People Don't Care About Your Problems | @Cyrus Ausar

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People Don't Care About Your Problems

One of the hardest lessons I had to learn was... people don’t really care about ME or MY PROBLEMS! Sometimes we meet great people who are exceptions to this, but generally, people don’t care about us! This is precisely why it is so crucial to develop our self-love!

What’s going on YouTube?! My name is Cyrus, and I'm a speaker, author, and depression and suicide prevention expert. I’ve dedicated my life to developing content and products that help others overcome depression and prevent suicide! I’ve created videos, programs, books, workbooks, and audiobooks because we learn differently. My mission is for these resources to boost YOUR self-awareness and help YOU win YOUR war with mental health!

"Grow Into Greatness" is a mindstate that's all about being better than we were yesterday, every day!

I’m open to all conversations (LITERALLY!), so PLEASE share your experience or suggest topics you feel I should speak on. I always look forward to each of you sharing your perspective!

#growintogreatness #cyrusausar
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People only care about you if you can benefit them.


Telling people about your problems is a good way for them to stop communicating with you. Many people will consider you weak and they will want to stop talking to you.


Animals are more caring than humans & that's a fact!!


Truth. Generally speaking most don't care. People are so stressed already on their own. I go to God.


I don’t expect a random person to care about my problems. Hell people close to you don’t even care 😅.


This is why I’ve learned to keep my feelings to myself. People will ask, “how are you doing?” and now I just say, “I’m okay” because I realized that people don’t really care.

Years ago, I was in a deep depressive state, so I wrote a letter to a friend telling her everything, everything I was going through, everything I was feeling. If I tried verbally expressing it, it was too difficult, emotionally. If I tried talking, I’d break down and start to cry, so I wrote it all down instead.

Well, long story short, it didn’t do anything. It was as if I’d written nothing. I was throwing out a life line, looking for help. I got basically no response to what I’d written. That’s when I stopped sharing.

Now I don’t tell those around me anything. People on the internet know more about my problems that those who are actually in my life.


This is a sad truth.This is why people are forced to go to strangers - therapists - because their "loved ones" have no interest in listening to their problems or helping them out. Even paid mental health therapists can get annoyed with their clients. Some of us do have a few people we can talk to and be real with but our culture demands "Fake it till you Make it", "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps". If someone asks how you are, you answer "Great, couldn't be better!" Even if you're feeling the exact opposite. Even if you are having significant medical, mental health, money, housing, you_name_it problems. Just lie and smile. "Act As If" you're on top of the world. It is unfortunate we have to be fake but this is how people succeed, as western culture defines "success".


It’s not even that people are worrying about their own worries . People just don’t care at all about eachother . They could have 0 worries they still not care .


As a very generous giver who is always there for others I can attest this is true, many people have broke my heart


This is a world where your OWN FAMILY is not gonna care about you once you’re 18. They might say all this and that just to keep yourself in control and just to maintain their social status. It’s really a cold world always gotta keep yo hoodie on


True brother. When I was a kid I was always taught it is good to share your problems with people. But as a grow older I just came to realize this is not the always the case.


200% true! When my husband died they cared for about a week. Family included.


Absolutely true. How many people do you talk to are actually interested in you? Not many eh? Most just talk about themselves. Don't rely on others as they'll ultimately let you down.


That's why suicide is a rational conclusion to thw worst of life. Trying hasnt been workinf and with no one to care ans no reason to care about myself might as well end it


I 100% wholeheartedly agree. There comes a point in your life where you have to acknowledge and accept that nobody cares, and nobody is here to save you and the best thing you can do once you realize that is be there for yourself and love yourself. You have to accept that you’re good enough and life is 100% what you make it and then have gratitude for the few people that do come in your life that do care cherish them but even if they don’t come or stay very often you have to be content and not expect an apology from anybody for all the horrible crap they’ve done to you, because 99% of the time they don’t know any better and they don’t care


But if you got money then everyone is your friend


The People I surround myself with do care about my problems and I care about their problems. That’s because I prioritise those kind of relationships above everything. Sometimes though you have to lead by example and reach out to help.


I've learned this the hard way repeatedly. And it's not uncommon for the people who should care to not care either. Life isn't fair because it's no fairytale.


Thank you for this video. I have been dealing with things and crying on people shoulders. Not even needing them for anything major. Just a shoulder to cry on, They tried to use it against me. I was so depressed, but now, I go to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ cause He is truly my rock. He ain’t gone turn His back on me. Praise His name.


I'm always there for my siblings when they vent regardless if I agree with them or not I want them to feel heard and understood but this is not reciprocated.
