10 Obvious Signs of a Beta Male

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There are many signs that can distinguish beta males and alpha males. But beta males are usually in denial about their personality type because society sees it as a bad thing. Yet being approachable, confident, and intelligent can all be qualities of a beta male.


The Benefits of Being a Beta Male

The Rise of the Beta Male

Not Just another Nice Guys

Three Kinds of Guys

Chief Editor: Tristan Reed
Voice Over: Troy W. Hudson
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I feel empowered because my wife's boyfriend was gonna send me to bed at 6 pm, but I stood my ground and got it pushed to 7 pm thanks to this video.


Best advice? Stop watching shitty videos like this, you'll only beat yourself down. Respect yourself and try to create good habits.


Beta... Alpha... All the same. Put an alpha next to another alpha and watch how insecure the both are. Truthfully we just need to grow up. Take an inventory on yourself at the beginning and end of day. How do you feel about yourself and choices you made. Walk your path.


The problem here is a lot of these traits are to do with psychology rather than being alpha or beta. Social problems are real. Not being seen, being left out, being in depression is real. Let’s not just categorize people as such. Most people suffer from failures and failures can hit us hard. It does not matter how confident you are. Being confident will not give you that job or pass that test. Overconfidence can also lead to ruin. Anxiety is a real problem too. Most people who think themselves as beta are simply anxious individuals. These videos do prey on people and this is one of the reasons why we have so many male suicide. I don’t care if a woman loves me, if the world is Gaga over me . I as a person, just want to do the best that I can, and get my goals, and I wish to save people who are stuck in this beta or alpha mindset theories . You need therapy, not alpha mindset. My dad was what people refer to as typical Alpha but he was an a$$ . He made his family’s life a living hell. When does the line of Alpha breach and reach a point of narcissism? We must understand these problems for what they truly are. Psychology and please guys, love yourself no matter who you are. You are you.


Lol can't believe modern society takes these categories serious... Ask any psychologist and they'll tell you that personality traits and self esteem are highly contextual. It's therefore pretty meaningless to talk about alpha/beta/sigma etc, because it will merely be descriptive of a particular setting, a particular moment in time at a particular place.


Build your discipline and that discipline forges your confidence and helps people understand their own limits. No one is perfect, but with practice; we all can be benefit from improving ourselves. It just takes us to step out of our comfort zones.


The more I see people who are apparently "confident", the more I see those same people running around, trying to impress everyone around them. Always trying to prove something...
When I hit my lowest point 5 years ago, it snapped me back to reality. I accepted my PTSD. I built my personal code, started over and yes I still stumbled. I still made mistakes. But when I chose to reject the hierarchy, when I stopped worrying what other people thought, when I stopped trying to PROVE things and just DID them...my life only got better.

Wasn't easy at all. Still isn't. But far out it's worth it.


This is the reason why anxiety and depression is overwhelming...stop stereotyping... We all have personalities, we don't have to be alphas or betas...we all just have to live...


Nobody is a hard “alpha” or “beta” it’s all contextual and dynamic. You are beta in some situations and alpha in others and people’s personalities and reactions often change based on their current momentum in life. We all go through ups and downs and tend to behave more confidently when things are going well, and less confidently when they aren’t. I wouldn’t read too much into this.


Sign 1 of 1:

You think the term Beta Male or Alpha Male mean anything


0:15 - unclear boundaries
0:54 - betas in disguise
1:59 - fading in the background
3:05 - external envy
4:18 - the friendzone
5:38 - overusing media
6:32 - forgoing leadership
7:33 - proximity to alpha
8:47 - romantic loyalty
9:40 - negative commonality


Alphas aren't always super confident. The mentality is more like it's better to try than not do anything at all.


Just love yourself, enjoy what you like to do and dont let cringey video like this influence your life.


these Alpha and Beta is getting thrown around way too much nowadays


I’ve never once in my entire life looked at someone or myself and thought “am I/is he a beta or alpha male”

People who constantly think about themselves being a beta or alpha are usually either compete a hole to talk to or just really anxious and self contious people.


Just remember that some people are kind to be kind. Not everyone is expecting something because the other person was nice. It's normal for a person to put someone else's feelings in front of theirs.


Confidence and taking command of a room really helps you in life!


Helping strangers doesn't make you a beta male helping strangers to seek their approval and validation makes you a beta I've helped random strangers sometimes but I did it for the sake of helping I've never expected anything in return


There’s not just two categories for all men to fit into. The video makes some good points though.


#1 was literally me a few years ago. I tried to be friends/wanted to be liked by everyone. I changed the moment i saw that people just used me and never cared about me (yes i was brainless at the time to not notice it). Keep your circle small and you will see actual loyalty.
