Learn How To Bleed Air Out Of Your Car's Cooling System With This Quick And Easy Diy Method.

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In this video I cover all the symptoms of having air trapped inside your cooling system, including overheating, high operating temperature, no heat from your heater. But I also show you how you can properly bleed the air out of your system without the use of special tools or even a spill free funnel.

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Absolutely terrific presentation and explanation of the process. I just did this (with a plain old funnel wrapped in duct tape) on a Nissan Murano, which is notoriously hard to purge the air out of. It's CRUCIAL to run it long enough for the fans to come on and off at least twice like he says. As soon as the fans kicked on, the coolant level in the funnel dropped dramatically, and I had to pour more coolant in to keep up with it. When the fans cycled off and on, that happened again. The third time, the coolant level in the funnel stayed where it was. Only after this did I get solid heat coming out of the vents inside the cabin. The other thing that may not be obvious from his presentation is that while the engine is running, you will see bubbles of air burping up in the funnel. That's good. It means air is getting out of the system, and if the funnel level drops down to the bottom, put some more in. You must keep at least a little coolant in the base of the funnel at all times so coolant will drop in as the air escapes. Keep running the engine and replenishing the funnel as long as you keep seeing occasional air "burps" escaping. It took 30 minutes on mine, revving the engine and letting the fans cycle on and off, until the burping stopped and the heater was working correctly. When you are all done and you put the radiator cap back on, make sure that radiator is full right to the very top, so that as the system cools off, it doesn't pull any air at all back into the system. If it's full to the top, it will suck coolant in from the overflow tank as it cools, which is what you want.


Took a half hour and got my buddy's heat working in his 2006 Dodge Ram last night thanks to this video. We did lose a lot of coolant after we got heat working...didn't have a large enough funnel, and when we shut off engine, lost even more, but we refilled the reservoir after re-capping radiator and it refilled itself from the reservoir. We topped it off after it had stopped taking coolant from reservoir. He drove home with heat for the first time in months. Thanks for the video, my friend!


Finally a guy with common sense. I can't say thank you enough! I used the smaller funnel with electrical tape to snug it up. She's running as I type and staying cool. There were a lot of bubbles from what my "old" mechanic obviously skipped this step. Keep doing what you are doing my friend!!!!


You have no idea how brilliant you are. Saved me unneccesary thermostat, heater core costs. After days of adding coolant and car still heating and no heat l had given up and was gonna go see mechanic and pay lots of dollars. Car heater works, car doesn't heat and runs smooth. No thumbs up is enough to repay you.


I appreciate that you use things that most people would have; like a regular funnel and duct tape.


I came across your video, applied the technique of using just the simple funnel, and my truck's cooling system air pockets eventually went away. After I finished, rather then removing the funnel with the coolant left in it right away, , I kept it still inserted in the radiator neck all night long, just in case. Your suggested repair was very successful; your video offers a very high value. Thank you for posting.


I took my son's car to Jiffy Lube for an oil change, they topped off the radiator fluid as part of the service. He noticed a day or two later he could hear water splashing in the dash. Later he had no heat. So, they trapped air in the coolant system which I learned from watching this video. We bleed the air out as in the video and all was 100%. PS, don't let Jiffy Lube do anything other than oil. Even so, a few years back, they stripped the oil plug on my Porsche which had to be tapped and oversized for a replacement. I should have learned at that point but the wife swore it was an anomaly. The things we do for love - LOL Great video, very good information, and well presented! Thanks!


I changed my thermostat and the car started heating.
I set the heater on max, fan on low, I put the funnel, squeezed the coolant hose and added coolant like 3 times.

It worked! Thank God and thank you sir😃😃😃


Thank you for the information. I changed the thermostat 2 months ago in the summer and didn't know I had to bleed the system First sign of fall I had no heat. I followed your instructions and now I have great heat again and I can cancel the appointment with the repair shop for next week! Great information!


Car was overheating. No heat inside. No leaks. Replaced radiator. Re placed thermostat. went to the store and bough antifreeze and a big funnel. i was able to burp it not once but 2x and she swallowed all the antifreeze that was coming up and burped and went back into the radiator. put the cap on. let her run for 40 min and started to get heat. drove her for 15 min around a parking lot and no overheating. thanks so much for this. dont wait for ppl to help you. do it urself. THANK YOU!! 95 Lebaron v6


Okay, I have just watched a bunch of videos on bleeding the coolant system and this seems to be the best one. It included quite a bit of advice missing from the others. Notable was the advice to put the car on an incline in order to encourage the air to bubble up and out. Another thing included here was the advice to use a funnel but remove it by putting a rag around a rod and then lifting it up. I guess this to make sure that coolant in the funnel (maybe with air bubbles) does not go right back down the funnel? Also liked how he remarked on how you may hear water moving around the dashboard if there is air in the system. Just lots of good tips here, it seems. The only thing missing here I think is some advice to wear safety goggles when dealing with the radiator. Seems like a simple and obvious safety step, and who wants hot coolant on their eyes? I will follow the advice and see how it goes.


Good video. I use a regular funnel with tape just as you did. But before I use the funnel, I also wrap tape around a wood dowel and fit it to the inner spout to make a sealed fit. When I am done I insert the dowel into the funnel to seal and pour the remainder of fluid into the bottle. No mess and no loss. I normally put it on ramps after I fill with the cap on. The air will travel to the cooling system's highest point and end up in the overflow tank where it will escape.


Wow. I love how you get straight into your lesson without a lot of extra instructions that I tend to skip over. Quick, simple, you give options and boom. To the point


This guys SPOT ON and got this thing NAILED DOWN bigtime ! Short, concise, to the point not trying to be entertaining, just clear facts that really work. Wanted to add just a few points other people may find helpful. Don't overlook the point he makes about waiting for the cooling fans to come on, and wait again for them to come on the second time. Took my fans 40 minutes to come on the first time, I was doing this outside at 42 degrees farhrenheit and that was with keeping the engine at 1, 500 RPM. I almost gave up on them coming on after 30 minutes, glad I didnt because when the fans came on the first time a fare amount of air came out just afterwards, I actually went thru 4 on off cycles with the fans just to really make sure I got all the air out, added about 15 minutes to the job. Be prepared when the cooling fans come on that the antifreeze in the funnel will go down noticeably and when they go off the antifreeze starts to rise again in the funnel. Thinking this expansion and contraction of the fluid helps push out even more air. I was working alone and used my snow brush that is about 24"-30" long to wedge it between the seat and the gas peddle to keep the car running at 1, 500 RPM. I did do this with the car up on jack stands thinking it would make this process faster, but don't think that is the case, but it may really help getting the air out more thoroughly, especially from the heater core. So thankful for this guy, I was really at a dead end with my mechanic after he tried twice to bleed the system unsuccessfully after he had successfully replaced the head gasket. Just think he wasnt waiting long enough to have the cooling fans come on. Buy the way I did this on a Subaru, notice in this video he is doing this also on a Japanese car.


I know some people are going to complain about squeezing brittle radiator hoses but I fully agree to this, and if the hoses are that bad they need to be replaced.

Also watch your hands/fingers around those belts and fans!

Great video keep up the good work!


Just wanted to say thank you.  I just followed your video in order to fix a problem I was having with not having heat when my truck idles.  I was going to wait for my brother in law to fix it, but last night it was 12 degrees outside and I got stuck on the interstate for 45 minutes due to a wreck.  Wow that was cold.  Everything works great now.  So, thank you.


This BY FAR was the best and most informative video I've seen on this topic!! And the tips with the funnel and with parking the car on an incline are things that only a professional would know!! I appreciate you sharing this wealth of info with us!! THANK YOU!!!


well all can say i m getting to be genius. I cannot believe I can fix my car and saving a lot of Thank you Ratchets and wrenches. I can't tell you how great i feel watching your videos and learning some new every time. Thank you again Sr.


Very informative in a little amount of time. Well done video. I hate watching 15 min videos that could be done in 5 min or so.


You are the best at explaining things and making sense. No one else comes close.
