Do you speak from your throat?

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Or, do you or know someone that does? It can sound grating and generally lacks tone and dynamics.
One thing I see and hear often with students or just speakers in general is that they speak from the Larynx, which can be tiring and sound strained.

What you might not realise is that there are a lot more areas of resonance that you can tap into (literally), which will give you more projection and colour to your voice.

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When I am nervous I speak from my throat. Not only it hurts my throat, but people can barely hear me and always ask me to repeat what I said.


I think trying to reduce the intensity of vibrations around the throat was helped me most.
English is my second language and I realised my throat is vibrating a lot when I speak it, as opposed to when I'm speaking in my native language.
I now sound better when I consciously watch the vibration on the throat.


I find my self not being able to raise my voice because i speak from my throat and i find it rlly hard because i am a student, always giving presentations and speeches for school and my feedback is always to raise my voice. It annoyed me alot before because i was trying, if i attempted to sound more loud my voice would just break. Im glad i found this video


I'm Glad I Came Across This Video. I Never Sound Confident And It Turns I Speak From My Head. I Never Knew This Was A Thing.


Interesting video! I’m male and am always confused with being female on the phone. I finally saw a doctor and was diagnosed with sulcus vocalis last year at the age of 30. I had surgery and speech therapy. And now I’m having to learn how to get that chest buzz when speaking. So it’s interesting to see these sort of videos :)


What a beautiful personality you have! I love your video


thanks for these videos. its useful to learn about the differences. that monotone throat speaking is exactly what im desperately trying to avoid. i feel like joe rogan has an extremely throaty voice that never quite makes it into his chest, now that i think about it.


I have had a very weird speaking / singing journey.

Tldr: I spoke through my nose for 16 years, then my throat for 17.

Finally, for the last 2 years, I ACTUALLY am speaking and singing from my chest now.
Only problem I still have is that I work retail, and am so used to my customer service being my throat voice, that I slip back into it.

Trying to learn how to break that habit.

I always thought (knew it turns out) that I should be an alto / mezzo-alto for my singing voice.
But my speaking voice was so high, everyone I spoke to said not possible. However the soprano / mid-soprano range always felt too high.
Friend offered to give me some singing lessons.

Turns out I spoke through my nose for ~15 years and no once realized.

I start trying to speak through (what I thought was) my chest voice.
It seemed so low in comparison, but felt more natural after a bit.

However, ~15 years later, I had another shocking reveal. When learning from singing tutorials about placing breath for singing, I realized I STILL wasn't singing through chest vouce.

I was speaking through my throat. I learned this because whenever I sang with an open throat (chest voice), my throat would hurt when speaking the rest of the time.

Saw a throat specialist who confirmed there was no damage, but my nasal passages were slightly crooked, likely since birth, and since no one caught it, my breath had been placed in the wrong areas.

Turns out I am a short-range contralto / mezzo-alto for singing, just like I thought.


i always feel like there’s something in my throat and my voice cracks a lot since i speak in a lower tone when i shouldn’t. it’s uncomfortable


I think my problem is that my voice is quite quiet, so when I speak I often speak a little too loudly to be able to be heard properly (in a loud environment). That leads me to sort of half-shout from my throat instead of just speaking softly. Does that sound logical and plausible? And if so, can I do anything to make my voice louder/more powerful?


Thank you so much my throat start to hurt me alot when i speak for long period of time with my friends and your information was really helpful


Really interesting video. Very well explained. Thanks


I am recovering from a paralyzed vocal cord and seeking the *new and improved* version of my voice as strength returns. Feeling solidarity with teenage boys, .


hello!! teen girl here - ive always noticed that when i speak, i push my head back(putting head down and pushing back; tongue feels like it gets in way) and i feel alot of choking in my throat.
when i speak it feels like im unwillingly attempting to make it lower. it feels its worse when im socially anxious where it can feel very breathy, and as if cannot speak because my voice is closing the back of my throat too much. :/ how can i speak easier and have a higher tone?


Hey jimmi love your work man please make a video on treating vocal nodules.


I find myself being too monotonous when I speak. I've been having this lump in my throat, as if it's locked, for a year now. And sometimes I feel like I'm suffocating. I reckon it's got to do with repressed emotion. Definitely need to learn to use my chest voice, cuz when I speak from the throat it hurts


Hi, Jimmy! Kudos to you for this super insightful video.
I am in need of your help… I speak with my breath a lot. A seem to be out of air a lot and then my throat and mouth seems to dry out even more.
How do I stop breathing through my mouth while talking? I noticed my voice changes when I breath while talking, hold my breath while talking, etc. What is the proper way to speak? 🥴 lol thank you 🙂


Thanks for this amazing video. I was wondering how I can send voice to chest when air comes out of lung through vocal cord and out of mouth.


Thanks alot for this sir!
This helped alot :]


I totally forgot how to speak the way I used to. For the last couple years my voice has sounds so tense and cracks a lot its humiliating.
