Star wars the last jedi BOMBER ATTACK!! Scene

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I'm one with the force and the force is with me

this is a stupid scene tho
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That moment when a single dead fighter brings down three of your bombers.


The moral of this story: they shoulda stuck with the Y-wings.


One things for sure, both factions are too incompetent.


You are telling me that the Y-wing, that's has specialize in heavy artillery and heavy bombing and packed with heavy shielding and faster engines is inferior to this other bomber didn't fix it if it's not broken, like Damm you lost 3 of your ships due to a tie fighter blowing up to one


Destroying the command bridge of an Imperial class Star Destroyer implodes the entire ship, but nothing happens to a funking ultra heavy bomber when its cockpit is incinerated


Piff. Just hyperspace towards the enemy ship.


One might say it's impractical, and somewhat unsafe, to fly low, directly over the area you just bombed. Low enough for the explosives to reach your craft, frying you, everyone inside and destroying a multi million credit resistance bomber.


I wish we saw more of the dreadnought captain, he seemed cool.


props to the kamikaze tie fighter who took out 3 bombers at the same time


Someone tell me how many times a big gun was a super close to wiping out a massive amount of people and you see that look on Leia's face


Even in the sci Fi fantasy world of Star Wars, this scene is stretching the realms of believability. Especially the part where there seems to be a concerted effort by everyone to dumb themselves down on purpose.


2:33 The ship is blowing up yet the bridge crew just strut around like everything is totally normal.


Rebels have ONE escape ship. Bad guys: Shoot the planet instead. DESTROY THE SHIP. #done.


The bombers also lack adequate life support system, the crew sometimes need to wear oxygen mask to access certain areas of the bomber.


1:22 is the STUPIDEST moment in the whole scene. The girl spends too much time kicking the ladder to get the bomb device to drop, when she could have just gotten off her ass, climbed back up the ladder and got the device more than 70% Faster. And don't try to tell me that she's too injured to stand otherwise how is she kicking to begin with?


The most stupid scene ever.. why even this bomber design is being approved


Bombs. Fall. In vacuum.
Woman. Breathes. In space. With the hatch open.
Traditionally, fires of the explosion. With no oxygen.
A fighter. Taken on. A capital vessel. Alone. (And wins, screw turrets)
No Y-Wings.
This scene is a monument to new Star Wars cretinism.


I never had an issue with the bombs release in the movie the problem I had is with the bomber itself. It has to be the most stupid thing in all of space combat. Let's look at the history of bombers. First lets look at the B-17 the most prolific bomber of WW2. Flew in squadron of hundreds and at high altitude. The advantage that they had was the fact that their were so many of them that they could cover each other with overlapping fire and high altitude to stay above all but the furthest reaching AA guns. Even then they had horrific losses but with the numbers they had enough still got through.

Now look at more modern bombers. B52, B1, B2. These bombers do not fly in overwhelming squadrons but do solo missions relying on Electronic Counter Measures and terrain to avoid detection and sneak up on the enemy. They also rely on smart munitions and sometimes cruse missiles. Rarely are dumb bombs used.

Now take these stupid things. Slow, unmaneuverable, underarmored, undershielded. Their weapon system requires you to fly straight at an enemy at a glacial pace which makes your approach predictable and gives the enemy lots of time to prepare for your arrival. So lets look at the advantages of other bombers in history and compare.

Large numbers that would provide protection or at least some would survive to the target point? - Nope they had few in numbers and were easily dispatched because of it. One did make it but that was because of movie plot more than anything else.

High altitude or stand off distance to target? There is no altitude in space. As far as stand off distance I will go over the folly of how they did not use these craft correctly.

ECM or terrain - Well since we all know there is no terrain in space I can skip over that. As for ECM we all saw the crew of the Dreadnought look out the bridge windows and say "Oh look, space bombers. Send out the Tie fighters."

Now lets talk about the design of these things. The huge profile to accommodate the bombs that even a Stormtrooper flying a Tie Fighter could hit. Why not put the bombs on a rotary magazine as they do with current bombers to increase capacity and lower the profile.

For that matter why release the bombs from on top of the target? Why not adjust the gravity in the bomb bay to point forward and send them out the front of the bomber. Then all you have to do is line up the shot and send them on the way from a distance. The gravity sling and electromagnetic assist will fling these tiny black spheres across the distance allowing the bombers to have a stand off distance as a cloud of hundreds almost imperceptible black against the black of space bombs do their job.

As I said the this is the worst space combat ship ever designed in the history of space space ships. Rian Johnson is a moron and made the worst Star Wars movie in the franchise. The main reason Rise of Skywalker was so bad was because they had to tie up so many shitty things from the previous movie, but that is my rant.


Tallie Sintra & Paige Tico. The two most interesting women in the last jedi, and killed in the first minutes. Nice one Round head Ryan.


"Okay, guys, I have an idea. No shut up, shut up, I'm serious. So you know B-17s, right? The big-o bomber with gravity bombs? Well what if we used that... but SPACE."
They seriously thought this was a good idea?
