'm sorry
4. I love you


he tells me these four things all the time and guess what, am single at this moment, men only tell u what u want to hear 😂😂


he says each of these sentences to me and i can see his efforts as well trust him and wanted to be with him forever


Beware of scammers ladies. They say these things too. If he's asking you for money...run


Week before my husband went home to be with the Lord, he said to me, when God made you He made you especially just for me....he was always so loving an affectionate.we were married for 52 yrs


No matter how beautiful the spoken words are, if these beautiful words are not linked to corresponding deeds, then beautiful words are just words. Speaking nicely is easy and almost everyone can do it well, but unfortunately not many can do it.


My man says all of these and he's in the military 🪖 and I haven't seen him for 2 years and he says them everyday bless him 🙏😇and he will be home 🏡 in the next coming weeks xxx


I still believe action speaks louder than words


It works both ways in what a couple say & do for eachother.

When I think back, I said & did for my ex, but she never did 😢
It was eventually right we parted.

Beware mostly, the person that never says sorry.
We all make mistakes & it's a huge red flag if a sorry isn't heard or given.


He tells me "he needs me, he misses me" yet he betrayed me😢.. he has apologize and keeps saying all these 4 but I can't trust him anymore because he's getting married to another girl. Yet he still says these.🥺🥺🥺


Lairs also say all these three 😅 but it goes so deep when the right person says it 🥰


Those words are the most abused nowadays so it's difficult to trust


In these in all 4 words, I am sorry is really something that cools other person.. And really important to say when you hurt others


I don't believe in love I don't trust everything😂😂
