The Best Squier Stratocaster

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The Best Squier Stratocaster. This is the best Squier Stratocaster I have every played. By miles! This is a Squier Classic Vibe and more specifically, it's the Squier 40th Anniversary edition so it has a satin finish on the body and neck. What an absolute beauty!

I have changed a few parts such as the pickups which are now the Tonerider Overwound strat set. I've also fitted a Fender bridge which wasn't particularly necessary.

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My wife bought me a Squier Affinity Strat for Christmas last year. Perfect right out of the box. Sounds and plays great! It’s now my number one. $249 guitar. I haven’t changed a single thing about it and I’m not going to.


My favorite tuners as well! No more finger/string poke injuries🤘🏼


Squiers are so good these days. I got a dirt cheap squier sonic tele last week and the frets are perfectly level! I paid 160 euro for it 😂


i have 2 Squiers, my first guitar Affinity who's with me since 2012, with pickups changed from FLEOR (only 35 euro) and believe me that sounds on par or better thant my other Squier which is... The same guitar as this video, the 40th anniversary in the same finish as yours. This cost me 289, more or less what costs a modern Affinity nowadays, and i'm gona keep it full stock bc it's beautiful and it's a limited edition, to wear away I have the Affinity which is a joy to play and the fact that I don't care if frets wears, or appears a ding on the body, makes me feel more like a personal thing than a guitar.
Good vid!


I’d keep it mate - 100%! My Squier Classic Vibe 50s Tele is a keeper too. Total lottery when it happens because my brother bought one at the same time that had a dodgy jack and just didn’t sound good whichever way it was set up… But mine was perfect straight out of the box! Played two chords on it and knew it was a keeper. You just got to keep hold of the good ones


Dude, before reading the description I was trying to find that guitar somewhere, I was confused, now i see that these are your mods. i am looking forward to build something similar.


Help me understand, you say you love it, and by your actions, i believe you do, so, why would you not keep it? I say KEEP IT!!! Looks are off the chain as well....


Keep it !!!
I have a Squier it ..beautiful guitar


Keeper! I hope u kept it. Love the HSS set up. I sold off a lot of expensive guitars and kept the Squier Classic Vibe Strat and Tele. Stuck Mighty-Mite rail humbucker set in the strat and love it.


I own a Squier 50th anniversary 1996, Golden logo, Korean CN serial, Cort factory, E. Clapton dimensions Maple Neck satin finish, Solid Alder Body with upgrades, Fender Vintage tuners, left only 1 strings tree, Fender Vintage Bridge with big block, CTS pots, Alnico3 pickups in Neck and Middle, Texmex Alnico5 in Bridge, NYXL Daddario 10 - 46. In my 68 Custom Twin Reverb and especially in my Blues Deluxe with The Wizard Eminence Speaker sounds AMAZING, insane, believe me, the Tone is like a Fender 56 Strat or Eric Johnson Strat, souds like a 50- 60 Thoudsands Dollars, as good as my Fender Roadworn 60 Strat with Toneriders Pure vintage pups. UPGRADE IS THE ANSWER, when you find a good Body and a good Neck, save a fortune and the Tone is the same. Greetings from Chile.


i have the same guitar, i replaced the pickguard for a white plastic one, it made the guitar sound a lot brighter ( more high end indeed ), it's a keeper for sure, no need for an mim or usa fender strat anymore . Maybe one day i will upgrade the tuners, brigde and pots /switch, but i am in no hurry, it's a great guitar as is .


Keep it!!! 😀 It looks and sounds fantastic! Seriously!
I have the same Fender Player Telecaster you had ( in polar white ). I love the guitar, especially the pickups, but I have to do something with the sharp fret ends. I should have sent it back to Gak and exchanged it at the time.
Love your channel mate, best guitar channel on YouTube. I watched some of your older videos yesterday on building your studio, a really great watch. What an amazing job!! You should be massively proud of that!
Cheers buddy 😀👍🏻


Im with you, i think. I just cannot justify paying the xtra money for a fender. The classic vibe squier’s are just so good. Im going to change the pickups and tuners anyway, so even after i change them, ill still have less money in it. I dont care about the name on the headstock. I do want to try the 40th version tho.


I have the same guitar, swapped the pickups for Fokin Classic S. Best sounding strat tone of all of mine expensive strats. Give it a go, they aren't that expensive for a set. That CV will never leave my hands


Absolutely superb video. Im sorely tempted but my soldering skills are rusty to say the least, but maybe an Obsidian loaded pickguard is the way to go ? Excellent


Do you remember the Custom Shop designed Squier series? I can't recall what year they came out but they are by far the best Squier series I've ever played. Haven't seen one for sale in around ten years but yours has very similar appointments.


Nice that you got a good one. Every single example of any 40th anniversary instrument at my local Guitar Center has been atrocious for going on two years now! Bad necks, pickup buzz, weird rattles . . . just felt like absolute garbage. Eventually I got a Vintera II Nocaster and have been really impressed.


I brought an Amazon pro 2 as a 40th bday present, I then played a squire jazz master a few months later, it might have been a dud but it felt awful in comparison, now my Harley Benton gotoh and vintage v100 are a joy to play still


New to guitar, currently have an acoustic but have a squier affinity on the list so these videos are great. Cheers.


I have one on that finish. Used for $116 USD. I dropped some silver sky SE pick ups in that I had laying about.
