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00:00 Geoff Says Hello
00:24 You Don’t WANT To Be Advanced
01:22 Video Overview
01:39 Book Book Book
01:55 What BEGINNERS Need
06:35 What ADVANCED Lifters Need
09:00 Needs vs Wants
09:45 Things That Change During The Journey
11:42 Questions You Gotta Answer
14:02 Being Advanced Is OPTIONAL!
15:00 Book Book Book

Book 1: SWEAT
Book 2: Ring Training For Hypertrophy
Book 3: Resurrecting Your Gains

Can check the site for full Tables Of Contents of each book. Appreciate the support!

Fully Custom Training Plans and One-On-One Mentorship:
Email geodude412 (at symbol thingy) yahoo (dot symbol thingy) com
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The next book is finally OUT!!!

Really proud of how it turned out. It has completely new information, as I've learned quite a bit about training since the first one. It's focused on improving your hypertrophy-training process and breaking plateaus. It includes an almost SEVEN HOUR audiobook, which I decided to record myself rather than outsourcing.

Feedback has been excellent so far. I don't do sponsored videos or have ads on the channel, so I really appreciate the support. I really is YOU who keeps the channel going!

Can grab a copy below if it sounds like something you'd be interested in!


I’m glad to see the recent growth of the natural bodybuilding community. Veteran/advanced natural lifters passing on lifting wisdom to the natty youth


Shiny object syndrome had me spinning my wheels for years, and quite honestly athleanx was the number one facilitator


In my experience, some of the most important factors throughout anyone’s lifting journey are being able to check that ego at the door, staying consistent, & keeping an open mind to always continue learning something new every single day. 💪


From the beginning until now as an intermediate I've just let my program slowly evolve over time. Slowly adding things like exercises, volume, etc. I never just "completely changed" what I was doing and this leads to your point of tracking everything. THATS HUGE. That's how you figure out what is and what isn't working instead of just randomly switching things up.

I'm also of the "if it aint broke don't fix it" camp. If I'm making progress on something then there is no reason for me to make drastic changes. Lastly stop worrying about what exercise is best. Pick something that seems cool, see if it works.


One of the most exciting parts of the lifting journey for me has been the mini- epiphanies along the way. Realizing when to time my pre-workout carbs most optimally, or what angle of incline press feels best on my shoulders while producing the most stimulus to my chest. It is such an individual pursuit which is what I love about it. Great vid.


One of the key factors in determining whether someone is at the novice, intermediate or advanced stage, is how much intensity they can generate. The ability to summon up concentrated and controlled aggression, is a skill that definitely takes a while to master.


Very accurate summary of the journey here Geoffrey! Pretty much exactly mirrors my experience.

Buy his books!


I think one of the aspects that is helping me survive my lifting journey is paying attention to my capabilities, not only in terms of strength / endurance, but specifically range of motion, stability of joints and anything that is lacking in those areas. Being able to work around something is fine, but building resilience in a joint that you've had issues with in the past is incredibly useful.


The Pokemon Geodude evolution in the Thumbnail was just way to strong for this to go unnoticed


Watching Geoff go from his quora days to closing in on that 25 ffmi has been inspiring! Shows how much is possible as a natural willing to put in 5-10+ solid years.

If theres anything from this video I can repeat for others reading the comments is that you need to find what exercises work for you. For me 'staple' compound lifts like the barbell squat and bench press gave me injury issues, even with good form. Replaced them with bulgarian split squats and DB bench and things have never been better in the gym.

Find what works for you and get stronger at that in reps and weight!


My fitness hot take: Fitness youtubers need content, so they have to cover all kinds of esoteric topics, most of which is useless for 95% of the viewers. For most people the real struggle is to be consistent, keep going to the gym even when you don't feel like it, manage your sleep and diet outside of the gym, find out what works for you using experimentation. Simple things, but hard to stick to... and it makes for rubbish content. Nobody want's to watch 40 different videos about a guy doing the exact same workout over and over. So the fitness youtubers keep pushing out content on advanced topics that takes away time from their viewers and confuse the heck out of them. Program hopping and loss of confidence in your fitness process follows.

Youtube makes it even worse by ignoring fitness channels that doesn't make regular uploads. Youtube is literally killing your gains.


I've been thinking about these things too! I've been learning to fall back in love with the gym. That doesn't mean obsessing about things, as perhaps I used to do, but savoring the labor and the fruits thereof.


Ur spot on with a lot of ur advice. When I started my journey again the YouTubers I was watching info's was keeping me from getting the gains I knew I could I achieve. They really do show you exercises that keep you from growing


Started messing with sarms for about 6 months, your videos helped me decide to stop and train natural. I've seen better results training natural with your principles than I had using dumb programs with sarms. Thanks for providing objectively good content.


today my first notebook for logging workouts has actually run out of pages after a full year of consistent training week in and week out...Its a habit at this point and im really happy to enter my 2nd year of consistent training..lets go


One important thing especially for beginners is that there is such a thing a training too minimally, dont go to the gym, only ever do 4-5 compound exercises and expect that it will leave you one day looking like a bodybuilder. Yes compounds are important for strength but unless your a powerlifter dont make the same mistake i did and never add in isolation work or more volume for specific muscles because trust me you will be very disappointed if you goal is bodybuilding.


I identify as a beginner so I can gain 15lbs per year


Been tracking reps and sets from early on thanks to geoff and similar channels 👍


Countless gems in this video, saving this one for sure
