People Don't Care About Your Problems | @Cyrus Ausar

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People Don't Care About Your Problems
One of the hardest lessons I had to learn was... people don’t really care about ME or MY PROBLEMS! Sometimes we meet great people who are exceptions to this, but generally, people don’t care about us! This is precisely why it is so crucial to develop our self-love!
What’s going on YouTube?! My name is Cyrus, and I'm a speaker, author, and depression and suicide prevention expert. I’ve dedicated my life to developing content and products that help others overcome depression and prevent suicide! I’ve created videos, programs, books, workbooks, and audiobooks because we learn differently. My mission is for these resources to boost YOUR self-awareness and help YOU win YOUR war with mental health!
"Grow Into Greatness" is a mindstate that's all about being better than we were yesterday, every day!
I’m open to all conversations (LITERALLY!), so PLEASE share your experience or suggest topics you feel I should speak on. I always look forward to each of you sharing your perspective!
#growintogreatness #cyrusausar
One of the hardest lessons I had to learn was... people don’t really care about ME or MY PROBLEMS! Sometimes we meet great people who are exceptions to this, but generally, people don’t care about us! This is precisely why it is so crucial to develop our self-love!
What’s going on YouTube?! My name is Cyrus, and I'm a speaker, author, and depression and suicide prevention expert. I’ve dedicated my life to developing content and products that help others overcome depression and prevent suicide! I’ve created videos, programs, books, workbooks, and audiobooks because we learn differently. My mission is for these resources to boost YOUR self-awareness and help YOU win YOUR war with mental health!
"Grow Into Greatness" is a mindstate that's all about being better than we were yesterday, every day!
I’m open to all conversations (LITERALLY!), so PLEASE share your experience or suggest topics you feel I should speak on. I always look forward to each of you sharing your perspective!
#growintogreatness #cyrusausar