The 7 Male Personality Types - Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega, Delta, Sigma, and Zeta | Dad University

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In this video we dive into the fascinating world of male personality types. Join us as we explore the seven distinct male archetypes that shape men's behavior and attitudes in various social settings: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega, Delta, Sigma, and Zeta.

Understanding the intricacies of these personality types not only provides insights into individual traits but also sheds light on the dynamics of interpersonal relationships. Whether you're curious about human psychology or eager to gain a better understanding of the diverse personalities you encounter, this video has something for everyone.

Throughout the video, we'll define and discuss each personality type, examining their core characteristics and strengths. By recognizing and appreciating the distinct qualities associated with each personality type, we aim to foster empathy, promote inclusivity, and encourage a deeper understanding of the male experience. Remember, these archetypes are not meant to pigeonhole individuals but rather to offer a framework for analysis and reflection.

Whether you identify with one of these personality types or know someone who does, this video will provide valuable insights and promote a more nuanced perspective on male personalities. So, grab a seat, open your mind, and embark on this enlightening journey as we unravel the complexities of the 7 Male Personality Types.

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It is ludicrous to think that anyone fits neatly into one of these categories


After watching this entire video I'm convinced this is horoscopes for guys.


What people tend to misunderstood is we all have certain percentage of Alpha, Beta, Delta, Omega, Gamma, Sigma and Zeta in us rather than in 100%. These classifications are usually framed by society or third-party on us depending on our presentation and public appearance BASED on their perspective. That perspective have nothing to do what you actually are and how u live. I'm mostly a Sigma, but i also do have Beta, Alpha, Delta even Zeta traits in me. Depending on situation and circumstances and which of these that took control. It's just how the brain works.


So this is the male equivalent to astrology?


I never gave it any thought what personality type I am, With all the YouTube clips on personality types I've seen I identify most with sigma male characteristics. Clips like yours is an ideal review for woman what they want from a partner. Keep up the good work


This helped me fix the personality chart I’ve been working on. I have a theory that each personality changes overtime. I believe it would look this way as a finances improve .

Omega—> zeta—-> sigma
Delta —>beta
Gamma—> alpha


I like how you explained each one, as a strength in their own way. Nicely done.


Shortly before I found this, I took an online quiz that concluded I'm a Gamma...No...WAY!

Per your comparison of characteristics, Delta...definitely, with maybe one or two aspects of Beta &/or Sigma

Excellent video, thank you!


Great video! Definitely feel I lean more towards a Beta male, although I may have some of the other traits mentioned in the other male personalities.


I am a bit puzzled about how you described a Sigma's loyalty
But hey.... you did a better job then most who focus so much on SUCCES and GREATNESS.
So thanks for keeping it real.


Excellent demonstration...Much respect. Thanks.


There's 7 now? I thought there was only alpha, sigma, and beta


First of all, to put so much information in such a concise manner, in such a small time frame, is outstanding. I believe a well rounded person would have or use to perfection these traits that make their lives meaningful, while reaching their goals. I knew of some of the personality traits from my college days and recognized that my life story connected with the Sigma male trait based on many of my life choices. The more I learned about the Sigma male trait, the more I identified with it. Nevertheless a well rounded individual does not limit themselves to just one definition. An example of this is if you come against me with a stick and I have a club, you better believe I'm going to approach that conflict Alpha male. It's like when I became Sergeant in the Army. If I come against you with a club and find out you have a gun. Rest assured, my response to you is going to be Beta, with me saying something like, "Excuse me, the guy you are waiting for says he'll be here shortly, hang tight, I'll go get him. If I don't return, I've remained in Beta mode; Like a private in the Army. If I return with a high impact rocket launcher; you better believe you are encountering a Sigma male about to respond pure Alpha. The sigma male type is the kind of male that knows how to tell the Captain, "You are an idiot----Sir!!!" and leave such encounters unscathed. I like the way you presented this video. 😎


This is a good one! I think I might fall into Omega more than the others. Very cool!


I feel like I don’t fit into one snuggly I little bit of everything


I seem to be mostly Sigma, but I've noticed some Delta, Zeta & Omega traits in myself.


I admit that my view of the whole alpha, beta, and whatever other Greek letters used for this personality test is one of extreme skepticism. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t this have its genesis in a scientific study into the hierarchy of wolf packs? Isn’t it also true that this was never meant to be applied to humans *and* that the man who wrote it later repudiated it telling others he was wrong and not to use it?
Just curious. Polite answers would be appreciated. Just seems to me that the Meyers-Briggs personality test is one that actually has some scientific merit. INFP here btw


Human brains are more diverse.There is no way that people can fall exactly into one of these 6 types.Fictional characters can fall under one of these 6 type but they are fictional not real life. Most of us have traits that is a mixture of these types or even traits thats not mentioned in these types. Plus people behaves differently in different social situations. Ure personality is unique and rarely you can find a clone of ureself. These personality typings are pseudo science.


I'm Definitely a Zeta male personality type, a bit of a shit disturber, very resourceful, extremely driven, but typically will not follow the rules and guidelines of society, will fight for the truth, and has little interest in drama or the opinion of others. Confident, but at the same time reflects strongly on any personal incompetence with an overarching determination to change.


I don't think anyone has the exact traits of one single personality. I think you can find yourself having a majority of a particular personality. I think the biggest outside factor to a person's personality makeup is their life experience.