Japanese Minimalist🇯🇵: 6 Habits that help me stay minimal

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Today, I’d like to show you 6 Habits that help me with my minimalist lifestyle through personal experiences.



【Things I have】
Many people have been asking me about the things I use,
I tried to find products that is the same or similar to my items
on amazon in the USA and JPNAN.

Honestly, as a minimalist, I don't want you buy many things.
However, If you really want to buy them, please ask yourself,
“Does this spark joy?“ before buy it:)


【Bedroom Furniture / Décor】 






【Cleaning tools】


【Aroma supplies】




【Other small things】


・Fjallraven Kanken(TOTEPACK NO. 4 TALL) 


【Camping items】




【Kitchen items】


・Epidemic Sound




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If I am in a store and see something that i want to impulse buy....i just carry it around until i leave store, then put it back. By the time I leave i realize that I don't need that item.


My mother taught me a rule to help stay organized. “Everything has a place, everything in its place.” This implies if something doesn’t have a place, maybe it doesn’t belong 😊


I " Practice the pause" Waiting atleast 24 hours to buy something I think I need. A lot of the time the urge to have it goes away


I am from India. Being on the job that requires me to be away from home and need to travel for job, i needed a guide to teach me how to stay minimalist. Your videos have taught me a LOT. Now realise i need very little to be happy. Infact lesser possessions have give me much greater peace and happiness. Keep posting such valuable videos.


With books, giving up is always difficult!


Amazing. Years ago when I began my studies in Buddhism, I threw out all my furniture and everything I felt I did not need, including cell phone. Everyone warned me that my life would be awful because I threw too much out...but I became happier than ever, and more focused on my true passion in life.


Consumerism is a very powerful thing. It’s important to constantly follow and inspire by people like you who talk about intentional living and minimalism. It’s not easy. I love your tips.


Use multi functionnal things, like one soap to wash my body, hair and hands in the bathing room, one fork to eat all my meals, one cleaning product to clean the house 😁


Knowing your "enough" is liberating, and life-changing.


After watching many of your wonderful videos I decided to start becoming a minimalist. I found myself trying too many things at once though and found myself failing. I then made a rule for myself that I would focus on two things at a time. Currently the first goal I am working on is getting myself up at 4 in the morning. This is difficult as I suffered from sleep insomnia so I had no regular schedule. I had an aha moment after realizing this and made staying up for 16 hours my goal. I then plan to walk back my wake up time little by little until I reach 4 am as you suggested. The second goal is getting rid of my excess items. I have set a 30 day challenge for myself that I must get rid of one thing a day. I may buy one item for myself if I get rid of three items. (there is something I need to deal with a bug infestation that I currently have.) . I want to thank you for your wonderful videos. They are always pleasant and quite inspiring. Bless you whoever may be reading this and may you all have a wonderful life.


To see Akki uploading a new video makes me so happy it makes my whole week. Watching your old videos and new ones make me so happy. Thank you Akki


I practice the ‘ one in one out’ rule too! Not just to avoid impulse purchases but also remind myself to carefully think whether something is worth purchasing


I love the Japanese cultures... we could all learn so much from it.


I have a rule that helps with cleaning--not necessarily with accumulation. The rule is "Never go anywhere empty-handed." When you move from one room to another, bring along with you objects that don't belong in the room you are leaving, and move them closer to the room where they belong. It is the single most powerful technique I have found for keeping the house tidy.


Something that helped me tremendously is. "Do I "need" it, or "want" it ?... 90% of the time it's a "want", and I can just walk away....😊


I've adapted a different mindset about the things, I own:
First, I stopped viewing them as just tools, I use. I now see it, as having relationships with not only the items, but also their history: Everything was made with someone's labour and with resources our beautiful world gave. I want to respect, what went into every item, be it as little as a pencil. I now think, that it's disrespectful to nature and all the workers, to own more, than we need and to treat their products careless.
Whenever I take something new in, I'm getting responsible for it and all the work and resources and energy, that went into creating them. So, I try to think about "What will happen to that item, when I no longer need it? Can I give it to someone else to bring value into their life? Can I recycle it to reuse the resources?
Second, I realised, that I don't need to posses something, to appreciate it. There are so many beautiful things in the world. I don't need to purchase them or bring them into my home, just to show my appreciation for them. I realised this while picking flowers. Why are we picking them? Then they are dying slowly in our homes, where only few can appreciate them for a short time. Let them be and let them live, where they are, for everyone to enjoy them!


The only "influencer" I love. Thank you for your integrity! 🙏


I have a few tricks that keeps my home quite light:
- When I want to buy something non-essential, wait 10 days first. Then if it still makes sense after 10 days, get it.
- When I get my salary, I pay my bills, set aside some money for food, and then I transfer the rest to another bank and save it in index-funds. When I have just enough for food + a few restaurant-visits easily available, I focus on making that money last. And I dont feel like using any more.


Actually, the repair on the shoe looks beautiful because rather than just carelessly slapping on a patch, you took the time to make said repair look beautiful and in a lovely shape. What is not to like about someone respecting their old shoes?


Thank you for this inspiring video. I retired two years ago and have started eliminating items that I no longer need, such as clothes that I used to wear to work. Unloading such items helps me move onto a new chapter in my life. I feel lighter, less burdened.
