Worst 10 Mistakes People Make When Trying To Help Sciatica Pain

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Sciatica problems are complicated and confusing for people (even healthcare professionals) to treat.

The biggest challenge is that there are many causes of sciatica that can pile on top of each other. And the different causes can have different treatments that might need to change depending on the intensity of the sciatica problem.

So it’s not so straightforward. And you really need to think through what treatment you’re doing so that you can make sure it is truly helpful for you rather than harmful.

It’s not so black and white when answering the questions, “what treatment are good for sciatica?” and “what treatments are bad for sciatica?”

In this video, Dr. David tells you about 10 mistakes people make when trying to help sciatica pain.

🙋‍♀️Looking for more help with sciatica pain? Check out this playlist:
“Sciatica Pain Help”

00:00 Worst 10 Mistakes People Make When Trying To Help Sciatica Pain
01:37 Rest For Too Long
02:56 Exercising Back Muscles
04:23 Exercising Through Pain
05:13 Hamstring Stretches For Sciatica
06:22 Figure 4 Stretches For Sciatica
06:54 Massage For Sciatica
08:58 Relying On Braces
10:30 Relying On Painkillers
11:46 Relying On Injections
13:03 Getting Surgery Too Soon
16:01 Learn More About Addressing The Root Muscle Imbalance

#elpasomanualphysicaltherapy #drdavidmiddaugh

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👟 Because we've had so many comments about what shoes Dr. David is wearing, here's a link to the shoes on Amazon:
Dr. David's Shoes With Insoles - Olukai Brand

💆‍♀️The massage table Dr. David uses can be found at this link:




Any information available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a physician, medical provider or physical therapist. El Paso Manual Physical Therapy will not be liable for any injuries that happened due to performing any exercises or advice on this channel.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions about your medical condition or to diagnose any conditions.
Рекомендации по теме

I wish this guy was my Doctor. The whole series on sciatica are the best I've seen on here - thoughtful, easy to absorb, cautious. These have been so helpful to find my root problem - turns out I've been doing all the wrong things!


I pray for everyone in this type of pain. I am only here becasue I am also experiencing this type of pain. Not fun. Havent had a proper sleep in 2 nights. This too shall pass.


I feel emotional everytime i read those comments saying that they have so much pain.I do understand how you feel, when i say to my friends or family that it hurts so much and it goes down to my legs and ankle. ..no one understand me.
I cried alone many times. .. im going to do your advice Dr.. i hope i get rid of it.thank you


This has been the MOST THOROUGH explanation (with a model representation) of information. Grateful for those in the health care profession who don't advocate medications as the 1st option. Very appreciative of this Doctor!!!❤
We need more people like him!!


Oh my goodness...I am 67yr old female...been in excruciating pain for a few weeks with L4 & L5 sciatic pain. Sunday I became bedridden in unbearable pain. Dr pushed up meds. Today through gritted teeth, I took your advice, did the tummy and butt exercises. My family and I couldn't believe it. I an walking around clenching all over the show.😂 Bless you and HUGE thank you. So grateful. xxx


Your recommendation in another video about tightening the lower abs + glutes was the best overall help I've ever had.


Through my couple bouts with this issue, I've read books on the topic and watched every single video I could find and eventually learned what works for ME. It's shocking how much bad information is out there -- sometimes even coming from your Doctor! So I appreciate you making this video to clear up some of the most common misconceptions I've heard time and time again. I wish I'd found it at the start of my journey and it would have made things a lot easier.


Almost passed out from this pain today after going to an interview and sitting in a steel chair for 20 minutes. I made it home though thank God.


Gosh, listening to you I’ve been doing everything wrong for years and years. No wonder I am not getting better.


Hi there!! I have suffered with sciatica pain for years. Just never being totally pain free, but learning to live with it....active lifestyle, especially walking and hiking. I had an op L5, S1...herniated disk at age 39. I am 65 years old now, moved from a warm climate to UK and have been suffering tremendously...until now!!!! I have been doing your glute and abdominal excercises and today was the first day in weeks that I did not take anti inflammatories or pain killers!!!! I have watched numerous videos, doing the exercises you said one shouldn't. You are such a blessing and I am grateful to have found your site. Thank you so much for all the insightful info!!! Will be sharing it with others too. 😊


I hurt my back years ago, carrying a heavy desk down stairs, and extending myself too much. I had no inrsurance. I started walking daily, hour a day, and in 6 to 8 weeks the pain was pretty much gone. It occasonally comes back to me, but walking did wonders.


I woke up on day in March 2023 in excruciating pain, I am still in pain May2023. Thank God for YOUTUBE! Gifts like this video has been better for me than any Nuero Doctor. THANK YOU!!🙏🏽 ❤


Everything you said makes sense. Those exercises you mentioned were what PT gave me to. Here I am 17mos in with more painful glutes and hamstrings causing me to bend for. Thanks for info. I started engaging glutes and abdominal muscles yesterday after watching you for first time. Today I was able to stand up straight without pain for first time in 2 months.


This is the best advice I’ve had on sciatica. I’ve been to many physios that have made my pain worse, one even viscously pinches all the way down my legs, she broke veins in my legs, my legs were black and blue. Most treatments you said, I’ve done. My pain is coming from a fractured disk in my back 15 years ago, it’s been pushed in and pressing on a nerve. I’ve been offered a 7 hour operation, and refused I’m 76 I’ll always have this pain, but exercise is the key. I follow your exercise, go to a seniors exercise class once a week, I do take pain killers. Thank you David 🙏 I find your videos are the very best.


I have been in life-halting pain with sciatica for 6 months. At this point I would move my whole family just to have you as a doc.
My P.T. guy has tried everything you said don't do.


Oh my goodness I'm in tears! I've been doing exactly these stretches that irritates the nerves even more, thinking I was doing the right thing! 😢 the misinformation on the internet and ppl are devastating, i was feeling hopeless for a knowing what I've learned here gives me new hope! Thank you ❤


This is the most complete and thoroughly expressed expert view I heard so far. Saw many videos with remedies... nothing helped.


The clear & concise information you have provided in this video are gems and helps to explain why my Sciatica has gotten worse!!! You are explaining in such a simplistic way, better than the doctors I’ve seen over the past year!


Wow! I'm in the southeast corner of Idaho, and all the doctors & those they've sent me to over the last 10+ years have done exactly what this man has said NOT to do! Lots of people doing videos here on YouTube doing the same thing! Thank goodness this video popped up in my feed .. divine timing right there! Yes, I've been on meds but I did injections for years..now the stenosis or something my doctor did the last time hurt so bad I was literally bawling my eyes out by the time I left! I refused to keep doing them after that! I've been dealing with many other structural issues causing shifting for years.. both hips replaced in the summer of 2016, now a foot with 3 bones in the middle causing me to walk on the inside of it. In turn causing the knee to twist in & all kinds of issues. I am always in terrible pain and I really don't believe the people I've been seeing anymore. They've had years to help me heal, get stronger & better.. yet here I am fighting myself and mustering all my energy just to shower or a simple chore per day.. then I'm really hurting & down for a few days before I can do anything again. I am thankful for people like this guy coming out with good information and help. Thank you, sir, for being so kind hearted & generous and sharing this information! 🙏💜


I was told to do glute bridges. It made my pain so much worse! I was told not to use heat. I eventually decided to use heat. It has helped me more than anything.
