Alpha Male vs Beta Male vs Omega Male vs Sigma Male | Male Personality Types

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Everyone is different from each other, and we all have a unique set of habits that accumulate to become our personality eventually. This video will look at four male personality types and reveal how you can spot a particular personality type. Moreover, the video is inclined to provide you with all the information you might not have found elsewhere on the internet. We will be talking about alpha, beta, omega, and sigma personality types.

Watch the video till the very end to find out more on Alpha Male vs Beta Male vs Omega Male vs Sigma Male.
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Timestamps if y’all wanna skip the talking:
1:24 Alpha Males
4:34 Beta Males
7:12 Omega Males
8:32 Sigma Males


How is almost everyone in this comment section a sigma male? Aren't they suppose to be rare


*Fun Fact: Everyone is alpha until mom and dad come.*


In a Nutshell:

An Alpha Male is a productive self confident individual who pursues his goals over women. Also he want's to operate within a social circle and be apart of the status quo.

Alpha Male Characters: Superman, Captain America, Rocky, Conan, your Archetypical Good Guy!

A Sigma Male is pretty much an Alpha Male but doesn't want or care about being apart of a large circle and prefers to have few friends. Also he wants to operate from the outside.

Sigma Characters: Blade, Wolverine, James Bond, Solid Snake, Batman, Rambo, Agent 47 (Hitman Games) Basically, your proud loners.

A Beta Male is a productive man that puts over people, especially women above his goals and purpose. He's your typical nice guy who will do whatever it takes to please other people. Regardless of his individual happiness.

Beta Male Characters: Stanley Ipkiss from The Mask, Neville Longbottom from the Harry Potter books, Ned Flanders from The Simpsons etc

A Gamma Male is a non productive, underachiever who has little success with women and with people in general. Also he is deeply unsatisfied with his life. A Gamma Male is similar to a Beta Male, but is far less financially stable and has poor social skills. A broke and socially awkward incel, is the best way to describe a Gamma Male.

Gamma Male Characters: Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver, Jim Carey's Edward Nygma from Batman Forever, Arthur Fleck from The Joker, basically your unhappy loser.

An Omega Male is similar to a Gamma Male but they are proud of their non-success. He believes you should pursue happiness over everything. He doesn't care about having money or pursuing a meaningful relationship with a woman. He has a care free lifestyle. Basically your hippies, stoners and proud alcoholics. They tend to have good social skills and are not socially awkward. They leech on their more productive friends and relatives for resources, In order to fund their habits Basically Omega Males are basically broke, non ambitious Alphas.

Omega Male Characters: A lot of the Adam Sandler movies have Omega Male Characters. The Dude from The Big Lebowski is the Perfect Example of an Omega Character!


There is one thing that alphas will have to learn from betas is this: *You are not god, Stay humble and put your big egos aside.*


The most important thing is to be yourself. Because in the end people will sense if you are playing a character that you are not and they will move away from you.


Me who has traits of all 4 personalities thinking what am I 🤣👊


You're not the same person in every interaction or moment of your life. Some alphas will be betas in the right circumstances and vice versa.


just be comfortable with whatever you are. being insecure won't change anything for the better.


I'm an amalgamation of all of these.


Becouse, Alfa, "they are bullying guys", only Sigma, they are full protected in every where and confident


There are obviously places in life for each characteristic, depending upon there role within an organisation. Balance within a club or company requires a split of characteristics to best suit their particular strong points.

To that point there is no good, or bad, as long as that person is in their correct role.


I can only say "Age is just a number" to my own age...


Thought of disliking at first, but by the end of the video I realised the video is exposing our negative character traits.


This sounds like astrology for men, ngl


It's important to note that these are just archetypes. No real person will ever fall completely into one of these categories. We are all nonlinear combinations of them, with some categories being more dominant than others.


Half of the video was about alpha males.
They should have told more about other types


Sigma and alpha males are equal and share many common characteristics. ... Sigmas choose to sit outside the hierarchy, while Alphas prefer to be at the top of it. The latter achieve success by climbing the hierarchy ladder. Sigmas, on the other hand, don't belong to any tribe. They do everything on their own.


Every beta male quality is a bad quality to have, I don't even consider them to be men. Omega's are annoying, Sigma's are cool but Alpha is what every man should strive to be.


*is this like astrology for men or...?*
