How to Heal Leaky Gut | 5 Supplements to Use (Per Research)

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Get ready to dive into the world of leaky gut syndrome. In part one of this video, we discusses the signs and symptoms of leaky gut, as well as its underlying causes. Stay tuned for part two, where we reveal 5 supplements that have been shown to be helpful for healing leaky gut, according to research. Don't forget to subscribe for more informative videos like this!

-Creator of SIBO Shortcut
-Former SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) sufferer
-Functional Medicine Practitioner
-Doctor of Pharmacy
-Fitness enthusiast

Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have heard in this video. Reliance on any information provided in this video is solely at your own risk.
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5 supplements mentioned in this video: 1) L glutamine 2) Probiotic 3) Vitamin A & D 4) Fiber 5) Polyphenols


I would say most of these supplements are great for healing leaky gut but first one needs to get the pathogenic bacteria count way down. Most people have some form of a candida infection which I believe is running rampant and undiagnosed due to all the antibiotics. And then couple that in with crappy diets and the butt load of chemicals we are exposed to everyday and candida just has free reign within the body. Also, candida greatly aids in the development of H Pylori (Sibo) as it provides a synergistic effect to it's growth. So for me why does one have leaky gut in the first place? And I'd bet that 100% of the time it's because of pathogenic bacteria/fungi. To heal leaky gut one must first get that microbiome in a much more balanced state. This takes improving oral health, increasing stomach acid, eradicating small intestine overgrowth (by increasing stomach acid), and then killing off large intestine overgrowth (candida). Once that is accomplished probiotics, fiber, and l glutamine will all greatly aid in growing the microbiome, filling in the leaking gaps, and healing the stomach. Just my .02 cents.


Kudos Doc, this topic is criminally under represented in proper fashion on YouTube - I do believe this is the best leaky gut video I’ve seen to date !! Huge props to you 👏👏


He is better than any YouTuber in this field: a comprehensive review!


Thank you for mentioning the potential adverse side effect of L-glutamine on anxiety through possibly worsening sleeplessness. I have watched many videos and your’s is the first to mention this impact. I am healing intestinal Methanogen overgrowth (IMO) and leaky gut, while also cycling through peri- to menopause. Inability to fall asleep, or stay asleep, or sleep deeply has been a big problem for about 2 years until I was finally able to access menopause hormone therapy 3 months ago. Around the same time, I also concluded my first bottle of L-Glutamine and before watching your video today, I was committed to resuming L-Glutamine. Sleep is so crucial to healing and becoming re-energised that I am not willing to risk it with a return to L-Glutamine. Thanks for the tip!


A full on very informative and very pretty technical video. (I’ve saved it to rewatch, plus Hv Sub’d.). I have had Exema for a couple of years, or more !! I’ve been proscribed numerous creams and ointments, some temporarily useful, but none have got rid of the underlining cause. But then I started hearing about ‘gut leakage’ and have started taking notes of specific foods to consume, such as ginger, garlic, turmeric, plus pre & pro biopics, etc, and over the last 3-4wks the itchiness and the red blotchiness has diminished significantly. I feel very confident that I’m on the right track and will take noted of the video and apply them. I will come back here with the results.


Thanks for sharing the information in a way that's easy to understand by normal people!

Btw, did you see the research on Lactoferrin or (goat) colostrum for healing leaky gut? And helping to combat SIBO at the same time? It seems very promising to me!


I'm not sure how we could absorb the vitamins if they are leaking out and we are not absorbing anything good. Can someone enlighten me please.


Good information. I always suffer sinusitis around head and eyes whenever i eat citrus and sour foods. Can you help me identify my problem and help to deal with it


What do you think about carnivorous diet they say that diet is the best for fix intestinal problems


I want to buy probiotics but don’t know what brand and where to buy. Can someone recommend


I did carnivore for 2.5 years and now I have histamine intolerance :(


Hey Doc. You’re so right about candida and leaky gut. I just beat a case with flucanazole and then tried coffee for a few days and got heart burn and it came right back. Frustrating


May I know how long dietary fibre need to be taken


I have leaky gut, and the problem I think is my gallbladder, it is not functioning properly, the bile is either super thick and or I have a partial blockage, and the contents of my stomach is not completely being neutralized before it continues on its way into the small intestine, the slightly acidic material is eating away at the mucosal layer of my intestine leading to permeability witch lead to me having eczema and bouts of diarrhea lose and sticky stool that is very light colored. I had tried all of the things in this video that you mentioned. tried to cure myself but in the end, I had to go to the doctor and have a GI test done, still waiting for test results and hopefully I won't have to have my gallbladder removed. not sure what the treatment will be for this condition, I had researched that a protocol of beet green extract and coffee enemas were a natural way to treat this, but even if I did beet greens and enemas not sure if that is a long-term solution.


Wouldn’t just taking liver medic’s leaky gut, be awesome to take?


What is the range for how long it can take to successfully treat leaky gut?


I just started talking l glutamine abd berberine for gut health and probiotic.... is this fine ...??


I have ulcerative colitis. Do u have any video on thiss


Pls help me which probiotic should I have if I suffer from vasculitis
