Seventh-day Adventist

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The very name, Seventh-day Adventist, identifies who we are as a people. Just as Jesus came “to do the will of him who sent [Him] and to finish his work” (John 4:34), so too have we been called, and even established, to fulfill God’s mission as we near the soon return of Jesus.

Our name, Seventh-day Adventist, reveals that, just as God rested from His own works on the Sabbath (Genesis 2:1-3), we follow His example and rest on His holy day as well.

Are you living out your calling as a Seventh-day Adventist? Are you upholding the biblical Sabbath and living as if we are in the time right before Jesus comes? More than this, are you teaching others and preparing others to be ready for His soon coming?

The Seventh-day Adventist Church has been an established denomination since 1863. It is a global Christian family with over 21 million members who hold the Bible as the ultimate authority. We are believers who promise to help people understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus.

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Amen tell are Truth to the World thank You Father God for bring us into Your light & out of darkness Amen


AMEN AMEN, looking forward too listening to you sing with the Angels. 👍


Happy Sabbath to my fellow brethren 🎉❤


Amen!! Sound Doctrine that cannot be condemn. I'm so Bless to be a Seventh Day Adventist Christian ❤. Thank you Pastor for your words.


Jesus never rest on the sabboth. He was busy healing people and feeding them


Thank you Jesus Christ our precious mighty saviour blessings to everyone Amen 🙏 ❤


How do you deal with the fact that your sect didn't exist until the 19th century? Did "real" Christianity not exist until almost two millennia after Christ?


If Jesus Finished the work of God... Why are the SDAs called again to finish his work.

I believe you should live rather in his finished work... By trusting in Him. (Gal 2:16 & 20)


God bless you, Pastor Ryan for declaring this Truth in clear and powerful tones. We are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ- and His true Sabbath is part of this message of Love!🙏🏻❤️


Praise jesus 👑 Exodus 20:8 (KJV) Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.


Jesus finished it on the cross. Not the Adventist.

James 2:10
For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.

It’s not about religion y’all.


By the way if you believe Ellen G White was a prophet by default you are the enemy of God... doubt it? Read Deuteronomy 18:24

Now think... Ellen G. White is not even close to appearing in the Holy Bible what makes you think she is a prophet sent by God???

Play games with God and you will see where it leads... keep on going... I left SDA in time. The Holy Spirit guided me to the truth... The Holy Bible is clear enough. God does not need help from nobody (Interpretation) to Explain himself


So god waited till 1844 to find a group to finish his work? What about the people in the earlier centuries do they not matter since the SDA church wasn’t around back then, why would he wait thousands of years? I don’t understand


This pastor is confused and drunk but not with the Holy Spirit!
Jesus fulfilled the law which the only purpose it served was to point to him. When he came and finished his work at the cross the entire old covenant became absolete.


Jesus finished his work once and for all on the cross but we are called to finish his work??? Hmmmm that sounds a little contradictory of the gospel to me.


We are children of the free woman (Sarah) by the power of the spirit and the promise of the Spirit, Not children of the bond woman (Hagar) by human efforts to fulfill the promise of God. (Gal 4:21-31)

Jesus finished the work for us, let's not go under the law again, 'cos that's a whole heavy yoke to bear.

Remember Mt 11:28-30 the rest is fulfilled in JESUS y'all, not the DAY


Funny how seventh day Adventist taboo of eating meat could really save this guy‘s health today.


Absolutely nothing more important than giving the Three Angels Message. We love you Pastor Ryan, may God continue to bless you to be a blessing to us. Amen!


Now if the ministry of death, carved in letters on stone, came with such glory that the Israelites could not gaze at Moses' face because of its glory, which was being brought to an end, 8 will not the ministry of the Spirit have even more glory
2 Corinthians 3:7-8


Amen. O Lord may you help us to finish the work that you gave us
