Roger Penrose: 'Dark Matter Doesn't Exist & Time Has No Beginning'

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The Big Bang theory proposes that the universe originated from nothingness, marking its beginning. Before this event, there was no time or space. However, what if I told you that time doesn't actually exist and that the Big Bang theory could be incorrect?
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We are obsessed with the concept of beginning and end because of our own experience of birth and death.


My conclution; The universe still remains a big mystery to human race


'Speed' is distance divided by time, 'distance' being 2 points in space with space between those 2 points. Next time one of you folks get pulled over by the police for speeding, tell the police officer that you were not speeding because 'time' does not actually exist, therefore 'speed' does not actually exist, therefore you were not speeding. See how that works out for you. (Repeatable experiment).


There is no reason to expect that an evolved primate would completely understand the depths of our reality. It may be beyond our intellectual reach.


Time is an emergent and not a fundamental concept. Quantum physics has been indicating that it is a means of measuring interactions and motion rather than a physical dimension.

The idea of time as a dimension is a human construct designed to measure and organize our experience of change and movement. It allows us to create schedules, coordinate activities, and understand sequences of events, but it does not necessarily reflect an intrinsic aspect of the universe.


Have fun trying to talk about time-free physics without using such words as "before", "earlier", "during", "after"... as the narrator keeps doing.


The new concepts of an electro-magnetic universe where plasma is another state of matter makes more sense and is observable.
Special equations to quantify something they do not understand is a profitless rabbit hole where nothing is found.


The first thing my teacher said was that energy can't disappear, and energy can only change. So it means energy is eternal, no beginning and no ending


The Big Bang Theory does NOT proclaim that the universe arose from nothingness, it proposes what happened from a short while after the universe was created.


Anyone who doubts time does not exist has never made a cup of tea or coffee and then forgot to drink it while it was still hot.


Time might just be an illusion created by our brain. That contains our conciousness. Which might be a fillament moving in 1 direction through a higher dimensional space.

I am sure no one understands that what I just said.


The pre-Socratics had the notion that the Universe was eternal and that it was a sphere of quality, through the opposition of opposites, change and movement were generated. Even so, it was cyclical, alternating phases of love and discord, with the former attracting and uniting and discord separating them. For everyone, being was a sphere.


The Big Bang Theory does NOT propose that the universe began from nothing.


I enjoyed it but I didn't understand it.


I never cared for the Big Bang hypothesis, because i saw it as a secular version of creation, of a beginning. That's because as humans it is impossible to really take in infinity. For millennia we have interpreted existence in terms of manufacture, creation. So, just as in evolution we persist in seeing progress, so in cosmology we persist in seeing creation. All is an infinity of cause and effect, with every cause itself being an effect. There is no first cause and there is no beginning, nor end.
Nothing, by definition, cannot exist.


I just read an excellent book on anti-matter...I couldn't put it down!


It always was and always will be. Hard concept for us to understand but that’s what it is.


Perhaps, there is a beginning and end (observers) and there isn’t (matter).

Matter (all existence) may be a 3D live photograph while observers or consciousness can journey through the photograph like a film strip with frames due to begin and end limitations.

Consciousness may be one particle of the same thing (photograph) and why I could be you and you could be me.

Various religions try to make sense and design purpose from existence, where faith (the honesty of not knowing, but hoping) is abandon for the pride of pretending to know.

Perhaps not knowing is what’s divine and allows the limitations of the observers to even exist. God may simply be the photograph and doesn’t need ritual or explanation, but rather acceptance and the insight to see we are all connected the same but on different journeys.


And of course song cannot exist without time. Otherwise all the notes would be played at once. plus has to have timing, tempo. Does time vary in speed? It does in music then why not in life. Maybe we should try to look at everything through a musician's lens and see what it brings forth in knowledge. I have a funny feeling is everything may fit into that picture. 1:04


Everything that can be modeled in the human brain to fit the constructs there defines the limits to human understanding. There is a hardware limitation as well as an organizational limitation. There is no evidence that has ever suggested that we could understand things that, once made available to the brain for processing and integration into a model, the basis of our knowledge, could be understood beyond our ability to relate the model to our observations and theories, useful or not. There is a possible distinct understanding of the Universe from a human perspective, but only so far as we can handle the model. No matter how many stories in language that people can understand, the information is not useful beyond our capabilities. In any attempt to convey the more complex ideas and theories of the Universe, it is necessary to tell stories that can relate to what we all know and can process as useful information. The sleight of hand that takes place in these explanations is usually done by referring to numbers that someone else understands, expecting the audience to accept their findings to build a house of cards. This is generally the portal to meaninglessness. It is akin to a lone traveler who is the only one who has ever left a village and reached the next mountaintop. Whatever he says upon his return can be modeled; and what he predicts can also be modeled. If there be monsters, that can be modeled. Reality is not a prerequisite. Applicability is not guaranteed.

We can imagine a pure circle in our mind even if there is not a single one in the Universe. It is an idea, a model, a result of compromises that informed genetics. It can be described with our mathematics by definition as a useful concept. For those who are familiar with mathematics, useful relationships can often be achieved; but a lot of nonsense can be indicated. The person who understands no math will not be able to tell the difference. Theoretical physicists are always working on a path to understanding everything. It is very unlikely that that can ever happen or that it even means anything. The best one can hope for is some new discovery that can be put to use to benefit our existence. This really boils down to making tiny dents in an unreachable level of changing reality.

If all of the intellectual capacity of mankind through all of known time were used to try to understand what was happening in one tiny corner of the Universe at one tiny instant of time, a snapshot in time, it could not be achieved. A very simple model of reality can be easily achieved by an intelligent being, enough to be useful to existence. Even a poor model can be quite useful.

This is not to say that there is no value in looking; but let us stop looking for the God Particle, or the final secret, or the answer to why our equations don't apply. The Universe is not a compendium of theories that interact like cogs in some complicated machine where no individual wheel defines the machine; but the infinite number of cogs should, we think. That is a path to nowhere.
