How Do Predestination and Election Relate? Ephesians 1:3–6, Part 12

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Look at the Book
Teacher: John Piper
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Amazing! I'm speechless. Praise God!


This is most precious to the Child of God, you can't get enough.


OH yes!! Amen pastor John!!! It's true, there's no way to express how wonderful it is to be God's child and Oh how precious to be Christ Jesus Bride. Thank you for this teaching.


Thank you pastor John. Personally, as a lover of the Old Testament, in there I see God has always chosen and initiated a plan before the people he chose were even born. And there are also the scriptures in the New Testament. However, I never really gave it much thought and I certainly didn't understand the awesomeness of being predestined for adoption before seeing this. I kinda had a grasp on the greatness of the chosen part. When I am in the OT, or thinking upon it, my mind sees the nation of Israel a bit weird. I see a man. Yes, they are many people and rulers throughout Israel's history, but in my mind's eye, I can see Israel as a single person with whom God has interaction and relationship with for the sole reason, that man was chosen for Him before he even existed. I've, often seen myself as that person, where the experiences of the book of Judges have come upon me from time to time. My life has been a rebellious one often in times past. But God, who is great in mercy, had His son there for me, who never forsook me, and understanding predestination a little better now makes me so happy!


God has used many people to inspire me to start a YouTube Ministry. I would love everyone’s support. God bless you all!!!


Piper is correct when he says “He chooses us for a destiny.” But the big question is - who does God choose? The answer to that question is God determined, before the foundation of the world, that all those who would come to be in Christ would be holy and blameless. The next question is – how does one get to be in Christ? The answer to that question is all who come humbly before the Lord and repent in faith are placed in Christ.

In other words, God does not choose, before the foundation of the world, people to believe so as to be saved; rather, God determined that all those who freely come to Christ will be holy and blameless and adopted as sons.

Simply put, God does not choose people to be in Christ; He chooses people because they are in Christ.


An important, and helpful, lesson here.


I love this Presentation of truth. I have a hard time grasping this “brothership” with Jesus. Since he is God. Can this be Better explained with scripture specifically?


A better name for this channel is Desiring Calvinism.


Simple...the *fail safe plan* from eternity was *predestined/preordained*, the *election* to positions in the kingdom and those made perfect in salvation was foreknow !
Not all are apostles Ephesians 4 !
Matthew 20:20-25, john 3:16


In the beginning GOD created God and Devil
