When to reply when ex finally contacts you again?? (She came back!)

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The answer to the question of when to reply when ex finally contact you again comes as a general guideline.

The rule of thumb is fairly simple: for every day she's been gone, wait an hour to reply.

If she hasn't contacted you in 2 days, wait 2 hours; 4 days, wait for hours etc.

But, is there a limit to the number of hours you should wait?

And do you count the time you're sleeping?

Should you reply before going to sleep??

The answers are in the video. It' a short one, so you'll find out in a jiffy, Jeffy!

Want the whole 9 yards on how to get your ex back when she pulls away?

If you have a dating advice or relationship advice question, write it in the comments and I'll do my best to answer it or maybe even do a video for you!

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You know me, when it's over, it's over. Complete disconnect. Last ex-gf texted me two months later, and my response was immediate, "I've moved on". A really long time ago, an ex told me that I was the kind of guy to marry, not really the best to date (I guess her other experiences were more exciting, but Hey, I didn't have much money.). I took stock in this statement. (nods) After that, every break up was a divorce, a complete reset. One ex was so angry, it was Stalker Nation for a time. (yes, I referred to her as Stalker Nation)


The answer is never. Under no circumstances, DON'T EVER REPLY.


I've seen it a few times. She divorces him in their 40s. Cost them a lot. Then around 60 she wants him to drop the current girl friend and get back with her because she is broke(spent the IRAs that she got and any other money from the settlement). One guy did go back. He didn't seem happy either way. Good Luck, Rick


Time to move on from a red pill man. More fish in the sea. It’s hard out there, women are finding out. You have great wisdom Anna.I hope women are Listening. Men are tired of these games women play.😩


"Getting your ex back"... Not even if she comes back with a dowry, baby! 😆


The rule of thumb is that the more you talk, the more you like me...and the more i talk more i like you.
Its a chalenge to find this on youtube...
So who is the therapist?


This hair style looks great on you 😀😎❤️


I recently subscribed and have been perusing the totality of your work. Just wanted to say thank you for your insight and wisdom. I believe it will prove to be invaluable.


A man's job is to lead in a relationship and this doesn't mean to be an obsessive controlling jerk . As men we are put in the leadership roles by society so we need to take the lead and do just that . This taking back your ex stuff kind of looks like women trying to lead and expecting men to deal with the mess created by this seemingly two headed beast situation, when women need to accept responsibility for themselves a lot sometimes .Life can be like a sack race and forward momentum is based on cooperation and leadership . If there are two leaders in a dance or in a sack race; it doesn't work. If you are on the fence ladies, then you need to find a guy who just likes you for who you are -- even though the guy you just left already did-- which is really messed up in some ways .The truth is guys find their relationships aren't working and back out in their own ways too .Men need to just lead and not play games -- leaving the option open only tends to throw things off the rails because she's either in or she is not . When you find the right fit, deal breakers really don't seem to be in the picture that much .


Are you Norwegian/Skandinavian ? Im Norwegian and your name sound very Norwegian
Great video


Anna Hi Is Best To Keep It Moving And Just Move On What You Had You Had It's Gone Now That Why Am A Free Sprit Right Now Darling Ernesto B Nyc🤗🤗


It's been my experience that an ex is an ex for a reason.


She called me,
and I had No interest to call her back.

I forced her to call me 2 times.
I was not going to call her back.
But my family (my Elders) told me that I should.
I did.
Lasted about 4 years.


Yes, I will file the papers so you can get half of my retirement!


Non of my exes ever came back. perhaps i am just a bad person.


I have a question you might like to tackle. I have asked someone I am attracted to out to dinner (after slaying a gigantic anxiety dragon!) and she said yes! She hasn't set a hard date with me for the dinner, citing being very busy. This has stretched out a few weeks now. I have checked in with her once in that time to see if we are still on and she affirmed we were. Do I need to retool to a different plan or date type? This doesn't seem like a s--test to me, but it feels like a delay tactic (that could be my defeatism trying to jump back in the door). Help, Wingmam!🏳❤


I recently kissed a long time friend. We made out, "rounded some bases" and even kissed again when I left. I texted 4 days later to see if she was free the weekend. No response. I waited another 7 days and again asked if shed be free sunday. She said she wasn't sure yet. Sunday has come and gone and its now been 12 days since she replied to that text. And 3 1/2 weeks since the kiss. We've known each other 10 years. she has kids. Also friends with her sister. What's going on???
