Disturbing Internet Anomalies

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The depths of the internet feature some very obscure websites and ideas. Here are some of the most disturbing internet anomalies.

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Golden rule for “lost videos” if it cuts off before the action = its bullshit.


“You’re recorded with surveillance cameras wherever you go”. Yes, but the camera is not shoved in your face when you are in the supermarket or another store. You don’t have someone holding a camera in your space asking “What are you buying?” and “I hope you are not stealing that?”


Now I feel like a kid desperately searching late a night for the weirdest stuff the internet had to offer circa 2010.


The guy who made the Stinky Meat project tried to do a Stinky Feet project in which he wrapped his feet in plastic bags and put stinky stuff in them. Me and apparently a ton of others had to email him warning about trench foot and infections, he listened canceled that one.


That “Help me Susie’s dying” story I’ve not heard of till now, even though I’m a Brit and grew up in the 1980s. What I do remember was an urban myth that if you said the words “bomb” or “IRA” whilst on the phone, you’d hear a click because those words would trigger the Security Services to listen in.


Surveillance Camera Man is actually the same dude that runs the channel "Vagrant Holiday" where he makes videos travelling and living homelessly or vagrantly, he also disappeared on that channel but it was thought to be an art project aswell and was abandoned when the channel got too large.


first one made me realize just how many people today walk around filming strangers either purposely, or in the background of them recording themselves. it's totally normal to be weirded out by it, idk why people act like not wanting to be filmed is crazy


It’s so refreshing when these types of videos showcase legit creepy sides of the internet while maintaining skepticism and honesty


I LOVE that your video doesnt start with obnoxious ambience, just went straight into it


The languages website is really normal. I'm on my way to become a linguist and I recognized Santali and the Ol Chiki script, Proto-Basque, Judeo-Fragnol and more lol. The website was just made by some big nerd like me and I salute that so much! Thanks for telling me about it :)


First example is disturbing, yes. But i felt more annoyed than disturbed


i hate the “you’re recorded every time you step outside” argument. i have no issue being on a business’s cctv, i do have an issue with being recorded with a stranger’s personal device.


Captain Disillusion made a video about the floating city, it's 100% CGI and also relatively easy to do with some stock effects.


Never before have I seen a YouTube channel that's started off a video so Instant? Seriously. No theme song, no preface, no explaining the stuff you're about to explain. 100% instant gratification. I'm subscribing based on that alone. Thank you.


That "Webdriver Torso" one takes me back, to the old Dark5 era. Glad to see this uploader using stuff I watched from Dark5. Should've thrown in the guy that kept smiling at the camera while sitting for hours on end, and a video where the burglar breaks in, only to be surprised to see a lifeless figure sitting in front of the camera when he enters the room.


the first guy is weird and creep, i can't imagine someone getting close to me and start recording.


the fact that people defend the first one is crazy💀, guess their completely fine with having a camera shoved in their faces


I lost it when I saw “the stinkymeat project” 💀💀💀


So a funny coincidence, I was in one of the videos of SCM. We were taking a trip up near Seattle for a wedding. (Side note it was lame, so much so we left basically right after.) We had flown up there but decided to drive back in a friend's car that he had sold to another friend of ours. Not even an hour later, it broke down. We were on the side of a fairly wide road, it was me and two other friends just watching our friend who bought the car figure out what was wrong. We were dressed in our wedding attire still as we hadn't changed quite yet. We shared a joint as we just placed bets on how long it would take for AAA to be called when SCM just came out of nowhere.

At the time, I had no idea who he was or of this project. At first, we were a little stunned as we weren't sure what was happening, we had hid the joint and pretended we were doing nothing which thinking back we weren't, however when he showed up it didn't feel that way. We stayed quiet at first before one of us had questioned what we was doing, he said "Its for a video" and just stood before hovering around closer. We all looked around as I think we were more worried about being jumped. My friend fixing the car approached him as he was frustrated and his sudden intrusion annoyed him. He backed up a bit but continued to film. We had no idea what was happening and after a while since nothing was happening we just settled back into what we were doing. The joint was lit up again and my friend returned the car, we didn't really say much as he was still making us nervous. He did get a bit closer but we ignored it. After 15ish mins our friend managed to get the car started somehow and we just got in. He was still standing there recording, we just waved and drove off.

I had wondered about that day for a few years until I forgotten about it and never saw the vid we were in. I had heard about the channel but I really didnt put two and two together until the channel was gone. The friend group since then has moved on and the marriage we witnessed was done less then a year later. Thinking back on that, I suppose the felt scared as I had never really been filmed nor did I really given putting myself out there much thought. The idea of him being a distraction I think was what made us nervous, it was surreal and I think if it happened now and if we were all together we would've been far more relaxed about it.

I think I would've love to seen our reactions, 20 somethings dressed up for wedding, sitting on a dusty street smoking a joint and being ambushed by some guy with a camera.


7:35 it's very clearly their iris and not contact lenses. Contact lenses are curved and lay on the surface of the eye, while iris are flat and are inside (also they reflect light differently, but that's harder to explain)
