I don't care if you LOVE him, he's USING you! THIS is how to NOT be taken for granted!

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I don't want you to be taken for granted in your relationships. This is how to set yourself up for success in your dating and marriage relationships. This is how to value yourself and respect yourself enough to know when to walk away. All relationships require selflessness and sacrifice and consideration. Is he is doing that for you? Or does it tend to be one-sided?

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It is far better to be single and alone, than be in a relationship or marriage and be lonely!


It's not only sex! It can be also having his life organized, thinking for him, generally being a mom to him; physical labor. So don't forget there are men who have low libido but still will use a woman to either exploit her, or to psychologically use her to boost their ego (especially when she's submissive and pretty). There are also vampires for your emotional support as toxic men don't have true friendships so they seek women to become their emotional sponges and trap them with sex (it releases oxitocin - hormone of being connected - that's why you should NEVER go to bed with someone you don't trust 100%).


My husband left when I asked for respect. Every one try’s to guilt me. I’m not falling for the mass giving me a hard time. No one deserves to be cheated on and treated as though they are worthless.


Ladies, this is why you need to have education and your own money and security so that you don’t have to rely on anyone else. Especially someone who’s treating you badly.


Jimmy is speaking truth here. I did live with someone like he is describing for DECADES, always hoping and praying things would change, that I could give enough so he would change. A little over a year ago, my counselor asked if I had prayed to ask God what would be best for ME regarding my marriage. The question stunned me and tears immediately began rolling down my cheeks. I KNEW the answer to that question before asking it. I just didn't know I COULD ask and that I mattered. I am free now and seeing more clearly each day the years of abuse, disrespect and neglect I endured. If your spouse is unwilling to be a joint partner, to really listen to you and care for you in the ways you need and want, you can get out! God provided me the strength and the way to leave.


“…because no one’s coming to save you… it’s up to you”…💥


My HUSBAND did this to me. He chased me and treated me beautifully until we got married. He never went back to the way he was before our wedding day. Due to religious purposes, neither of us are allowed to divorce. However, he IS divorcing me, right now, for another woman because I recently stopped obeying his command to "act happy and pretty!" every time we talked just so we could have a conversation. The conversations never led to allowing me to discuss anything important anyway. He said whatever he wanted to. He says he hates me, his new "wife" has "BLONDE HAIR AND BLUE EYES! SHE'S VERY YOUNG!" etc etc... He thinks he's punishing me. But I feel so free. I just hope he doesn't change his mind. However, if he does, now that he's exposed he's committing adultery I can file for divorce (I've recorded his admission 😊)


It's Crazy how often people run when you set firm boundaries


Every young girl needs to hear this before dating so they know how to not get used. No one ever taught me that. I had to learn the hard way.


To whoever just watched this and thought “holy sht…100%”
I’m sending you love, we’re in this together.


Dang, Jimmy... "Sometimes we stay in those relationships bc we're terrified of being alone, but what I need you to remember is you are ALREADY ALONE IN THIS RELATIONSHIP!" ... that one hit hard for me! TY!🙏🏼❤


Ladies - listen to Jimmy's advice very carefully and don't waste years of your life in a relationship that's going nowhere like I did. I never valued myself due to childhood issues and just accepted breadcrumbs - grateful when a man gave me the merest morsel of affection or time. It took me over 50 years to learn that I allowed this due to childhood trauma but I worked through all that (very tough) and now know I'm worth more - and at long last the boot is on the other foot!!!! No more jumping through hoops or being accepting of a man who moves the goalposts just to keep me on the hook and being a blessing in HIS life: if I so much as sniff this type of behaviour, I'm gone.


NO! No. Don't have kids with this guy. Don't. Just don't. Trust the old timers. This isn't him. This isn't that guy. You think he'll treat his kids better than he treats you?!? Hint: nope. Only difference is: they can't defend themselves.


“Run, .. don’t walk away.”
“If u don’t address ur childhood traumas, ur relationships will.”
This is perhaps ur very best vid!!!.


This is what I tell myself lately…It’s Never to Late Start Loving Yourself First.


My ex situationship use to try to make me feel like I was asking too much for wanting a relationship. He use to say "don't you see how little time I have then I drive all the way over to your place after work to see you." No dude you drove all the way here because you wanted sex! 🙄


You posted this at exactly the right time for me. One of my biggest regrets is that I thought I WAS choosing a great man to be the father of my children, but it was all an act. I’m finally taking steps to free myself and take my life, health, and safety back. It IS scary, but I don’t see a happy future with him. I was raised exactly how you described, and believed those lies. Not anymore!!


So true. I'm literally going through this now. I gave him 17 years of my life and my kids have suffered greatly. I loved him and every time something bad happened I took him back only for him to use me again until time. This year I finally stood up for myself and my kids. I stopped all physical contact with him and a few months later he found someone else. At first I was devastated but now I wish I had left him long ago. I never comment on anything but this is important. Don't stay in a toxic relationship it's not love and he doesn't deserve you. You and your kids deserve better.


Every woman and girl need to adhere to this advice. We are made believe that with patience and lots of love, we will get a stable and healthy relationship. This is so not true. No amount of support and love that you give to the guy will make him value you.


20 years ago, this was me. I had low self -worth and was brought up in a Narcissistic household . After life kicked the shit out of me(along with a few men who did too), I woke up(well, after many years of therapy), to realize that I am SO worthy. I have amazing self esteem now and realize how pretty damn amazing I am. I don't put up with anything anymore and it is a whole new life. Sadly, I am kind of old now, so I wasted a lot of my life being in a dark place, but as the saying goes; "Better late than never". Don't be me ladies.Don't throw away 40= years of your life, but stand up for yourself while you still have time to live a long and happy life. Watching this channel is a great place to sart!
