Roger Penrose - What Does Quantum Theory Mean?

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I like how can and does change his mind as he thinks and learns more. That is a scientist!


An original thinker - rare, precious and utterly brilliant. Thank you Sir Roger.


Roger Penrose is one of the few truly great minds we have access to in this age. He implies what many of us secretly believe, namely that there is something more fundamental we haven't yet glimpsed which will clear up the contradictions. Many world's, the landscape, inflation, dark matter and the like will fall by the wayside when (if ever) this is discovered. What Physics needs is a new Einstein, and if past experience holds, we may have to wait another 300 years. As an aside, this man's humility and humanity is so refreshing amoung his peers. I wish I could be there when God shows Penrose the whole picture.


Even should he turn out to be mistaken in one or another of his unorthodoxies, the depth and beauty of his thinking is undeniable.


A rare genius. I first appreciated his ideas over 20 years ago now. Glad he's finally getting the recognition he deserves. Took an entire generation of physicists to come and finally fizzle out, but still. It's good to see. Same for some other "old school" scientists who were not preoccupied with trends and fashions.


This channel deserves much more subscribers and views.
I mean, millions of views for a stupid music video or a guy screaming in front of a camera and 3k for Sir Roger Penrose, one of the greatest geniuses of our time. Seriously guys? Come on.


3:51 When your coworkers keep talking to you about how their kids made the 2nd grade honor roll for the 7th time and you’re waiting for them to go away or just die really.


I find it fascinating to listen to this guy,
maybe it is I am about the same age and not so sure about current accepted physics, as during my life I have seen things change, sometimes 100% opposite from what I learned, always been a rebellion.
We are still learning, without some picture in my mind of what happens, just the math is meaningless.
I am in electronics, talk about changes ....
So happy with his way of thinking.


Penrose is superb. What a mind, and what a gentleman.


General Relativity is the more mature theory. Now that gravitational waves have been found, the correctness of GR seems unassailable. Quantum mechanics, by comparison, despite its extremely impressive numerical accuracy in certain calculations, is clearly a work in progress. It will surely be modified extensively over time.


Anyone interested can read this article- "On the Gravitization of Quantum Mechanics I: Quantum State Reduction
-- Roger Penrose " . The idea of this paper has been summarised in this video


Great encapsulation of the problem Sir Roger! The phase factor discrepancy of t^3 is curious, I hope to use your explanations as a compass in order to guide me on my path to comprehending the situation fully for myself.


Didn't notice a problem with the camera work. Enjoyed the interview.
I see comments.
The average video I see usually involves someone all but screaming and the camera view doing cartwheels.
This was a relief.


Further description of time cubed would be helpful? Might time cubed be acceleration of gravity moving through time?


Sorry about that, but these questions are important, and I wish you had more than a gazillion views and likes, mr Penrose, but here we are. I, for one, would love to have a conversation with You, Cantor, Boltzmann, and of course Turing, about these matters, but what can we do? :-(


How wonderful the human mind is, its incredible in such a short time, our brain has devolped into such a powerful tool, in working out the impossible.


In mathematics, the continuum doesn't help understand infinity. In Complex Analysis, the Riemann Sphere solves the continuum, viewing it as a large circle, with infinite radius, where infinity is at the poles, like the 0 and 1 superposed. Infinity now is like no beginning and no end as on a circle, uniting 0 and infinity, providing deeper insight into uniting QM and GR, moreover it explains Penrose's cyclic big bang theory.


This guy did a great explanation, like to hear an update


Subspace: +ve charge cells (charge quanta, base charge +1) held together by an ethereal sea of free-flowing -ve charge
Inertia: Energy lost by a free cell squeezing through the lattice is returned with a kick as the lattice behind
Momentum: Free cells have inertia, free chunks form energy loops of cells in front moving to fill -ve space behind. Holes are just -ve charge flow
Positron: +ve free cell (+1) pulls in -ve charge that rebounds with curved outflows. Drags cells, vibrates the Lattice
Electron: -ve hole (-1) pulls in +ve cells that rebound outwards before stopping or looping back in. Drags -ve charge, vibrates the Lattice
Neutrino: Over 50% (else back to empty lattice) out of phase Electron + Positron. Free cell and hole are close with tight shared charge loops so tiny mass
Proton: 2 positrons (fuzzily) sandwiching/wrapping 1 electron. 3 sub parts and long charge loops so mass is large. Overall electric charge is +1
Neutron: Proton + Electron. Electron joins another proton in the nucleus, decays outside via centrifugal force on the dangling electron
Alpha Particle: 2N + 2P.. 10 e-, 8 p+.. -2 base charge .. (pep)(e)(pep)+(pep)(e)(pep), +2 valence charge. -ve core in a +ve shell (PPeePP) + Gravity
++++: Chunks + holes of lattice of various sizes that quickly turn to smaller chunks and holes, until electrons, positrons, neutrinos/back to regular lattice
Atom: Lattice density increases to the nucleus centre. Outer electrons may be squashed flat on the nucleus surface or pulled away (completely)
Weak Force: A nucleus weak point hit with enough energy by one or many particles releases alpha particles, neutrons, protons, electrons and gamma light
Nuclear Force: Gravity (-ve charge inflow/charge gradient) + electric attraction beat electric repulsion. Fuzzy balloons recursively pulled into spheres
Electron Bond: Electron stretched between two +ve nuclei zones. There is also a 6 ins+6 outs charge flow model of electrons and positrons
-ve Charge Flow: Continuous, gravity-centralised inflows, outflows curve with shallow exit angle. Lateral force in random directions cancels out
Gravity: Matter attracts -ve charge away from voids that repel more and expand. Higher -ve charge density compacts the lattice
Time: Local time/(charge outflow speed / wave frequency?)/Speed of Light slows with charge density (Time Dilation).
Velocity: Compresses the lattice=length contraction and higher charge density.
Black hole: Drags lattice around (frame dragging). Feeding may cause core boundary matter to annihilate to very compact empty lattice (a universe?)
Hawking Radiation: Annihilated matter frees trapped -ve charge that radiates in all directions, into a black hole core and out of the black hole
Tunnelling: The intrinsic radial energy of positron and electron charge flow directed in one direction for a brief time, possibly travelling at C2, or even C3
Particle Entanglement: Particles linked by charge flows.. Stopping a flow at any point in the network breaks entanglement
Spin: particles (and cells and/or charge flows?) (can) spin (anti)clockwise perpendicular to the direction of travel (due to blocky lattice?)
Light Blip: Compressed (excess?) -ve charge dipole pulls in cells. Concentrates -ve charge so may deplete voids and add to gravity. Dark Matter?
Light Wave: Amplitude = number of blipping layers. Shorter wavelength = higher blip frequency = higher wave energy. Velocity = C
Photo-Electric Effect: Light blips push/pull outer electrons as they pass or hit. Atomic mass and valency effect outer electron-nucleus bond strength
Photon Entanglement: Subspace charge doing its I'm not sure. The weakest possible connection.
Variations of this model can lead to Big Bang or slowly growing and/or Steady State Universes. Also Black Hole Universes in parent universes / The Multiverse... It is quite possible the universe is NOT EXPANDING - perhaps an empty black hole universe took a hit from a very small but fast moving black hole that created a homogeneous field of positrons and electrons or even hydrogen that reacted and collapsed into stars and galaxies with black holes at their centres... It is possible the lattice is compressed in a container (ie. black hole shell) so instead of voids expanding due to loss of -ve base charge gravity wells shrink more sharply. if there is no void expansion from -ve base charge loss and/or big bang momentum frequency shift is likely proportional to galaxy mass - higher mass, higher frequency shift.
In the standard Big Bang model I don't see the problem with viewing the universe as as the ever-widening shell of an ever-growing sphere, with an ever growing empty core. If the initial explosion petered out over time, with the first ejected matter-energy having more speed and pretty well conserved overall momentum than the last ejected matter-energy space would effectively be expanding. If you see that gravity will work more strongly laterally with other matter travelling at the same speed, in relative motion, you can see how the strands form, where gravity can then do its local centralising thing.
This isn't any form of science, not even pseudoscience. It is materialist make-believe in-mind modelling minus maths. A Bottom-up approach. There are many possible variations of this BINARY BASE CHARGE FIELD. This variant is a simpler universe to the Standard Model that corrects what seem to me to be obvious fundamental, problematic errors, namely Antimatter-matter and neutrino problem and lack of electro-lumino-gravitational !ETHER! (kind of... mine combines with +ve cells to form a more modern quantum-relativistic lattice field).


I understood precious little of what Penrose said, but he looks a lot like my late grandmother. Cute!
