Dave Ramsey Rant - Don't Be Normal, Normal Sucks!

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$1, 400 left before I'm out of debt, one week away...I cant wait!


Saw this on a poster once and made it my mantra - I used to care what people thought of me until the day I tried to use their opinions to pay my bills.


Dave Ramsey rants are seriously my favorite thing in his whole show!


When I saw old cars outside nice houses I thought they were broke cuz they couldn't buy a car that goes with their houses. 😂😂😂 but now I understand they were weird and I was normal. But now I am so weird. 😊😊


I have a nice little old dependable Nissan that I OWN and my mom keeps telling me to go the dealership and get a new car... the more I listen to dave, the more I feel like my entire family is CRAZY.


*too much month left at the end of the money* lol clever


Wow. I didn't know 7/10 houses were living paycheck-to-paycheck. Like you said, people need to give up the facade/ego, and be secure in living how they should be with their money. It definitely takes a strong person to stop worrying about their self-image. I've learned this in various areas of life, but it always pays off to be "real". Thanks for the advice!


Sad.But true.What makes it harder is when you have family who think it's selfish to save rather than finance their whims.


Thanks for the reminders Dave... I come here in the evenings and sometimes through the day, for a pep talk... you and your team are such a blessing...


We moved from Europe to Silicon Valley, never owned a car before because we had excellent public transportation system back home, but...California heh, had to buy a car. Let me tell you, we have the oldest car in the garage, a 2001 Toyota Camry, all bumped up, but it runs awesome and we bought it in CASH, for 3k! I would not change that for all the Teslas, Masseratis and whatnots that our neighbors are obsessing about and buying the latest models, it’s a debt for sure, even for the rich folks that live in the area. It’s crazy to us, the keeping up of social status with a stupid thing as the latest car...this man is right on the “money” here!


Dave Ramsey you changed my life five months ago! Lots of love from Kenya. I don't have a car yet but when I buy it will be cash, I have zero debt, currently saving up 6months emergency fund (600, 000 Kenya shillings equivalent to 6, 000 USD). OMG am on top of the game. Got my own graphic design n printing biz >>>i'ma be the first millionaire in my family soon!


"America runs on Duncan" (Donuts) No, ... America runs on credit/debt. I retired at age 51 with good cash and assets, and no debt. Yep, I'm weird :)


This is when Ramsey is really influential, when he relates to this. He is uniquely positioned to address this. For most, it is impolite to bring this up. Uncouth to mention that endless spending and constant debt in my family. Everyone is SUPPOSED to pretend they are part of the middle class or upper middle class, or whatever social setting you are in. It is sad and destructive.


I love your thinking dave. I have the same with yours. People just waste their opportunity to have financial freedom because they want look good to others


Dave Ramsey is truly AMAZING...he tells you the reality of things. I am absorbing his teachings by the truckload ...


“Normal is broke the biggest complaint is your weird.”

We are Debt free and on our way to a fully funded emergency fund! 🙌🏾


I even bought something and hid it from myself.


Thanks to Dave I paid off the car, and we'll be out of debt in 2 years.  Everyday that I wake up I know I'm getting a step closer to being debt free by 40.  I read total money makeover and it blew my mind.  Now when I get paid and have extra money I say so what lets pay down that debt.  Delayed gratification is the way out!


oh how i've changed since starting to listen to dave 7 or 8 yrs ago. i used to desire a nice car, now today when i was out working and saw a guy come home where i was working at his place driving a really nice truck i thought, "poor soul having to pay every month for that".


Hey @Daveramseyshow, did you ever do show where your wife shares her testimony of what it was like for her during the times of severe financial difficulties in your relationship? If so, where can I find it. Would love to hear her journey.
