Minimalism: 7 Reasons that Keep People From Getting Started

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The idea of minimalism may sound attractive, but sometimes, the first step is very difficult. And, too often, is never taken.

Recent videos:

Why Saying You Want Change is Not Enough

Of Course Minimalism is for Everyone

Most popular videos:

7 Daily Habits for a Clutter-Free Home: Declutter for Good

Top 10 Things to Declutter Right Now

You can read more tips in my book, The Minimalist Home.

Read hundreds of articles on decluttering and owning less on the Becoming Minimalist blog.

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I literally feel that this is the only channel in YT where you don’t see ads and no sponsored content where they make you feel as if it’s the only thing you need in your life. So glad I found this channel. Thanks a lot Joshua for everything you do. Rest assured it does not go un noticed 🙏🏻


The less I have, the more peace I find.


I started my journey in 2017 when I realized I needed another wardrobe just for myself. That sounded nonsense! My wardrobe is quite big and I actually only used like 50 items or less. Why would I need a second wardrobe? I took everything out and started decluttering. I probably got rid of 40% of my clothes after 3 days. I slept on my couch for 2 nights because my bed was full of every piece of clothing I owned. But it was so rewarding. I have always loved organizing since I was a kid and now I realize I was trying to organize clutter. That’s why I had to do it over and over again. I kept decluttering during the following 4 years. I decluttered my kitchen, laundry, cosmetics and beauty products, my DVDs, photographs… My wardrobe today has 20% of the items I used to own. I feel free for buying something new without thinking if there’s room for it (even though I don’t really enjoy shopping as I once used to). I found new hobbies and activities that make me happier. I finally turned my home into my safety and relaxing place. It’s not a source of stress anymore.
I can’t remember how I used to live that way until 2017. It just looks like a whole other life. Minimalism thought me not only to know what actually matters to me. I learned to say no, to feel good about stuff I like and dislike, to dress for myself and not to please people. Cleaning is so much easier and faster. It had never crossed my mind that life could be simpler. It started when I realized I needed more storage space. Instead I defied me to do otherwise. Now my wardrobe and my home are free, and so is my mind.

So do it fast or do it slow, but do it. Give simple living a chance. You will benefit from it, it’s worth it.


Great concepts--- this is why people tend to sleep so well in hotels; the lack of clutter is luxurious!


I’ve been living minimalist for a couple of years now and it has made life so much better. I no longer have to look for anything. Things have nowhere to get lost. I do WAY, WAY, WAY less housework. This has been the most amazing thing. I used to do nothing on my off time but clean the house. Now I have TIME to do enjoyable activities. I read my Bible, take walks, do things with my now young adult sons. I first came to know minimalism from your book The More of Less. Thank you for introducing this to me. It has changed my life!


The more I declutter the more i find my energy and creativity is returning. Can't thank you enough. When I start getting indecisive I watch another video for motivation and inspiration. I find I can think more clearly and my joy is returning. I took 100 books to my local charity chop the other day but I still have A LOT!


It is taking me longer than I thought to declutter and downsize. I realize that this is a process and listening to you and Minimal Mom have been my go to channels to keep me encouraged. Thanks for your sharing and information.


I’ve lived in mess my whole life. My family moved around about twice per year. I’m 44, and my current home is a mess too. My wife and children also live messy. But I felt incredible joy when I realized I can’t change them. I can only be responsible for me. I can begin to minimize. I can clean my own closet first and lead by example. And that’s exactly what I’m doing today as I listen to these videos! Thank you, Joshua, for the inspiration and practical tips.


" May our differing views and possessions never come between us as friends." Joshua Becker.

I cannot thank Joshua enough for his kind words of wisdom and help along our journey.


I started decluttering my home and the place I started was in my room like you said my room is meant for intimacy and rest and books don’t belong stacked up on my furniture just moving those out was freedom. I often scratch my head and wonder why they were even accumulating there. Lol it’s a lot I literally open the junk drawer and it is full of junk I could probably just pick out a few items and throw the rest in the garbage. Lol


I've been working on it for years, and you have been one of my biggest inspirations, Joshua. I love your videos. Sometimes I listen just because you make me feel peaceful.


Joshua, I am from the Cayman Islands. I love listening to your wonderful advice. I have decluttered my entire home and even most of my indoor plants, keeping only the few that brought me real joy and easy to maintain. Thank you for directing me to a more peaceful and ‘less to do’ life. May God bless you and your family always🙏


I started my journey years ago. What happened? My mom passed away and I was forced to SEE. I embraced all my treasures now and can easily take care of the house. I moved my journey to the RV. Traveling with only what is needed makes my adventures more precious.


I love living with less! As you say it gives you more time to do the things you love with those that matter in your life. I spend less time cleaning, do the dishes, dusting, less time do the washing, folding and ironing and it's wonderful. I don't have an empty house with white walls and no pictures but I do live with only what I need to be happy. Thank you Joshua for another great video.


I moved in with my father to take care of him and they were pack rats I feel so closed in in this house it's killing me slowly I've been gradually getting rid of things cleaning out a drawer at a time; every step I take makes me feel a little bit better


Thank you for another great vlog. There is nothing that is more attractive to me than minimalism. I love how my house is becoming more and more manageable and much more enjoyable. Thank you for this encouragement.


I am Five months in this journey and still going strong ...Love your videos so much . Joshua you are an inspiration to many . Thanks


🤔 One drawer, one closet .. yes I believe I can start there. Excellent talk :) Thank you! ✌🏽


I needed this today! I’ve been struggling to get started!


Since I became a minimalist it cut down on my housework, I could find things I needed, and I stopped falling over boxes, tables etc. and items that family members forgot to put away. MY back and knees are grateful to minimalism.
